Hello everyone!
As always, we'll post changes as they happen on the SCP-RP Discord in #change-logs.
Many thanks to @Luft for writing most of this.
? Staff Promotions ?
Congratulations on everyone's promotions! And for those who weren't promoted this month, we wish you luck in the upcoming month



- @'Falcon' / Stealth
- @Jackmaze
- @Scotsman

- @LMS
- @roguejwang
- @shequis

- @Xrz
- @Rackarain
- @Liam Thompson
- @Daniel Hammer
- @Critical
- @Dinkster
- @Kira Rose
? New Features ?
- Added Features
- Added Department of External Affairs. Check here for more information!
- Added new External Affairs jobs: Agent, Operative, Senior Agent, Special Agent, Agency Manager, Deputy Director, Director
Loadout System - Added Advanced Loadouts system & enabled for External Affairs jobs: switch between utility & combative loadouts with different gear for different situations. Loadouts can be selected when changing to a job, and on the respawn screen.
- Added the following loadouts: (will be changed based on community feedback if required)
- Agent Utility: HK UMP, H&K P30L, Flashbang, Smoke Grenade
- Agent Combative: GRY SBR, H&K P30L
- Sr. Agent Utility: Fang-45, H&K P30L, Drone Controller, Sticky Grenade
- Sr. Agent Combative: M249 Para, H&K P30L
- Sp. Agent+ Utility: AS VAL, H&K P30L, Drone Controller, Sticky Grenade
- Sp. Agent+ Combative: DSR, H&K P30L
Donation Store - Added Custom Role - Discord/TeamSpeak package (can be purchased in-game or on the website)
- Added Custom Role Modification - Discord/TeamSpeak package (can be purchased in-game or on the website)
Reality Bending - Added Reality Bending system and SWEP - Click here for more information!
- Class D TYPE-BLUE and CI - TYPE-BLUE jobs will experience 'unstable decay' after 45 minutes (Class D) or 1 hour 30 minutes (CI) of being alive, causing them to lose 2hp/second.
- Added Class D TYPE-BLUE job
- Added CI - TYPE-BLUE job
- Added Foundation Thaumatologist job
- Added UNGOC - Thaumatologist job
- !banresearch now blocks use of the Foundation Thaumatologist job
Food Related - Added a new food item: "Shawarma" with 4 recipes
- Fixed the "Shawarma" recipes overlapping with "Kebab"
Added Destabilize ability to reality benders - Cost: 50 energy, Cooldown: 60 seconds
- Bypasses ability suppression
- Dissolves all nearby reality anchors on activation
- Separately, for the next 10 seconds, destabilizes reality near the reality bender.
- While inside of destabilized reality, players will receive visual and audio effects, and will be unable to place new reality anchors
Chemistry Related - Added 3 new chemicals
- Added 3 new chemical recipes
Added the following chemistry entities to the MC&D F4 Menu under the Entities Category. - Beaker
- Large Beaker
- Conical Flask
- Vial
- Sample Syringe
New External Affairs Directories - foundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs
- foundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs/investigation_reports
- foundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs/people_of_interest
- foundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs/surface_agency
- foundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs/operations_agency
- foundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs/operations_agency/operation_reports
- oundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs/groups_of_interest
- foundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs/groups_of_interest/hostile_groups
- foundation/site_65/departments/external_affairs/groups_of_interest/allied_groups

- Balance/QOL Change
General QOL/Changes:
- Optimized bullet freeze ability
- Rewrote scrap system data storage method to fix scrap randomly being wiped (Thanks @Alpha Toon )
- N-HU-23-X users are now passive when in-use
- New Application Formats:
- External Affairs Special Agent Application Format
- Director of External Affairs Application Format
- Added !jobapprove for External Affairs - Agents & Operatives require job approval from a Special Agent+ before getting their equipment
- Added !banexternalaffairs command - usable by Special Agent+, Site Admin and Site Command. Bans people off of Agent & Operative jobs only
- DEA Special Agents now only have access to a disguise swep when on utility loadout (no sniper on utility loadout)
- Updated Special Agent Utility loadout: removed sticky grenade, added disguise swep
- Updated Special Agent Combative loadout: added smoke grenade
- Fixed O5, Director of Ethics, and Site Manager not being able to use job ban commands
- Fixed Site Manager not being able to use !jobapprove commands (Site Advisors & Directors can use it already)
- Fixed mp3 music not playing to the correct length (This should fix the music on the character menu not playing)
- Changed CI-Technical Expert rank requirement from CI-Beta -> CI-Alpha
- Changed C.I AA door to biometric CL4
- Removed Beta-1 Door group
- Added the ability for players to sell their breach votes to the server for £100 / $100 in-game money each
Added the following to UNGOC Door groups: - UNGOC Thaumatologist
- UNGOC Medic
- UNGOC Chemist
Added the following to CI Door groups: - CI Chemist
- CI Type-Blue
- CI Strike Team
Weaponry Changes: - Added swep_drone_controller to Director & Deputy Director of External Affairs
- Added gmod_camera to Ethics Assistant & Overseer Assistant
- Added vclipboard to Surface Medic
- Added AEK-971 (currently unobtainable weapon, will be made obtainable in the future
- Added ARX-160, FHR-40, AEK-971 to skinnable weapons in /skins
Aligned vguns iron-sights for; - Prokolot
- P320
Aligned vguns sights for; - MP5A4
- Orsis T-5000
- HK 417
- Fixed M240b being held upside down
- Changed DSR damage 150 > 275
Typhoon-12 changes; - RPM reduced from 200 to 170
- Recoil: increased from 10 to 15
- Recoil ADS: increased from 1.5 to 10
- Spread: Increased from 0.1 to 0.5
- Spread ADS: increased from 0.05 to 0.15
Job Changes: - Renamed IT Specialist to IT Technician
- Changed job prefix from Specialist to Technician
- added Typhoon-12 to Containment Specialist
- Added 2023 Civil Networks pixel high quality AI upscaled GPT-4 details to DOEA playermodel shoulder logo
- Updated D-Class Type-Blue model to be identical to the normal Class-D model
- Fixed incorrect tag used on D-Class jobs that caused TYPE-BLUE and other jobs to be able to see comms
- Fixed UNGOC Thaumatologist unable to access missions.
- Fixed CI Type Blue unable to access missions.
- Fixed UNGOC Thaumatologist receiving foundation alerts.
- Fixed Foundation medbay reception phone to accept calls.
- Swapped CI-TYPE BLUE CL4 keycard -> CL3 keycard (GAMMA rank job)
- Foundation Thaumatologist now has the same printer credit cooldown as Sr. Researcher
- Updated description of Chief of Security
- Updated description of Director of Medicine
- Updated description of Site Manager
- Updated description of Site Advisor
- Updated description of Director of Intelligence
- Updated description of Director of Research
- Added "SurfaceJob" flag to CI Type Blue to no longer receive foundation announcements
- Added "Unstable Decay" to CI Type Blue which will occur after 1 hour and 30 minutes
- Added "unstable decay" to D-Class Type Blue which will occur after 45 minutes
- Updated CI Commander promotion level to 29, can now target LTCOM
- Updated CI LTCOM promotion level to 28, can now target MCOM
- Updated CI MCOM promotion level to 27, can now target BCOM
- Increased ERT health from 400 -> 600
- ERT now spawn with Scranton Reality Anchors
- Fixed sort order of GOC MAJ to be above GOC CPT (USA)
Credits System - Added crediting to the following;
Eligible Jobs: - Operative, Agent, Senior Agent, and Special Agent
Crediting Jobs: - Special Agent, Agency Manager, Deputy Director, Director
Approving Jobs: - Special Agent, Agency Manager, Deputy Director, Director, SA, O5, Ethics
XP Amount (without VIP): - 600 Combat
- Foundation Thaumatologist can now credit D-Class, GENSEC and Medical.
- SA, O5, Ethics can now credit Department of External Affairs up to Agency Manager (Combat XP)
- SA, O5, Ethics can now credit Deputy Director and Director of External Affairs (Support XP)
- Director of Research can now credit all research jobs (Research XP)
Model Updates: - Added 2 new heads for D-Class
- Added LOD meshes for D-Class
- Fixed physics mesh on all D-class models
- Updated Nu-7 Operative model
- Updated Nu-7 Medic model
- Updated Nu-7 Specialist model
- Updated Nu-7 Autorifleman model
- Updated Nu-7 Marksman model
- Updated Nu-7 Officer model
- Updated Nu-7 Commander model
New/Changed Models for: - New Model for External Affairs Agent
- External Affairs Operative
- Director of External Affairs
- External Affairs Agency Manager
Reality Bending: - Removed weapon switch delay from Reality Bending swep
- Removed Reality Bending swep from weapon checker illegal weapons
- Added Scraton Reality Anchor to Containment Specialists
- Added Kant Counter to UNGOC Thaumatologist
- Changed minimum HP to be invulnerable to reality bending instakill abilities from 251 HP to 250 HP
- Reduced dispenser cooldown for Scranton Reality Anchors from 30 minutes -> 15 minutes
- Both are 300 energy reality benders, requiring the TYPE-GREEN package
- Added max range of 2500 units to reality bender targeting
- Reality benders can no longer use the Escape Card ability when inside, or very close to, a containment chamber
- Reality benders now regenerate energy slower when < 64 players are in-game
- Scales with playercount: 16 players = 25% regen rate, 32 players = 50%, 64+ players = 100%, etc
Increased Scranton Reality Anchor range: - TYPE-GREEN: Suppression range increased from 250 -> 400
- TYPE-BLUE: Suppression range increased from 750 -> 800
- Thaumatologist: Suppression range increased from 1500 -> 1600
VComputer DEA Changes: - Renamed "Intelligence Introduction: -> "External Affairs Introduction"
- Updated "External Affairs Introduction" to include Surface and Operations Agencies, and to also remove any mentions of the old Intelligence Department
SCP Changes: - SCP breach tools now have a 3 minute delay after spawn or breach before they can be used
- After spawn/recontain, SCP-7722's crossbow ammo is now set to 10 bolts instead of 200 bolts
- Increased average time between breaches in the schedule by 40%
- Removed one-slot breaches from breach queue schedule - all breaches will now be two/three SCPs.
- Average SCPs per breach changed from ~1.5 SCPs per breach currently to ~2.15 SCPs per breach in the new system, 40% increase
- First breach of the day (or first breach after restart/crash) will always be a 1-SCP breach
- Added small chance for a second 1-SCP breach each day
Surface Changes: - Increased Ranger slots from 5 -> 6
- Added 'Elastic Restraint' weapon to the Ranger job
- Added Syringe to Surface Medic job
- Added a Medical Cabinet in the Pinewood Medical Centre
- Changed Gun Dealer & Heavy Gun Dealer bodygroups to be more distinctive from normal Citizens
- Added new spawns for Heavy Gun Dealers
?️ Bugfixes?️
General Fixes:
- Fixed purchases of the SCP - TYPE-GREEN package not showing notifications in chat
- Fixed SCP-RP UK being stuck on old dispenser config due to a duplicate lua file
- Fixed Scranton Reality Anchors having a 30 minute instead of a 15 minute dispenser cooldown
- Fixed SCP-457 kills not being credited/logged correctly
- Scranton Reality Anchors no longer collide with players when placed
- Updated collision rules for certain SCPs to try to reduce the likelihood of physics engine crashes / server crashes
- Updated UI and fixed bug with notifications where it would spam when searching models.
- Fixed DEA personnel with drone controllers being unable to purchase drones in the F4 menu
- Fixed SCIPnet not working
- Changed s_epineprhine recipe to no longer overlap with another chemical
- Changed s_liquid_anima recipe
- Fixed A-1 gloves having a missing texture
Abilities (Reality Bending): - Fixed being able to revive head explode victims
- Abilities are removed upon death
- Fixed inversion halo being visible through walls
- Fixed exploding head causing crashes (DM me if it crashes again after restart)
- Fixed inversion ability sometimes going higher than 2x max HP
- Fixed SCP-035 possession of reality benders resulting in an incorrect amount of reality bending energy
- Fixed inversion ability healing capping at 200 instead of 2x the reality bender's spawn HP
- Fixed a couple of exploits with reality bending
- Fixed dissolve & ignite abilities not crediting/logging the kill for the reality benders
- Fixed reality benders being suppressed from a distance 10x larger than intended
Removed Features

- Removed Features:
- Removed Department of Intelligence & associated jobs
- Removed MTF Beta-1 & associated jobs
- Removed nitroglycerine from SCP-914 output
- Removed Intelligence Directories:
- foundation/site_65/departments/intelligence foundation/site_65/departments/intelligence/operation_reports
? Rules Changes ?
- Rule Changes
Multiple Section Changes
- Edited and Added new rules to Section 3 -> 7 on the "SCP-RP Rules | Civil Networks"
New Staff Rulings - [ 1.05 Double Cuffing ] - You may only double cuff a player if they are going to be arrested and put in jail.
- [ 2.18 SCP-914 Misuse ] - The use of SCP-914 is permitted within reason; however, the mass-production of weapons using the machine, be it for self-interest or supplying a Faction, is FailRP.
- [ 2.4(c) Interrogation Rules ] - Replaced [Intellegence] with [External Affairs]
- [ 3.2(a) Foundation Raiding ] - Foundation MTF personnel can raid the CI and UNGOC Base when authorised by MTF Nu-7 Commander, External Affairs Agency Manager+, or Site Administration e.g (O5, Ethics, Site Director/Advisor). (To include Agency Managers+)
- [ 4.3 Combative Personnel ] - To include the Department of External Affairs.
- [ 4.1 Global Base Hierarchy ]
- Replaced [Intellegence] with [External Affairs]
- Added [Special Agent] under the same section as Jr. CL4
- Added [Agency Manager] under the same section as Sr. CL4
- Modified Rule 1.4 to include Containment Specialists and Combat Medics to be exempt from NLR if they died to an SCP during a breach
- Transferred from SCP-RP Staff Rulings, to the main ruleset with revisions - Notably allowing sampling of an SCP be per group, instead of server-wide
- Transferred from SCP-RP Staff Rulings, to the main ruleset. (This was already a pre-existing rule)
- Edited rules [ 2.8 ] and [ 6.5 ]
[ 6.5 - SCP Camping ]
- From: SCPs may not camp any area, including containment chambers and checkpoints, unless forced due to ERT turrets and shields, for longer than 10 minutes.
- To: SCPs may not camp any area, including containment chambers and checkpoints, unless forced due to ERT turrets and shields, for longer than 5 minutes.
[ 2.8 Positions Limits ] - You may only, across all your characters:
- From: Hold an MTF position along with either a GOC or CI position. You can not hold a CI and GOC position at the same time.
- To: Be a member in two out of three of: MTF, CI, or GOC. - Edited and Added new rules to Section 3 -> 7 on the "SCP-RP Rules | Civil Networks"