Sandwalkers GM app-

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Lemonwedge3
For how long have you played on CG MRP:Since release/BETA
In what country are you located?:UK
Time zone: BST
NATO name (regiment and rank): Lord Sandwalker
USSR name (regiment and rank): Sandwalker
Civilian name: Jesus Longdong
Steam ID:STEAM_1:1:171984691
Do you have a mic?:Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-yes 17 i believe since the start of the server and only 3 within the last couple months
Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
-Yes SAS base raids and kidnap roleplay
How many hours can you be on everyday?:
-any where between 0-10 depends on work (IRL)
Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
- To increase RP and to make peacetime for fun for peopel
What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
Because i have ideas for new update and quite a lot of fun/serious roleplay event ideas
Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

operation Bombay - Bomb threat of NATO base where all of NATO/USSR have to deal with Militia/Terrorists trying to blow up base, this is where RMP or FSB would need to de-escalate the situation and try to disarm the bomb. These bombs have been placed by a drug lord he has hired TPA to gaurd the bombs and NATO and USSR have to work together to fight off TPA and the drug lord.

operation Juliet - TPA Hostage situations, so multiple hostages has been taken from NATO/USSR base and the team has to decied to either go in hot or negotiate for the hostage with heavy roleplay demands(any cap point)

Operation Star Link - Multiple star links have been found around the map and TPA has placed bombs on tem to destroy them and NATO has to decrypt the encryption to access and capture the star links while USSR and TPA are fighting back to re capture the sites, hoever wins could have an extra himars/skud

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

So USSR/NWO have created a new satellite system that can pin point a location and fire high powered lasers at that location, this has been in development for many years since the conflict from the general Valkyrie, USSR/NWO have been developing this in secret for many years now and have just been found out by COL Fielding and a a few hand selected elite members of SAS/SOTF, the plan is that NATO need to put a stop to the production of this satellite system or else catastrophic events will come raining down.

We have had confirmation from an unknow source that experiments have been happening in several locations across the world from a couple of high rise buildings to a costal city in a high rise research centre and the most heavily guarded bunker under Chernobyl.

These facilities need raiding and destroying, casualties will be in high numbers but for the greater good of humanity it shall be a noble sacrifice.

Garry's Mod (x64) 24_05_2022 02_41_45.png

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:
MP/KGB: A checkpoint set up to stop a convoy of trucks carrying helicopter parts to air firld and RMP or FSB have to stop them from getting to air field but the convoy team gets 10min to get into air field

SAS/AG: Infiltration on hostages or high value targets/
assassinations from a TPA FOB

SHA & ISAF: Ground wars over a territory for high value goods owned by the drug lord protected SHA

JAF & ABT: Evac situations (under heavy fire) to evac SAS from heavy fire from SHA and AG as SAS has been trying find infomation on AG

10th & 17th: Tank based evacs and fighting (hard to create a good idea for 17th or 10th)

Sorry for the lower quality of text but i am not good with writing because dyslexia, but the ideas that i ahve are quite entertaining and hopefully in the future could lead to some amazing event scenarios

I have a focus on peacetime situations, but would like to transition them into a higher meaning, like the bomb threats and that would be related to destroying equipment to sway the lead off of USSR/NWO for the radio satellite systems and then it could turn into a huge event line.
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-Lack of detail on your app

Small events

1st small event: This event sounds fun even you put an seprate mission for an diffrent reg that is cool aswell.

2nd small event: This event idea it self is basic but I love that you want to put good RP in the event cause I find thats very important for events.

3th small event: Great idea. The starlink idea is sick

For small events i give you an +Sup


Its good
Detail: This part kinda lacks cause we don't know where it would play of for example will this event play out in an diffrent country.
Map: He told me what map and its good
I think it can be fun the satelites you can like an little code breaking type event and people love those.

For mapchange I will give you an +Sup

Regimental missions

I will not go event per event on this for This I would rather want to talk to you and tell me how you would play these events cause now its just is like this regiment type event with no further detail so I will give you an

Hey sandwalker iam happy you applied for gamemaster but I see you stated that you have dyslexia so Iam giving you the benifit of the doubt so I would want to speak to you about your events and I want to hear more detail about them and I might change my verdict from an Neutral to +sup. Mostly I would -sup people with an app like that but you have an decent reason to not write an full on detail app so please contact me on teamspeak when you see me on so we can talk about your events and see that you can convince me for changing my verdict.

After talking to sandwalker about the reg events and he gave me more detail I will change it to

Good luck Sandwalker
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Edited to an +support

After talking to him he has told me alot of details on what he wants to do as an GM like improving peacetime and has great ideas on big event ideas. I think after talking to him he can be an good edition to the Gamemaster team.

Edit 2.0
Sandwalker has made for me an little transmission that you can find in event annoucents on the MRP discord and I think he did an really good job on making it

Good luck
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For the reasons stated above, although I have not seen your rule knowledge in the most recent of days, you have been a good and active member of the community. I am more than happy to see you back in the team as a Game Master with your creative ideas mindset.

Best of luck and kind regards,

Oct 24, 2021
BIG + support
+your a very mature player and ive had many good interactions with you
+your active and well known in the community
+you have very fun and good ideas, i think you would be a very good asset to the GMs team

- detail is lacking in your app but thats understandable with your situation ,even so you get your points acros well

sandwalker i have had many good experianses with you on Mrp and you are a meture player.I dought that anyone would be against you becoming part of the GMs team, with your creative ideas im sure you can make peactime a bit more fun
Jan 10, 2021

I will go with a Neutral. I've had few interactions at least to what I can remember. However, the lack of detail does concern me due to the role of GM is to also create lore with events and I understand your situation. Even if you were to just add a little bit more detail so I could see what lore you could come up with would be okay but until then i'll leave it at neutral.

Best of luck, Zokof


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 17, 2021
Seen their ideas, kinda pop, honestly we need more people willing to put in the work like him.


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020
Your active and its nice to see you apply for GM.
But my Issue is those event Ideas are very very Basic as they are all defuse a Bomb. There is not much lore for the the 3 small event ideas which is kinda alright but the issue I have is the lack of details like explain for example like how would they defuse the bombs like Decrypting or searching a Code somewhere.
Op Juliet is alr but basic.
Op Star Link I like the decrypt part its not to bad but you cant really give real Rewards imo for an outcome for an event as the team with less player usually loses those and its shit for them and they will be even more Disadvantaged.
For the Map change it lacks stuff like more detail maybe some Lore and most importantly a Map proposal.
The Reg event are Basic but thats kinda normal but it still lacks a lot of details and Lore explanation for example.
Your active and its nice to see you apply for GM.
But my Issue is those event Ideas are very very Basic as they are all defuse a Bomb. There is not much lore for the the 3 small event ideas which is kinda alright but the issue I have is the lack of details like explain for example like how would they defuse the bombs like Decrypting or searching a Code somewhere.
Op Juliet is alr but basic.
Op Star Link I like the decrypt part its not to bad but you cant really give real Rewards imo for an outcome for an event as the team with less player usually loses those and its shit for them and they will be even more Disadvantaged.
For the Map change it lacks stuff like more detail maybe some Lore and most importantly a Map proposal.
The Reg event are Basic but thats kinda normal but it still lacks a lot of details and Lore explanation for example.
Ive tried to update the app as best I can


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Accepted

Contact a Senior Admin+ when you are next online to go through the next stages of joining the Game Master Team.​
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