Sandwalkers NHC application

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Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:171984691
Discord name: ŚĂŃĎŴĂĹĶĔŔ#3536
For how long have you played on MRP: Since Beta, so since 2020
In what country are you located?:UK
Time zone: GMT
NATO name (regiment and rank): Lord Ian Sandwalker
USSR name (regiment and rank): Jam Sheed
Civilian name: Sandwalker
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: I have made 2 previous HC applications however they are on the old website.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I have been Banned for MRDM(sorted), warned Base camping x1, RDM x2, ROE x1, Fail RP x1 Fear RP x2, miss use of equipment(ban warn) (These are all from over the 2 years the most recent is base camping which is my first one in over 7 months other than the miss use of equipment which i got banned for.
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: Yes i was a General on a MRP server on ARMA3 and i have been MAJ twice once in JAF and once in SAS and i was Reg comand of SAS as i was the highest rank other than Crossen when he was GRMS of NATO and reg gen of SAS

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?: Experience on CG MRP, IRL leadership Training and quilifications, Irl training oficer in RAFAC at the rank of CPL, I have higher qualifications in communications, I have a lot of experience on leading wars from my previous high ranks and positions, I would put 110% effort into every action i do, I have changed as a person alot from what i previously was, I would make sure the role i am put into is run properly and efficiently, i as active as i can be.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:

Present Rank, 17th 1LT

List your strengths and weaknesses:
-Knowledeg of NATO and NATO tatics,
-Knowledge of USSR and how they opperate from playing USSR and activly spying and info, --IRL experience and qualifications,
-Attiude towards situations i never quit.

-Overly passionate to a point where it makes me a bit irritative,
-Short Fuse,
-have bad down moments(Atm Irl issues trying to not bring it into MRP life though),
-Can be quite Harsh, Overly talkative.

If i was accepted i would like to be Regimental General of 17th as my high amount of experience in the regiment.
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
MilitaryRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 24, 2020
Hi Sandwalker, you will be getting a +support from me today

You are active
You are a friendly and approachable guy
Good application

With your experience within the community and on the server, I believe you would be a very good fit for NHC. I really do hope you get accepted.

Best of luck.
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I've known Sandwalker a while, he's been playing since basically the start, and despite a rocky track record, there is no doubt that he is one of, if not the, most dedicated player on MRP, having made his way through basically every NATO regiment at this point.

He does do some stupid stuff at times, but honestly, he has the experience and I finally think he should be given the chance.

Also: real OG's remember when it was the NCH application ?
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+Great Tactics Advisor
+Alot of Experience of Commanding Troops
=Has Experience from Regiment Command in JAF/SAS
+Best Man for the Job!

Hey there Sandwalker!
I know that it's been quite a while since we last spoke but I am giving you support because I know what you would make a Great NHC Tactics Leader.
I know you from personal Experience that your tactics are most effective and efficient in Wars
I Know and Believe you are the top man for NHC and I Know that you will take your position very seriously
I wish you the best of luck and I hope you get NHC

Yours sincerely Felix Duffy
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Active member
Nov 3, 2021
-1 Support

Alright, where do we start? Sandwalker, you do have quite a lot of experience on the server and in leadership roles. You have been here for way longer than me and involved with leadership a lot more, but that is sort of where my positives end.

I have been the 17th general for close to three months now, so I am very much closely in contact with every member of this regiment - thus I have also been able to watch you more closely and notice any issues. And yes, there definitely are issues. Currently you are striked and rank locked as a 1LT, meaning you have been denied any promotion for a while. This itself is alarming for someone who is applying for high command, as a strike and a rank lock do not just appear out of nowhere. This was extremely recent as well, believe you were issued these just a few days ago. The reason for this punishment was a combination of issues which have existed ever since I became NHC.

Firstly, you tend to 'throw a hissy fit' if you are not given what you want,
usually that something being a promotion. Though I do understand being frustrated with being stuck in a specific rank despite feeling like you've worked your ass off (trust me, I know exactly how that feels), the actions you have taken have been less than professional. You tend to almost guilt trip any high rank that listens to you when you do not get what you want. In the case of not being promoted, you would tell both me and your LTCOL how amazing you are and how hard you work, how you have done nothing wrong, and how specific people in the CO team just have a grudge against you, and that is why you are not being promoted. You've also threatened to leave if your conditions are not followed. The interesting thing is, a day after this situation, you got promoted to a 2LT, proving that everything you said of people having a grudge against you really was not correct at all. You would repeatedly and publicly complain of the aforementioned things on top of telling it to the high ranks. During these rants, you would also completely shit talk 17th as a whole and explain how shit the whole regiment is and how only YOU and specific people are trying to fix it. Though criticism should always be allowed, I felt like this was more of a throwing a hissy fit for not getting promoted, as around that time 17th was starting to bloom again.

The reason you were originally stuck as a SNCO was due to the CO blacklist Falcon had given you. On top of this, there was a handful of issues when you were SNCO. I remember plenty of issues with toxicity and disrespect, as well as not listening to higher ranks. You have gone out of your way to be toxic inside 17th chats and I have had to warn you for it multiple times. You have been rank locked by both me and Beskar for repetitive toxicity as SNCO. Just last month, your heavy weapons license was revoked due to misconduct, when you were still a SNCO. Though I have seen improvement in you regarding these issues, them being this recent really does concern me when it comes to you becoming NHC.

Second drama over not getting promoted happened just recently, and was partly the reason for your strike and rank lock. According to the colonel of 17th, you were begging to be promoted to a captain, and even after you had been denied a promotion, you kept on begging for it. By what it seems, this was again a situation of trying to convince a higher rank to promote you by pressuring them, as you had done both me and Jeff before. I also remember several complaints from COs in the past of you begging to be promoted (and have seen it myself), so it's not like this would be the first time. Other reason for this very recent rank lock and strike was your misconduct last week:

While I was tabbed out, you came up to me in-game and started doing something around me. Really, I had no clue what you were doing or why, but noticed that you stripped my weapons and comms with a swep and then buggered off. This itself was not a big deal, and I wanted to just tell you not to take my stuff when I am doing things. So, I brought you aside and asked if you had stripped my weapons. You said you were nowhere close to me so you couldn't have. Well, I go double check my recordings again and see that you were in fact close to me for a good while. So, I bring you in again and then you change your story from not being near me to that a spy was near me and took my stuff. Well, I check my recordings AGAIN and there you were, just talking and chit-chatting right next to me. I also ask around (and look around myself) and determine that there in fact was no spy at any point. Well that's when I bring you up again and just tell you it is not a big deal long as you do not lie about it. Well, eventually after fighting these allegations, you just tell me: "I do not care, demote me then" and leave comms. I have to bring you up again for you just to basically tell me 'whatever, I do not care' and leave again. When finally I forced you to stay for the third time, you explained that you must have done it accidentally when tabbed out. Well, honestly that seemed very unbelievable, but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and informed you that the way you dealt with it was inappropriate. Well that turned into you telling me that I take the game way too seriously, and me telling you that he as a CO has to have a level of seriousness and professionalism even if it's a game. Eventually I say that if one does not act like a CO, they should not be a CO but a SNCO, which requires a lot less seriousness. You in return tell me that in that case I shouldn't be NHC. At that point I had had enough, but I did not want to proceed dealing with you alone, as I wanted any punishment to be as fair as possible. So, I tell you that I would discuss this with Falcon considering he has blacklisted you once, and you tell me: "Wow thanks Athena for getting me demoted" - which shadows my previous statements of guilt-tripping and pressuring when things do not go your way. After discussion with Falcon, and the issues with begging for a promotion, we decided to rank lock and strike you.

TLDR; Stripping my weapons and comms, lying about it and leaving comms twice while saying he does not care and I can just demote him. Then proceeding to tell me I am not fit for NHC and guilt-tripping me when I said I would discuss the situation with Falcon.

On top of all of this, I have not seen you step forward to take a leadership role. You have not lead any wars, and your activity in 17th or NATO has not been the greatest. I haven’t seen you much at all, and currently we need actually active NHC. Lack of activity and leadership combined with the aforementioned recent issues are the reason for my -1. I wish to see improvement in all of these areas before I am comfortable with welcoming you into the NHC team.

Lastly, on your application you state: "I would put 110% effort into every action i do." That is an interesting statement as, like with many other applicants, your application is less than appealing. It does not give me a picture of effort and dedication, and again my feedback is longer than the application itself. The text is filled with writing errors of every kind, though many may not find grammar that important. However, as always, to me how one's application looks truly shows if they are actually that dedicated to the position. This application again does not give me that picture. It is not nice to look at, and the massive amount of errors really does make it difficult to understand at times. I also noticed that you stated on your application that you are a 17th major.. Unfortunately this is not true, as you are a 1LT, like previously stated.

Best of luck to you,
BGEN Athena
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-1 Support

Alright, where do we start? Sandwalker, you do have quite a lot of experience on the server and in leadership roles. You have been here for way longer than me and involved with leadership a lot more, but that is sort of where my positives end.

I have been the 17th general for close to three months now, so I am very much closely in contact with every member of this regiment - thus I have also been able to watch you more closely and notice any issues. And yes, there definitely are issues. Currently you are striked and rank locked as a 1LT, meaning you have been denied any promotion for a while. This itself is alarming for someone who is applying for high command, as a strike and a rank lock do not just appear out of nowhere. This was extremely recent as well, believe you were issued these just a few days ago. The reason for this punishment was a combination of issues which have existed ever since I became NHC.

Firstly, you tend to 'throw a hissy fit' if you are not given what you want,
usually that something being a promotion. Though I do understand being frustrated with being stuck in a specific rank despite feeling like you've worked your ass off (trust me, I know exactly how that feels), the actions you have taken have been less than professional. You tend to almost guilt trip any high rank that listens to you when you do not get what you want. In the case of not being promoted, you would tell both me and your LTCOL how amazing you are and how hard you work, how you have done nothing wrong, and how specific people in the CO team just have a grudge against you, and that is why you are not being promoted. You've also threatened to leave if your conditions are not followed. The interesting thing is, a day after this situation, you got promoted to a 2LT, proving that everything you said of people having a grudge against you really was not correct at all. You would repeatedly and publicly complain of the aforementioned things on top of telling it to the high ranks. During these rants, you would also completely shit talk 17th as a whole and explain how shit the whole regiment is and how only YOU and specific people are trying to fix it. Though criticism should always be allowed, I felt like this was more of a throwing a hissy fit for not getting promoted, as around that time 17th was starting to bloom again.

The reason you were originally stuck as a SNCO was due to the CO blacklist Falcon had given you. On top of this, there was a handful of issues when you were SNCO. I remember plenty of issues with toxicity and disrespect, as well as not listening to higher ranks. You have gone out of your way to be toxic inside 17th chats and I have had to warn you for it multiple times. You have been rank locked by both me and Beskar for repetitive toxicity as SNCO. Just last month, your heavy weapons license was revoked due to misconduct, when you were still a SNCO. Though I have seen improvement in you regarding these issues, them being this recent really does concern me when it comes to you becoming NHC.

Second drama over not getting promoted happened just recently, and was partly the reason for your strike and rank lock. According to the colonel of 17th, you were begging to be promoted to a captain, and even after you had been denied a promotion, you kept on begging for it. By what it seems, this was again a situation of trying to convince a higher rank to promote you by pressuring them, as you had done both me and Jeff before. I also remember several complaints from COs in the past of you begging to be promoted (and have seen it myself), so it's not like this would be the first time. Other reason for this very recent rank lock and strike was your misconduct last week:

While I was tabbed out, you came up to me in-game and started doing something around me. Really, I had no clue what you were doing or why, but noticed that you stripped my weapons and comms with a swep and then buggered off. This itself was not a big deal, and I wanted to just tell you not to take my stuff when I am doing things. So, I brought you aside and asked if you had stripped my weapons. You said you were nowhere close to me so you couldn't have. Well, I go double check my recordings again and see that you were in fact close to me for a good while. So, I bring you in again and then you change your story from not being near me to that a spy was near me and took my stuff. Well, I check my recordings AGAIN and there you were, just talking and chit-chatting right next to me. I also ask around (and look around myself) and determine that there in fact was no spy at any point. Well that's when I bring you up again and just tell you it is not a big deal long as you do not lie about it. Well, eventually after fighting these allegations, you just tell me: "I do not care, demote me then" and leave comms. I have to bring you up again for you just to basically tell me 'whatever, I do not care' and leave again. When finally I forced you to stay for the third time, you explained that you must have done it accidentally when tabbed out. Well, honestly that seemed very unbelievable, but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and informed you that the way you dealt with it was inappropriate. Well that turned into you telling me that I take the game way too seriously, and me telling you that he as a CO has to have a level of seriousness and professionalism even if it's a game. Eventually I say that if one does not act like a CO, they should not be a CO but a SNCO, which requires a lot less seriousness. You in return tell me that in that case I shouldn't be NHC. At that point I had had enough, but I did not want to proceed dealing with you alone, as I wanted any punishment to be as fair as possible. So, I tell you that I would discuss this with Falcon considering he has blacklisted you once, and you tell me: "Wow thanks Athena for getting me demoted" - which shadows my previous statements of guilt-tripping and pressuring when things do not go your way. After discussion with Falcon, and the issues with begging for a promotion, we decided to rank lock and strike you.

TLDR; Stripping my weapons and comms, lying about it and leaving comms twice while saying he does not care and I can just demote him. Then proceeding to tell me I am not fit for NHC and guilt-tripping me when I said I would discuss the situation with Falcon.

On top of all of this, I have not seen you step forward to take a leadership role. You have not lead any wars, and your activity in 17th or NATO has not been the greatest. I haven’t seen you much at all, and currently we need actually active NHC. Lack of activity and leadership combined with the aforementioned recent issues are the reason for my -1. I wish to see improvement in all of these areas before I am comfortable with welcoming you into the NHC team.

Lastly, on your application you state: "I would put 110% effort into every action i do." That is an interesting statement as, like with many other applicants, your application is less than appealing. It does not give me a picture of effort and dedication, and again my feedback is longer than the application itself. The text is filled with writing errors of every kind, though many may not find grammar that important. However, as always, to me how one's application looks truly shows if they are actually that dedicated to the position. This application again does not give me that picture. It is not nice to look at, and the massive amount of errors really does make it difficult to understand at times. I also noticed that you stated on your application that you are a 17th major.. Unfortunately this is not true, as you are a 1LT, like previously stated.

Best of luck to you,
BGEN Athena
Regarding your feed back I do agree with your statements however the errors and such I am dyslexic which doesn't help my situation of writing a application or well writing anything at all, however you state about my rank lock effecting my NHC application however my rank lock was put in place from when I was in JAF before you was in the server as it was a situation regarding myself and falcon, I am trying to better myself as of recently I have been more involved and using RP to a higher standard which allows me to use my IRL experience to a degree, now I will say this athena my activity within NATO is regarding to the fact that I am a training officer in RAFAC and I have a job so I am not always able to get on however regarding that I get on when possible and I will say if I cant get on, no offence to yourself but in regards to my level of knowledge of leadership i don't think you can actively call my leadership bad when i have had courses and experience on leadership, with IRL leadership on the server the only other people that match myself in IRL leadership experience is 17th 2LT Walter piecbeiry and NHC GRM Luz.

Thank you for your feedback and all valid stated points will be taken into consideration and I will personally work on them.

Kind regards- 17th 1LT Sandwalker
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Where to start with Sandwalker is a great guy he is active and knows his stuff When he was SAS CO and I was MP CO we worked together on may missions and I can say with 100% certainty he has what it takes to be NHC. First of all leading is nothing new to him and unlike others he knows he doesn't know it all. He is willing to let COs lead their troops without micromanaging the whole thing. I have fought under many GENs and I know how much of a pain it is when they try and spilt our forces or tell us how to deploy them. He does have a sort fuse but so would anyone that has to deal with the idiots that NATO has.
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Withdrawn

The applicant has chosen to withdraw their application at this time.​
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