SCP RP has changed. [UK]

I understand a lot of players in the community may share this opinion, or share similar thoughts to an extent, and we completely understand there is work to be done
We require community feedback for progression, we require your thoughts and suggestions for the server to progress. Whilst you pointing out your thoughts and expressing your opinion is great and we value it, providing examples, or reasons for these thoughts would be much more beneficial for us to take action in the correct path.

I have to say I do agree quite a bit with the OP, in my opinion the map changes and pushing of one-time purchase content is responsible for this:

In terms of the map,
The map has been expanded to the point now where RP and PvP activity is spread out across a needlessly large area - with Core Sector and the HCZ update being the biggest offenders. It used to be the case that certain RP objectives such as test locations in the form of SCP containment chambers and the routes around the map would create 'high traffic' areas that see a lot of player footfall. These traffic areas would make the map feel alive and populated and players would bump into each other and have idle conversations - this doesn't occur any more as the players active on the map are spread thinner across a large area and it makes the site feel vacant anywhere other than D-Block and it's immediate area.

Code-5 breach response has also been accidentally reworked by the HCZ update into an incredibly unfun state - how many times since the HCZ update have you seen the Foundation organise a firing line at the HCZ entrance tesla gate to try and hold against breached SCPs? Zero? It is now the case that when an SCP is breached or a hacking alert is triggered, the responders have to fan out as individuals in order to properly cover the ground. The end result is that the breach response team is forced to spend 3-4 minutes per life travelling across the site to get to the most recent callout to just die either alone or in a group of two or three in the space of a few seconds. When this happens their death time is desynced with the rest of their team so they are destined to suffer the same fate of respawning, walking through empty corridors for 2-3 minutes and then dying in 10 seconds back-to-back until the breach is finished.

The HCZ is a geographically user unfriendly space, especially to new members of research and the GSD who now actively avoid going to it just because they don't know where anything is in there, and being a CL locked area there is no avenue for exploration to familiarise themselves with it. Attempting to do any form of RP in the HCZ is now such an inconvenience that people would rather avoid the RP altogether. I think I speak for all of us when I say all of the current content in the HCZ could be refitted into a HCZ one third the size.

In terms of Core Sector, I will start with the Research wing:
Why are there two seperate chemistry labs? They are identical rooms that serve the same gameplay function - which means splitting them down the middle only splits players into two different rooms. Why is the hallway that divides them larger than one of the chemistry labs? Hallways are not RP spaces. There are individual office rooms for CL1, CL2/3, Exec and DoR spawn points, with each office space having it's own document storage - the only reasonable segretation is to separate CL4 researchers from CL3- researchers so that they can store documents seperately to avoid info leaks, and this can be achieved with just two office spaces - one for the DoRs and their Execs and another for everyone else. Segregating out all of the researchers removes the need for them to collaborate on how to divide up their space. Has the research hall ever been used for anything? What justification was there for creating an additional lecture hall when the personnel wing lecture hall is lucky to get one or two lectures per week? Did we really anticipate that the PW lecture hall would at some point be so over-booked that we need another one?

The Site Administration wing:
All members of Site Administration are senior CL4, which means it is not possible for them to info leak to one another - they therefore do not need seperate document storages and therefore do not need individual office spaces. Site Administration also do not often commission or sign off on research tests or other forms of in character documents, they really do not need all of this space. The SA wing begins with a hallway that leads into a lobby that leads into another hallway - hallways are not RP spaces and are simply not needed. The needless amount of space in the SA wing make it a segregated space that is vacant until one of the ~6 players who belong to it log in. Why is this much space allocated to so few players? I will say however that the mappers nailed the Site Director's office, the person who owns this space should enjoy a certain level of segregation and grandeur due to their position on the site.

The Ethics Committee wing:
For the sake of longevity I will not echo what I just wrote about the SA wing, but once again there is a hallway that leads into a lobby that leads into a hallway that leads into another hallway - and each Ethics Member has their own individual office; The EC is an investigatory department which means they are all sharing all of the information and documentation they have anyway, so why not just have a universal archive room, an office for ECAs, an office for ECMs and an office for ECC to avoid shared documents creating info leaks? and each ECM has their own office space, how do we justify each ECM having their own office? For their own meetings? The EC wing already has two meeting rooms and a sitting room. Are we expecting all members of the Committee to somehow be holding their own meetings individually at the same time? Why are nearly a dozen different rooms being allocated to FOUR players? All of their gameplay involves roaming around the site with O-1, which means they aren't even using these offices 99% of the time anyway.

The Tribunal Room was a fantastic addition however and I cannot fault it.

So - Floor 3. There are more hallways and lobbies on floor 3 than there are in the remainder of the site combined. There is an elevator room lobby that leads into a waiting area, which leads into a hallway that connects to another hallway and a staircase. If you followed the aforementioned hallway you enter into another hallway that is the same length as the personnel wing and has the O5 offices spread across it, if you went up the staircase you landed in a hallway outside of the A-1 bunks. None of the aforementioned spaces are used for anything other than access, hallways are not RP spaces. Why does Floor 3 have a 'secret operations room' - are not all of A-1 and the O5 Councils' operations a secret? For the same reasons as stated in what I said about SA and the EC, there is no reason for any one council member other than -1 to have their own individual office. Why is there a room that holds nothing but a series of walls that are textured to look like server stacks? Why is the CL5 operations center not only comparable in size to the PW lecture hall but also set up in the same 4-tiered cinema seating fashion? Are the one or two members of CL5 that are only ever going to be in there during code-black supposed to imagine that it is a populated control room? Why, behind a CL5 blast door leading in to the operations center, is there a small 2x2m square space with a book case in it - and a wooden door? What protection is the wooden door offering that the blast door does not? Considering Floor 3 is home to an ISD regiment capped at 25 players, 4 Overseers and a couple of OSAs there is no real justification for it to be this big.

Medbay. Medbay has a lot going for it - but it is the case that the space is too big to suit it's RP requirements and as far as I know there was never any plan to expand medical RP to the point that this much space would be needed. There is enough seating in the main lobby area of medbay for the entirety of the site to sit down simultaneously and it is the case that the medical players are not so busy that there is a waiting period to be seen, which means it is another big, open empty space. At the back there is another lecture theatre - are we sure that medbay needs it's own cinema-style lecture theatre when we already have two unused theatres in the personnel wing and research wing? I don't think there is a requirement for the small room adjacent to the entrace of the main waiting room, certainly not as a bunk space as the combat medic bunk space and spawn area is more than suitable for all non CL4 medical staff.

Okay. If you haven't gotten bored of me yet, onto the one-time purchases.

Pay-to-win guns. In my personal opinion, expanding the paid weapons to include the weapons that were previously only obtainable by climbing to regimental CO positions was one of the most damning and damaging decisions that CN has ever made in handling SCP-RP. I have heard staff members say in the past that these paid store guns are not pay to win and, as I have done in the past, I will state it plainly here and now that they are. They are paid weapons that out-perform most weapons in the standard loadouts and it's as simple as that. This is why the pay-to-win guns are so bad for the game: it used to be the case that if players wanted to upgrade their loadouts and perform better in PvP against SCPs and enemy factions that they would have to climb to a senior position in one of the MTF regiments. This meant that the MTF Commanders could use the upgraded loadouts as an incentive to get their COs to perform regimental duties in the forms of trainings, roster management and document maintainence in order to justify their position as a CO and their access to the better loadouts - this promoted good health within the regiment. By taking the MTF COs main weapons and making them paid content, there was much less of an incentive to climb to a senior position in an MTF regiment - which deprived the regiment's of COs and ultimately bought about the decline of their ability to manage themselves. Which means by making CO standard weapons paid content - the health of MTF regiments was directly and negatively effected. It is also the case that the roll-out of paid weapons was not premeditated on and resulted in significant balance issues that needed to be corrected, the best case of this is the MSBS rifle - which was one of the most popular pay-to-win weapons - was nerfed shortly after a lot of players had paid for it, effectively scamming the purchasers out of their money.

Paid reality bending SCPs.
I know that the staff team is already fully aware of how unfairly strong Type-Green and 8837 are so I will not talk about this particular point in detail - only to say that it should have been easily conceivable to the devs that highly mobile SCPs that can instantly kill people from around corners with no counter play and make themselves invulnerable would be very poorly received by the playerbase and that it is soul destroyingly unfun to play against them.

Much needed TL;DR - the map is full of vast empty spaces that serve no RP purpose and passive RP objectives are more scattered, which means players aren't playing together any more. The map is designed to function at max population and if the population ever falls below this margin then gameplay just falls apart. There is much less of a reason to put the time into climbing a reg and pushing paid content is being prioritised over balance. (Don't get me wrong - CN is a business and it needs to make money, I truly and fully appreciate why this content gets pushed. But I think that devs are overlooking the need to balance content additions properly before they are dropped).
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I want to just add one last thing; the focus of development should ALWAYS have been focused strictly on the core gameplay loop of D-Class/Researcher/SCP/GSD.

This quadrangle of jobs is the beating heart of the game and this is where new players come from - if you are not generating new players then you will end up with a situation where the player population stagnates and you have a lack of replacements for people in senior positions when either they leave or you know you need to remove them. Content additions such as the DEA and the GOC are detrimental to server health because they do not offer any additional avenue of RP or gameplay outside of what is already available and it is the case that if you create a department, reg or even an individual job for that matter you need to weigh up the fact that this new position pulls numbers away from the core gameplay loop.

I think a good focus for development would be to look at a full rework of D-Blocks mapping and the content available inside D-Block to move it as far away from it's current PvP orientation as possible and more into a super-max prison RP setting. It could be a good idea to remove the weapons options from the scrap dealer and create a map environment that allows the GSD to be permanently stationed inside D-Block and directly managing the D-Class.
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To elaborate more on this as I was here the entire time:
CI did a 079 hold raid. The plan was to hold 079, do negotiations/RP for CI to get some money, chems or a SCP (General stuff for our R&D).
Archangel takes up comms, from what I can remember he says that if turbines go off then no deal will be made, (Which we can’t control) and hey, turbines go off and comms get closed. We then move to reactors, as they had been turned back on.
We kidnap the techies fixing it, hold down the area, disable them and stay there.
Archangel reopens comms, and CI spend the next hour negotiating with him for a SCP-939 instance. This whole time he is trying to rig the 939 with explosives, or scam us in someway from what I recall. (Do note half of these negotiations was during a breach, but it was still quite awhile)
This results in CI and the tech experts waiting
The plan was to let you sample the 939s and what not, get your research and sampling going and then blow them up so we dont have to do a catastrophic raid which would get us all killed or kidnapped, and then Foundation has to pay even MORE Money, the rigged 939s were supposed to be a one last "Fuck you, we win" from Foundation.

I Apologize if my negotiation skills werent exactly up to par, i am trying to improve them at any given opportunity.


Active member
Sep 19, 2023
I have to say I do agree quite a bit with the OP, in my opinion the map changes and pushing of one-time purchase content is responsible for this:

In terms of the map,
The map has been expanded to the point now where RP and PvP activity is spread out across a needlessly large area - with Core Sector and the HCZ update being the biggest offenders. It used to be the case that certain RP objectives such as test locations in the form of SCP containment chambers and the routes around the map would create 'high traffic' areas that see a lot of player footfall. These traffic areas would make the map feel alive and populated and players would bump into each other and have idle conversations - this doesn't occur any more as the players active on the map are spread thinner across a large area and it makes the site feel vacant anywhere other than D-Block and it's immediate area.

Code-5 breach response has also been accidentally reworked by the HCZ update into an incredibly unfun state - how many times since the HCZ update have you seen the Foundation organise a firing line at the HCZ entrance tesla gate to try and hold against breached SCPs? Zero? It is now the case that when an SCP is breached or a hacking alert is triggered, the responders have to fan out as individuals in order to properly cover the ground. The end result is that the breach response team is forced to spend 3-4 minutes per life travelling across the site to get to the most recent callout to just die either alone or in a group of two or three in the space of a few seconds. When this happens their death time is desynced with the rest of their team so they are destined to suffer the same fate of respawning, walking through empty corridors for 2-3 minutes and then dying in 10 seconds back-to-back until the breach is finished.

The HCZ is a geographically user unfriendly space, especially to new members of research and the GSD who now actively avoid going to it just because they don't know where anything is in there, and being a CL locked area there is no avenue for exploration to familiarise themselves with it. Attempting to do any form of RP in the HCZ is now such an inconvenience that people would rather avoid the RP altogether. I think I speak for all of us when I say all of the current content in the HCZ could be refitted into a HCZ one third the size.

In terms of Core Sector, I will start with the Research wing:
Why are there two seperate chemistry labs? They are identical rooms that serve the same gameplay function - which means splitting them down the middle only splits players into two different rooms. Why is the hallway that divides them larger than one of the chemistry labs? Hallways are not RP spaces. There are individual office rooms for CL1, CL2/3, Exec and DoR spawn points, with each office space having it's own document storage - the only reasonable segretation is to separate CL4 researchers from CL3- researchers so that they can store documents seperately to avoid info leaks, and this can be achieved with just two office spaces - one for the DoRs and their Execs and another for everyone else. Segregating out all of the researchers removes the need for them to collaborate on how to divide up their space. Has the research hall ever been used for anything? What justification was there for creating an additional lecture hall when the personnel wing lecture hall is lucky to get one or two lectures per week? Did we really anticipate that the PW lecture hall would at some point be so over-booked that we need another one?

The Site Administration wing:
All members of Site Administration are senior CL4, which means it is not possible for them to info leak to one another - they therefore do not need seperate document storages and therefore do not need individual office spaces. Site Administration also do not often commission or sign off on research tests or other forms of in character documents, they really do not need all of this space. The SA wing begins with a hallway that leads into a lobby that leads into another hallway - hallways are not RP spaces and are simply not needed. The needless amount of space in the SA wing make it a segregated space that is vacant until one of the ~6 players who belong to it log in. Why is this much space allocated to so few players? I will say however that the mappers nailed the Site Director's office, the person who owns this space should enjoy a certain level of segregation and grandeur due to their position on the site.

The Ethics Committee wing:
For the sake of longevity I will not echo what I just wrote about the SA wing, but once again there is a hallway that leads into a lobby that leads into a hallway that leads into another hallway - and each Ethics Member has their own individual office; The EC is an investigatory department which means they are all sharing all of the information and documentation they have anyway, so why not just have a universal archive room, an office for ECAs, an office for ECMs and an office for ECC to avoid shared documents creating info leaks? and each ECM has their own office space, how do we justify each ECM having their own office? For their own meetings? The EC wing already has two meeting rooms and a sitting room. Are we expecting all members of the Committee to somehow be holding their own meetings individually at the same time? Why are nearly a dozen different rooms being allocated to FOUR players? All of their gameplay involves roaming around the site with O-1, which means they aren't even using these offices 99% of the time anyway.

The Tribunal Room was a fantastic addition however and I cannot fault it.

So - Floor 3. There are more hallways and lobbies on floor 3 than there are in the remainder of the site combined. There is an elevator room lobby that leads into a waiting area, which leads into a hallway that connects to another hallway and a staircase. If you followed the aforementioned hallway you enter into another hallway that is the same length as the personnel wing and has the O5 offices spread across it, if you went up the staircase you landed in a hallway outside of the A-1 bunks. None of the aforementioned spaces are used for anything other than access, hallways are not RP spaces. Why does Floor 3 have a 'secret operations room' - are not all of A-1 and the O5 Councils' operations a secret? For the same reasons as stated in what I said about SA and the EC, there is no reason for any one council member other than -1 to have their own individual office. Why is there a room that holds nothing but a series of walls that are textured to look like server stacks? Why is the CL5 operations center not only comparable in size to the PW lecture hall but also set up in the same 4-tiered cinema seating fashion? Are the one or two members of CL5 that are only ever going to be in there during code-black supposed to imagine that it is a populated control room? Why, behind a CL5 blast door leading in to the operations center, is there a small 2x2m square space with a book case in it - and a wooden door? What protection is the wooden door offering that the blast door does not? Considering Floor 3 is home to an ISD regiment capped at 25 players, 4 Overseers and a couple of OSAs there is no real justification for it to be this big.

Medbay. Medbay has a lot going for it - but it is the case that the space is too big to suit it's RP requirements and as far as I know there was never any plan to expand medical RP to the point that this much space would be needed. There is enough seating in the main lobby area of medbay for the entirety of the site to sit down simultaneously and it is the case that the medical players are not so busy that there is a waiting period to be seen, which means it is another big, open empty space. At the back there is another lecture theatre - are we sure that medbay needs it's own cinema-style lecture theatre when we already have two unused theatres in the personnel wing and research wing? I don't think there is a requirement for the small room adjacent to the entrace of the main waiting room, certainly not as a bunk space as the combat medic bunk space and spawn area is more than suitable for all non CL4 medical staff.

Okay. If you haven't gotten bored of me yet, onto the one-time purchases.

Pay-to-win guns. In my personal opinion, expanding the paid weapons to include the weapons that were previously only obtainable by climbing to regimental CO positions was one of the most damning and damaging decisions that CN has ever made in handling SCP-RP. I have heard staff members say in the past that these paid store guns are not pay to win and, as I have done in the past, I will state it plainly here and now that they are. They are paid weapons that out-perform most weapons in the standard loadouts and it's as simple as that. This is why the pay-to-win guns are so bad for the game: it used to be the case that if players wanted to upgrade their loadouts and perform better in PvP against SCPs and enemy factions that they would have to climb to a senior position in one of the MTF regiments. This meant that the MTF Commanders could use the upgraded loadouts as an incentive to get their COs to perform regimental duties in the forms of trainings, roster management and document maintainence in order to justify their position as a CO and their access to the better loadouts - this promoted good health within the regiment. By taking the MTF COs main weapons and making them paid content, there was much less of an incentive to climb to a senior position in an MTF regiment - which deprived the regiment's of COs and ultimately bought about the decline of their ability to manage themselves. Which means by making CO standard weapons paid content - the health of MTF regiments was directly and negatively effected. It is also the case that the roll-out of paid weapons was not premeditated on and resulted in significant balance issues that needed to be corrected, the best case of this is the MSBS rifle - which was one of the most popular pay-to-win weapons - was nerfed shortly after a lot of players had paid for it, effectively scamming the purchasers out of their money.

Paid reality bending SCPs.
I know that the staff team is already fully aware of how unfairly strong Type-Green and 8837 are so I will not talk about this particular point in detail - only to say that it should have been easily conceivable to the devs that highly mobile SCPs that can instantly kill people from around corners with no counter play and make themselves invulnerable would be very poorly received by the playerbase and that it is soul destroyingly unfun to play against them.

Much needed TL;DR - the map is full of vast empty spaces that serve no RP purpose and passive RP objectives are more scattered, which means players aren't playing together any more. The map is designed to function at max population and if the population ever falls below this margin then gameplay just falls apart. There is much less of a reason to put the time into climbing a reg and pushing paid content is being prioritised over balance. (Don't get me wrong - CN is a business and it needs to make money, I truly and fully appreciate why this content gets pushed. But I think that devs are overlooking the need to balance content additions properly before they are dropped).
I wouldn’t say the map is much of a problem, you can easily do Firing Lines on SCPs , the problem is just that they can break all the Doors there and the Generator so it is much more efficient to chase them , call out there position and shoot them a bit to get DMG in and repeat.

But I fully agree with the rest , Floor 3 and so on are way to big and I wasn’t even I. Most Rooms.
As an update to what I said above, I hopped on the server pretty much instantly after making my post. The ENTIRE duration from that post to approximately 9:20PM I had done nothing but deal with a group of 5-6 minges who have ruined any RP in LCZ for the past week. One of them has uploaded his own custom 008 and O5 document into the computer that he should have had no knowledge to get in the first place and every single day after has printed it out and had his friends or himself bring it to D-Block and cause the exact same infobreach over and over again, the others are all loitering, leaving when being punished IC, failRPing or trolling with cuffs and taking all of IAs time up because there's so many of them. With how many reports I've made on them and others doing the same, myself many a time saying they are clearly a group of minges, the fact they're not being dealt with by staff is a joke. The main four culprits are Paul Rupert (Chef Herbert), Finklebob Jr, Dave Farwel Jr, and General Gilfordson JR. They are all nothing but minges.
This is something I've always hated.

It feels like there's way too much leniency with people like this who have no regard to actually RP. "It makes RP for IA" isn't a good argument when they kill each other to avoid arrest which wastes time with sits and voids them actually being arrested due to NLR, they run away at every instance and have bullshit excuses that staff sometimes buy so they don't get warned for breaking a rule. They then just get back at it right after their arrest of watching youtube for 10 minutes. Dealing with 5 people who WILL make your experience difficult isn't fun and I would argue isn't RP - you're telling someone who knows what they did wrong what they did wrong and they do not care. They'll get out and do it again, and have no regard for your experience.

Either that or their friend kills them so you can't arrest them. This isn't uncommon with minge groups.

Serrt will know that I am used to 6 warns then it's a permanent ban on another server we used to moderate on and I understand that you can't apply the basic rules and warn+ban guidelines of secret lab to the complexities of RP and a much bigger server, but people will have a page long list of warnings and they still run around minging and being a nuisance for IA. Hell, you can't even jobban them from playing chef which is known as the minge job instead of a chef job.

I know that sticking to being a golden FLC enjoyer also isn't supposed to happen 100% of the time - it and IA exist for a reason. But people, especially Gilfordson, I've personally seen do nothing BUT break the FLC, minge, and ruin RP for others are too common.

"Report them for NITRP" it's been done, and nothing has happened. At that point they tend to just log off, but they are still reoccurring faces.
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022
Hi all

Just a short reply to make you all aware I have noted the thread and will be reading through and taking information to try understand, obviously I do have to look at everything as objectively as possible to filter out personal opinions with where the facts are.

This isn't something that can be fixed overnight, however the one thing I have noted as I spent around 6 hours meeting with Requis and Auburn and other SCP staff from the previous era (back before I was staff) to understand the differences from then and now, it was a very productive conversation and identified a few key issues, however these are issues that cannot be solved in a single day.

In relation to "minges", personally the term I am not fan of, as it does seem the bar for when someone is identified as a "minge" is very low as I have seen complaints because one person told their director "no" before, however in the event they are showing a lack of care to even attempt to RP and are genuinely making the server feel unpleasant, I will be encouraging the staff team to monitor and take action as needed.

There are three things I did identify from my meeting yesterday which I think lend into how people view the servers.

1. "Broken Window Theory" - Now this is a bit odd to use a criminology theory for GMOD, however I do feel it fits, the broken window theory states that "if someone sees a broken window and it doesnt get fixed for some time, people will assume no one cares and just break another one, and this becomes a downward spiral" I have paraphrased the statement, but I feel this lends in to the statement for RP on the server, specifically considering "Mixing" and "Naming Conventions", now a lot of people hate the Naming Convention rule, however seeing people named "Colonel `Chicken` Sanders" should never be allowed or "Mike Oxlong" as I have seen a few times appear.

Naming conventions are very important to setting the tone of a server, and with this I have further been considering if it is also a right move to get rid of these sub-divisions in names as I do feel they detract from the seriousness as well, prolonging the ideal need for communication and not looking at tab to know if they are in a division, I have instructed the staff team to ensure these are cracked down on (Naming conventions, I have not yet decided on the sub-divisions).

Furthermore Mixing is a MAJOR part of detracted roleplay, as people are not being punished as they should be for mixing, which spoils the server atmosphere and also breaks the divide between an RP Character and people "roleplaying" their personal self, there has been a significant rise in people making sits because in RP they were told to "fuck off" and as a result it has turned into a personal hatred as opposed to an RP action, if mixing was enforced as it should be, this would help pin that separation back, and as a result, I have directed staff to ensure this is cracked down on.

2. "Optimising the fun out of everything" - Auburn conned this very true statement that I have been seeing a trend happen throughout the entire server which is no fault of anyone's other than they want to make life easier, however as a result, it is leading to over complication of areas, people who join our Server come back from a long day at school or work to roleplay and have fun, unfortunately there has been a rise in the sentiment that the RP jobs and departments are turning into a second full-time job for people which is not how we envision the services.

So what kind of things do I mean by "Optimising the fun", one of the biggest things I have noticed is extremely complex rosters, multitudes of "forms" that people have to fill out, I will use E-11 as an example, there is a form to; Log your hours / activity, Log the damage you have dealt to an SCP and on top of that you have to play the server, this feels almost as if you have to be constantly mindful to fill out forms otherwise you may be removed from a regiment and demoted. Furthermore, when you look at the issues caused by this, you see forms and over complex documentation become a major hinderance, forms for example are EXTREMELY insecure, and almost every month there is a "Our roster has been griefed" complaint which always comes from forms, showing there is a risk to utilising forms (and my personal opinion being, writing a form is the same time spent as manually putting the information in elsewhere), on top of this, when the person who made all these "automations" leaves the community, this usually leaves the old or new command teams to have a moment of running around as a headless chicken trying to understand why their roster broke, usually resulting in making a new roster which nine times out of ten becomes too complex behind the scenes.

Further to add to this, now we cannot prevent the community from making "spreadsheets" or documents to learn things as it creates community cohesion, however stuff like "chemical sheets" or "Food recipe sheets", these take the fun out of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't, the act of discovery for simplified "yo wheres the google doc", leading further into optimising the fun out of things leaving no room for discovery.

3. Red Tape - I have heard time and time again there is an age of red tape and bureaucracy whereby a joke was even made that you require a permit to visit the bathroom (obviously satirical), now players at the best of times don't want to write 1000000000 documents to do one thing, so what is the best way to ensure there is some level of "authorisation" in RP yet no need for millions of documents (especially more google documents) - this is something I might feed into and provide advice to departments I see this happening to ease the flow of RP as I can see things like this hindering departments such as research.

Kind Regards
Jan 6, 2023
there has been a significant rise in people making sits because in RP they were told to "fuck off"
critical sits with just help as the message, wherein the entire problem could have just been solved in character are the worst

people rely too much on staff intervention

small issues are immediately brought to staff, rather than just having them dealt with in character
Mar 20, 2022
People taking IC to heart is wild. God help some of the current players if i played Cortex as an Overseer today. I'd get reports for severe toxicity against me daily lmao.

Server quality has dipped, sure. But I believe we can pull it back up by focusing on RP over forms/logging etc. Me and Remmy as Internal Affairs Directors just removed duty logs completely and will judge Ambassadors on their Operations/Investigations launched and RP conducted rather than time spent on the server. Imagine coming back from work to feel like you have to "clock in" again, terrible mindset to develop.
Aug 17, 2022
People taking IC to heart is wild. God help some of the current players if i played Cortex as an Overseer today. I'd get reports for severe toxicity against me daily lmao.

Server quality has dipped, sure. But I believe we can pull it back up by focusing on RP over forms/logging etc. Me and Remmy as Internal Affairs Directors just removed duty logs completely and will judge Ambassadors on their Operations/Investigations launched and RP conducted rather than time spent on the server. Imagine coming back from work to feel like you have to "clock in" again, terrible mindset to develop.
That's a new one to me honestly, but certainly another worrying thing if it's also taking up extensive staff time, banter has always been a good part of the Site when people can take it well.

I've obviously read what Yeke has said too and whilst I agree with the points, I still don't agree about this being the solution to waning RP, especially with you calling it the direct solution yesterday when talking directly to SA/SC who could see your announcement.

Fixing the obligation to log everything removes the pressure of the "job" mentality, but doesn't fix that standards at the moment of said jobs are in an abysmal state. I obviously don't want to sound bias but I'd like to think that IA is doing pretty good, given our monthly review and the fact I have had to deal with a grand total of 3 mingey/rule-breaking players from IA in over 3 weeks. Elsewhere however, I have directly spoken to CI players who are constantly active, witnessed it first hand by playing on DEA as well etc, willingness to RP is almost completely gone in a lot of places. As Niox said, "is this server currently about RPing or winning?"

I think the problems right now run quite deep and that sort of action is only a surface layer in terms of shit that needs to be addressed. I am optimistic given Yeke's clear attention to the issues and the fact he has had an extensive meeting with staff, and of course I could sit down and talk with him or any staff for as long as needed to share my POV if that is welcomed, but idk. Just hope the wheel keeps turning in regards to what they're all doing right now.
I think another good idea would be to change the current stance on rule enforcement into one that has a much heavier lean into in-character punishments. I think that the priority to punish rulebreakers should be to hit them with strikes/demotions/removals/blacklists/job bans over warnings and account bans - or even better to hit them with both in character and OOC punishments for the same offence.

This would require the staff team to adopt a stance on enforcement that is much less orientated towards issuing their own warns and bans and instead to monitor senior CL4+ to ensure that they are appropraitely handing out in-character punishments against offenders. The main reason for this is that staff are limited in terms of what they can enforce from an in-character perspective; they cannot warn someone for "bad RP" - the quality of RP can only be regulated by the players, usually senior CL4+ and it therefore makes sense to empower the players' ability to regulate each other so that the standard of RP can be lifted and maintained at a high level.

A big advantage of this is that the staff team would have much less of a requirement to take sits, I personally have never applied for staff because in truth I do not want to have to handle 60 sits per week, constantly mediating between two people who RDMd each other in D-Block. If staff are re-orientated away from hitting sit quotas and more towards upholding a high standard of RP then it makes the staff positions more enjoyable and the staff team is much more likely to attract higher quality members and more experienced players who know what a good standard of RP looks like.

On another note;
I think there needs to be a serious, large-scale tear down of all external RP, and policy documents that are not department or regimental rosters. It has become a chronic problem that senior players are playing the game through the proximity of discord and teamspeak - chosing not to host their RP meetings in-character and instead to just open a thread on discord or have an informal chat on teamspeak. In-character meetings to host job interviews, discuss departmental or site policy should be in-character RP occassions.

As much documentation and policy as physically possible should be stored in-game and plastered all over corkboards and white-board decals - and players should be learning about their department, regiment and site in-character. Handbooks should be in-game documents, not google documents.
Sep 16, 2023
I think another good idea would be to change the current stance on rule enforcement into one that has a much heavier lean into in-character punishments. I think that the priority to punish rulebreakers should be to hit them with strikes/demotions/removals/blacklists/job bans over warnings and account bans - or even better to hit them with both in character and OOC punishments for the same offence.

This would require the staff team to adopt a stance on enforcement that is much less orientated towards issuing their own warns and bans and instead to monitor senior CL4+ to ensure that they are appropraitely handing out in-character punishments against offenders. The main reason for this is that staff are limited in terms of what they can enforce from an in-character perspective; they cannot warn someone for "bad RP" - the quality of RP can only be regulated by the players, usually senior CL4+ and it therefore makes sense to empower the players' ability to regulate each other so that the standard of RP can be lifted and maintained at a high level.

A big advantage of this is that the staff team would have much less of a requirement to take sits, I personally have never applied for staff because in truth I do not want to have to handle 60 sits per week, constantly mediating between two people who RDMd each other in D-Block. If staff are re-orientated away from hitting sit quotas and more towards upholding a high standard of RP then it makes the staff positions more enjoyable and the staff team is much more likely to attract higher quality members and more experienced players who know what a good standard of RP looks like.

On another note;
I think there needs to be a serious, large-scale tear down of all external RP, and policy documents that are not department or regimental rosters. It has become a chronic problem that senior players are playing the game through the proximity of discord and teamspeak - chosing not to host their RP meetings in-character and instead to just open a thread on discord or have an informal chat on teamspeak. In-character meetings to host job interviews, discuss departmental or site policy should be in-character RP occassions.

As much documentation and policy as physically possible should be stored in-game and plastered all over corkboards and white-board decals - and players should be learning about their department, regiment and site in-character. Handbooks should be in-game documents, not google documents.
IC punishment is primarily decided by department/regiment leaders. E.g. see UK E-11, where getting warned on the job gets you a strike, and getting warned for tox/harassment/etc. even outside of E-11 will also get you a strike. One strike means demotion, two means removal. Or at least, that's how it was handled when I was there, not sure if it still is.

Mason Phillips

Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Feb 22, 2024
IC punishment is primarily decided by department/regiment leaders. E.g. see UK E-11, where getting warned on the job gets you a strike, and getting warned for tox/harassment/etc. even outside of E-11 will also get you a strike. One strike means demotion, two means removal. Or at least, that's how it was handled when I was there, not sure if it still is.
Still is 100% when on the job. If they are off the job it will depend on the situation.
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