Sam Montgomery's NHC Application

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Sam Montgomery

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 3, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79619052

Discord name: y tho#0999

For how long have you played on MRP: Approximately one year, I first joined and began playing the server in early May of 2021.

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: UK - England

Time zone: GMT

NATO name (regiment and rank): RMP LTCOL Sam Montgomery

USSR name (regiment and rank): PVT Sam MaoGomery

Civilian name: Civi Sam Montgomery

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

- Yes

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Yes, as listed below:

- July 22nd, 2021 - "Fear RP"
- September 21st, 2021 - "Fail RP - Speaking while gagged"

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:

- Yes, I have been RMP Reg command since the 30th of December 2021 while carrying the rank of Major, I was then promoted to LTCOL on the 8th of February 2022 and finally promoted to COL on the 13th of March. I was demoted back to LTCOL on the 7th of April due to messing around with the paint tool in the tool gun. In summary I have been Regimental command for just over 5 months.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:

- I've been on CGMRP for a relatively long time now and believe the knowledge I have acquired over that time will allow me to successfully assist in leading and improving NATO forces in and out of combat. Throughout my time spent with RMP I believe I have done my part in making the regiment better and I now want to assist NHC in improving the entirety of NATO. My main ambition in joining NHC is to improve NATOs peacetime capabilities, including being more versed in our FOB building, increasing cross-regiment exercises and generally becoming a more efficient fighting force. Were I to be given a role within NHC id be happy to take up a regimental general position with any regiment and would strive to improve them to be the best they can be. Finally I would also like to look into reforming the judicial system within NATO and taking a role in bringing it back as I believe it is a sorely missed part of roleplay.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

List your strengths and weaknesses:


Cool headed - I rarely lose my ability to think clearly, including while under pressure.

Patient -
I do my best to understand the issues of individuals and regiments and know that patience is required to communicate and work effectively with them.

Perseverant - I never leave wars or other situations when they are not going my way, I like to see things out until the end no matter the odds.

Accountable - I have no problem accepting when I'm in the wrong, whether that be in making a bad decision or simply doing something incorrectly. I'm always looking for constructive criticism to improve myself and my ability.

Vast knowledge of NATO -
Through experience and time spent with NATO I have gathered much knowledge about how we function and what rules we must abide by.

Vast knowledge of Laws and Justice system - Through my time spent with RMP I have picked up much information relating to how our laws work, what each law means and how they should be applied.


Not lead many wars recently - I haven't lead many wars recently, mainly due to not being online when I'm required to lead. Despite this I do have some experience leading wars in the past.

Sometimes too lenient - I like to give people chances and I dislike ruining others fun, but sometimes this can lead to too much leniency for mingy behaviour.

Not particularly active currently - Recently I haven't been very active, I've still been managing to get on the server most days but maybe only for a couple of hours. This is mainly due to being busy but also partly due to being burnt out. Needless to say my activity has picked up again and will continue to.

Thank you for reading my application, all feedback is greatly appreciated, including negative.

RMP LTCOL Sam Montgomery


Active member
Feb 20, 2022
+ Support

+Great leader
+Has done massive amounts of work for RMP
+Has the big smart

+/- Needs better activity but it's picked up recently

You've done an absolutely amazing job as Reg Command and have made my experience in RMP the best it can be and have proven yourself time and time again an awesome leader. Also big funny sim room disaster
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Jimothy Leaderson

MRP War Veteran
Dec 11, 2021


Hi there Sam, so the reasonings are for my verdict are you are exceptionally friendly and I do see this quite a lot and you are generally a nice guy and friendly face in RMP. Furthermore, you are very mature as an RMP LTCOL which is good. Your activity has been questionably mentioned in the past few days but I have seen you extremely active as of late and your activity prior was overall relatively decent. My only negative is that I haven't seen you lead a war and I would like to see you step up to lead a bit more. Besides that I have no issues with you, and I think you would make an extremely good NHC which is why I'm leaving you with a +Support.

Best of luck on your application!
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Well-known Member
Nov 22, 2021
Application Denied

Hello Sam
Thank you for taking your time to make this application, but it saddens me that I have to deny your application for the reason of that I don't think RMP can afford loosing any more members at the current moment.
You may apply again in 2 weeks

General Dukem
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