SCP RP has changed. [UK]

"It hurts."

I have decided to join UK after a long time and this was my reaction. The server has gone so backwards. There was NOTHING positive on server today. I though i connected to some other by accident, because i didn't wanna believe it. I didn't recognise it. From a lovely community to pretty much nothing. The place that once brought me so much joy is unrecognisable. Some people might say "Just don't play there", and it was my intention to never come back, but i just wanted to experience some nostalgia, but now i am realising that with the current state of the server.

Its impossible.

If I would know this, I wouldn't leave, because I would have know that things will go to shit fairly quickly. It breaks me knowing that I can't have those moments back, but nothing ever lasts forever I assume.

@Niox you are the last one.

I want to apologise to yall, have a good day.
(note: i won't discuss anything under this threat, this is my opinion. If you don't agree feel free to talk about it)
Last edited:
Aug 17, 2022
I agree, honestly. I'm having a lot of fun in IA at the moment and it's good to see some familiar faces, but shit just feels... off. Comparing the server to about 9 months ago or 12 when I was around just before resigning from O5 it's literally night and day in terms of difference.

There's an absolute flood of mingery going on in lower jobs, a lot of players part of it from the same group and it's just not being dealt with properly at all by staff from what I can see, departmental standards across the board are down the shitter and mingery at CL4 positions isn't even hard to see on a daily occurrence, I'm seeing and hearing about things from SC in terms of their behaviour that I can tell you would have gotten them shown the door immediately if they got caught doing it back then, MTF standards are genuinely abysmal (talked to Biscuits about this one, he's recounted his experience on it perfectly imo and would be a good person to talk to about it) and the same problems I have had with certain egregious individuals in positions on the Server have been maintained, if not worsened, allowing some of this shit to go under the radar or unaddressed.

I do love the server and have a lot of people I'm happy to see when I play, but I'm genuinely shocked I've finally reached a point where the reason I'd consider not hopping on is that the quality of the server is at a breaking point. That wasn't a factor at all in the previous two years.
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Senior Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
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Apr 11, 2022
(note: i won't discuss anything under this threat, this is my opinion. If you don't agree feel free to talk about it)
I understand a lot of players in the community may share this opinion, or share similar thoughts to an extent, and we completely understand there is work to be done
We require community feedback for progression, we require your thoughts and suggestions for the server to progress. Whilst you pointing out your thoughts and expressing your opinion is great and we value it, providing examples, or reasons for these thoughts would be much more beneficial for us to take action in the correct path.
considering who you are this is funny
How so?

Yes, I don't consider myself a totally serious player or roleplayer. I have been minging sometimes, but most of the times it was in a "normal matter" where if you said stop, I would do so. I apologize for any minging from my part. Especially to you.
(I know I said I would reply, but considering you are someone I idolize, I am sorry you feel that way)
Last edited:
Aug 17, 2022
I understand a lot of players in the community may share this opinion, or share similar thoughts to an extent, and we completely understand there is work to be done
We require community feedback for progression, we require your thoughts and suggestions for the server to progress. Whilst you pointing out your thoughts and expressing your opinion is great and we value it, providing examples, or reasons for these thoughts would be much more beneficial for us to take action in the correct path.
As an update to what I said above, I hopped on the server pretty much instantly after making my post. The ENTIRE duration from that post to approximately 9:20PM I had done nothing but deal with a group of 5-6 minges who have ruined any RP in LCZ for the past week. One of them has uploaded his own custom 008 and O5 document into the computer that he should have had no knowledge to get in the first place and every single day after has printed it out and had his friends or himself bring it to D-Block and cause the exact same infobreach over and over again, the others are all loitering, leaving when being punished IC, failRPing or trolling with cuffs and taking all of IAs time up because there's so many of them. With how many reports I've made on them and others doing the same, myself many a time saying they are clearly a group of minges, the fact they're not being dealt with by staff is a joke. The main four culprits are Paul Rupert (Chef Herbert), Finklebob Jr, Dave Farwel Jr, and General Gilfordson JR. They are all nothing but minges.

In regards to the Site itself in terms of RP and performance;

Nu-7 are genuinely in the gutter to the point that they're doubling the lengths of breaches with mistakes such as leaving 096 in bathrooms unattended, not calling C1s at all or not giving comms to people asking for it and are generally completely outmatched by CI given how many new players are in the regiment compared to the exp pool CI has, which then makes it unattractive to actually stay in

E-11 are having moments that are supposedly being RP'd out but I do not understand are being allowed to slide, such as a CPT feeding an Enlisted to 082, ignoring attempts to cuff him by another CPT and then telling that same Enlisted that the other CPT is trying to interfere in hosting his training which is an extremely shitty thing to do even as a joke and have also took a major hit to their CO team

99% of the SOP/MTF players at the moment are extremely guilty of failing to RP with CI, less than a week ago I had to file a report to the leader of Nu-7, E-11 and DEA because members from all of these groups were outright overruling the procedure of negotiations, even after AGREEING to a deal with CI about how to RP a situation out with no breaches or deaths, just to have combat and attack them. It makes no sense and is abysmal, and I'm aware of several more instances of no negotiations happening and this then resulting in snowball breaches that cripple the site, to the point that an ECM had to step in and force people to pay CI 25k to prevent a multibreach.

DEA is being carried by its management and even then only a couple of them at most, as the rest are just inactive as hell and aren't being checked on it - Archangel has already told me he wants to resign from the Department because he's that exhausted of having to do so much work and I feel bad for him. There are a few good eggs at Senior/Special Agent level but otherwise it's minges or very incompetent players that have broken laws in front of the GOC, kidnapped Nu-7 for trying to hand over a CI card, failed to abide by negotiation rules/guidelines etc. And even then, there's not often many on.

Low level jobs across the board are infested with minges as I have said. Techies, Researchers, Thaumos, Technicians and more, they've all contributed to either infobreaches, attacks at D-Block, stopping IA from literally doing anything and it's not resolved in over a week, to the point I am ALREADY bored of hopping on.

SA appears to be mostly alright, but the problem is they are constantly cycling members because people are either resigning on the spot or being demoted - I am aware they had to double the workload for Drake and Pennington pretty much to finish writing up everything that was due.

SC, I really don't know what to say. I've had it told to me that they're doing shit that would get them removed immediately previously as I said, one example being some going into pinewood to have drinks with GOC/CI. Like, from my entire tenure from SA to OSA to SC, the ONLY time any member of SC went onto the surface properly ever afaik was Parabellum willingly going up as part of RP to be assassinated before the GOC could get their hands on him. Somehow this behaviour is casually fine now, on top of, from what I am aware of, very low engagement in general.

For SA/SC, I do have to draw concerns to the fact that so many people across the CL4 jobs who are messing around so much are being allowed to sit in those spots as long as they have. To name examples, Medical in regards to the two consultants removed, Executive Researchers minging about or being daft regarding some SCPs, one of them even asking me to my face not to tell Ludenberg that he knows the DoR door code when I was doing RP over there.

I legit don't know what to say. This isn't going to be me making suggestions, or acting like I'm the solution, or anything of the sort, because I straight up don't know what to suggest. The Site as a whole just feels systematically fucked because it clearly has gotten to this point over an extended period of time. It's just so frustrating to try and enjoy myself when everything feels so extensively poor in quality at the moment.
99% of the SOP/MTF players at the moment are extremely guilty of failing to RP with CI, less than a week ago I had to file a report to the leader of Nu-7, E-11 and DEA because members from all of these groups were outright overruling the procedure of negotiations, even after AGREEING to a deal with CI about how to RP a situation out with no breaches or deaths, just to have combat and attack them. It makes no sense and is abysmal, and I'm aware of several more instances of no negotiations happening and this then resulting in snowball breaches that cripple the site, to the point that an ECM had to step in and force people to pay CI 25k to prevent a multibreach.
To elaborate more on this as I was here the entire time:
CI did a 079 hold raid. The plan was to hold 079, do negotiations/RP for CI to get some money, chems or a SCP (General stuff for our R&D).
Archangel takes up comms, from what I can remember he says that if turbines go off then no deal will be made, (Which we can’t control) and hey, turbines go off and comms get closed. We then move to reactors, as they had been turned back on.
We kidnap the techies fixing it, hold down the area, disable them and stay there.
Archangel reopens comms, and CI spend the next hour negotiating with him for a SCP-939 instance. This whole time he is trying to rig the 939 with explosives, or scam us in someway from what I recall. (Do note half of these negotiations was during a breach, but it was still quite awhile)
This results in CI and the tech experts waiting (I read 3 chapters of genesis to techies and a CM, it went hard af), before finally we get 25k and our 939.
I have to applaud Cece for stepping in, but out of all of that, it just made me think one thing.

Is the server about RP, or about winning all the time?
Because currently, it feels like the ladder.

As for everything else you mentioned, although i haven’t experienced a lot of it, I am in agreement.
Only thing that’s a bit meh is SC going to surface, as they have gone in the DMZ, which didn’t exist during Parabellums time.

Anywho I said I wasn’t going to type a paragraph, I was bullshitting, uh remove SC/ISD, thanks for yapping Cade.
To elaborate more on this as I was here the entire time:
CI did a 079 hold raid. The plan was to hold 079, do negotiations/RP for CI to get some money, chems or a SCP (General stuff for our R&D).
Archangel takes up comms, from what I can remember he says that if turbines go off then no deal will be made, (Which we can’t control) and hey, turbines go off and comms get closed. We then move to reactors, as they had been turned back on.
We kidnap the techies fixing it, hold down the area, disable them and stay there.
Archangel reopens comms, and CI spend the next hour negotiating with him for a SCP-939 instance. This whole time he is trying to rig the 939 with explosives, or scam us in someway from what I recall. (Do note half of these negotiations was during a breach, but it was still quite awhile)
This results in CI and the tech experts waiting (I read 3 chapters of genesis to techies and a CM, it went hard af), before finally we get 25k and our 939.
I have to applaud Cece for stepping in, but out of all of that, it just made me think one thing.

Is the server about RP, or about winning all the time?
Because currently, it feels like the ladder.

As for everything else you mentioned, although i haven’t experienced a lot of it, I am in agreement.
Only thing that’s a bit meh is SC going to surface, as they have gone in the DMZ, which didn’t exist during Parabellums time.

Anywho I said I wasn’t going to type a paragraph, I was bullshitting, uh remove SC/ISD, thanks for yapping Cade.
as the guy negotiating in this
i had to beg cece to actually do something about it

i understand that dea WANT to win, but sometimes you need to negotiate a middle ground, it even looks better in rp im ngl. i'd rather spend 25k and 939 (originally 10k and 939) to get turbines fixed during a almost code black situation and prevent a ton of combatives deaths to ci in reactors.

this was genuinely my worst raid i had to deal with (i've had alot of bad raids but come on, i dont wanna sit in reactor for an hour man.)
they should add a chesstable to reactor

atleast ci and goc rp has been pretty good except for a few bits

and for the dea guys who complain that we drain your money
you do realise you can get chemical samples and store them in your fridges right, you can also offer d-class which im usually quite happy to take, or the occasional scp. losing one 939 for 30m isnt a big deal bruh, gives ci some rp too
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I have decided to join UK after a long time and this was my reaction. The server has gone so backwards. There was NOTHING positive on server today. I though i connected to some other by accident, because i didn't wanna believe it. I didn't recognise it. From a lovely community to pretty much nothing. The place that once brought me so much joy is unrecognisable. Some people might say "Just don't play there", and it was my intention to never come back, but i just wanted to experience some nostalgia, but now i am realising that with the current state of the server.

Its impossible.

If I would know this, I wouldn't leave, because I would have know that things will go to shit fairly quickly. It breaks me knowing that I can't have those moments back, but nothing ever lasts forever I assume.

@Niox you are the last one.

I want to apologise to yall, have a good day.
(note: i won't discuss anything under this threat, this is my opinion. If you don't agree feel free to talk about it)
this is so sad guys
alexa play despacito
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Aug 17, 2022
I quit a long time ago but to me it seems like you're saying this because everyone you used to play with stopped playing and you don't recognize anyone
Unsure of Elijah's POV on that one, but like....anywhere between 80-90% of the community I was with are still here, a lot of which still in the same or adjacent positions, so that is incorrect. I don't really think he went much before me or after me either, so. As I said this is a rather systematic problem. Very fitting time for the roleplay lead SSL to be added due to the SC/ISD suggestion imo, its come at good timing.