Rule Suggestion SCP-22415-3 Direct SCP Combat Rule

Rule suggestions will be reviewed by Superadmins, this may take longer than standard content suggestions.
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Aug 23, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This Rule makes it so SCP-22415-3 Is not allowed to directly combat breached SCPs with his beam / Ability, and only allowed use these items to defend Non-Combative Personnel

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Yes, something similar has been suggested, My suggestion is different because it does not involve removing items from 22415.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. Makes playing as a breached SCP enjoyable again.
2. Forces the 22415-3 Player to focus more on the Roleplay side of the server and not "When that breach gonna happen?"

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I do not see any negatives with this rule

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I believe this suggestion should be accepted so players on the 22415-3 job do not have their whitelist taken for something they did not know was against the rules.
And so people playing as normal SCPs that can breach quit complaining about 22415-3 being too over powered.
Suggestion Response

Hi Zystro

Thanks for taking the time to make a suggestion

As of writing this, current consensus is that 22415 is unable to chase around a hostile SCP and use a beam on it. However, if an SCP runs by and they see that they are able to be beamed and cuffed, that's fine to do.

Additionally, they can use their "Shove" to push an SCP out of the way if they are attacking someone.​
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