Sandwalkers Ban Re-appeal

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Your in-game name: Sandwalker
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:171984691
Your steam community link: JΛDΛCTΛ#3536
Date of ban: 28/11/2021
What is your exact ban reason: MRDM
Who banned you: Erwin Ackerman STEAM_0:1:90588491
Ban length?: 2 weeks
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the URL): ads/militaryrp-rules.10/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not mess around with matadors late at night however the matador had the smoke glitch where u have smoke in your hands and the matador still shoots and cut down the mingeness late at night.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? warned multiple times before however, this was quite a long time ago, I have a rdm warning that was an understood one as I miss understood the situation and killed a civ.
Why should you be unbanned: As this was late at night and myself and JAF were messing about killing each other and I threw a smoke but I was holding a matador beforehand and it glitched and fired the matador instead of chucking the smoke the same situation that happened with tony with his MRDM ban, however, the matador wouldn't of hit the people if Augustin didn't Physgun me into the air. however, it was not Augustin's fault as I should not have fired the matador.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Because I was messing around, I was previously staff x3 so I understand the rules and won't break them, make sure every action is backed by evidence and make sure I think about stuff before doing it as this situation could have been avoided if I would have thought about what happened and changed weapons properly instead of quick swapping. I am sorry for what happened and I never try to intentionally break the rules of the server and try my best to stay in the right at all times and when the situation is questionable I try to keep as much info and as much evidence as I can however in this situation I did not clip it as I got instantly banned and was a bit annoyed so I turned everything off and left it for a while.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: because I really enjoy playing this server and do not want to break rules, I want to continue playing as well because I have a lot of friends that play this and the ban has cut me off from playing with them.

This is a re-appeal as I have waited a week since last noted from the response from the last ban appeal, the situation that happened for me to be banned shouldn't have happened because of a minor glitch and minor stupidness that caused me to be banned, the fact that the situations earlier that day were taken into consideration was a bit of an insult to me personally because I received the punishment off luz which i had a conversation with him to explain the situation and i accepted the punishment without any sort of insult, backlash or bad temper and the situation that caused my ban was not investigated before i was to be banned but i understand why i was banned as multiple kills without a reason from an outside view is a bad situation, as previously noted in the appeal section above, a quite common glitch with the matadors and RPGs as well as simple fun that no one got upset or annoyed at, i do not try to break rules as i don't just want the server to succeed massively but the community because of the friends that I have made.

Honestly I have been on the server since the start and I have seen and been involved with the good and the bba, I don't want to lose all of that just because of a little mistake.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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