Denied SCP-049 Chemical Interaction

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion will add full interaction for 049 for the chemical system.
To be more specific, it will add full system access to the chemical system (holstering, creating, buying, Injecting, etc.), except for drinking.
Perhaps limiting his interactions to chemicals while breached would be considered, but I feel like the ability for 049 to augment his own zombies would be an interesting idea.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Unsure, but it wasn't in the frequently asked suggestions page, and the search function for the forums aren't the best.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Will enable further RP scenarios and experiment RP with 049 involving chemicals.
Allow 049 to do something in the downtime of not being breached or researched.
Allow 049 to augment his zombies to allow for more unique breaches.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Could be abused for the sake of making breaches last forever and could cause 049-2's to be overpowered.
Will take some time to implement, and 100% will cause some bugs to the system.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I feel if this suggestion was accepted, it will allow more interactive and unique 049 breaches, experiments and better overall RP. Currently, there is no real meaningful RP (in my opinon) for 049 outside a GM RP Enhancement/Event. I feel like it doesn't exactly matter if 049 has access to chems, since other jobs already get them, the only difference is that 049 cannot drink the chems itself.

Sorry if this suggestion is short or lacks details.

Holy Doggo(Bruno Leopold)

Well-known Member
Dec 22, 2024
Not sure what the criteria for this should be to allow 049 to use the chemical system but I like it, its very in character. Maybe he could even have a unique limited chemical setup in his CC
Maybe he could even have a unique limited chemical setup in his CC
IIRC he has (or at the very least, used to have) a busen burner in his CC. Was mostly for decoration, though, honestly.

However, in terms of 'full access,' you didn't touch the topic of sampling. I'd assume 049 should not be able to sample anything as that would have several issues.
IIRC he has (or at the very least, used to have) a busen burner in his CC. Was mostly for decoration, though, honestly.

However, in terms of 'full access,' you didn't touch the topic of sampling. I'd assume 049 should not be able to sample anything as that would have several issues.
Good point, but he doesn't spawn with a sample syringe so that issue would just fix on its own.

Tylenol Smith

Well-known Member
Oct 10, 2024
I think all scps should give you something to do, for example like 106 could roam his dimension or sum just to explore idk. Just give all scps something to do when they aren’t breached.
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I think all scps should give you something to do, for example like 106 could roam his dimension or sum just to explore idk. Just give all scps something to do when they aren’t breached.
This sounds like something that could be explored further, like 076-2 interacting with his own pocket dimension or even 073 having his own lab/study.

Holy Doggo(Bruno Leopold)

Well-known Member
Dec 22, 2024
I think all scps should give you something to do, for example like 106 could roam his dimension or sum just to explore idk. Just give all scps something to do when they aren’t breached.
100% This could expand to the idea that 049 could request a "corpse" to study which E-11 then need to provide from some sort of storage and when he interacts with it a small bit of text explains what he did, what he finds and what happens. This then can give the scp some scp experience and some neat stuff to read and interact with !


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Aphex ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reason for Denial:
We as content believe that this be abused to create zombies that are really strong. Furthermore, the ability to inject zombies with chemicals would cause quite a lot of bugs to be created.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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