SCP-RP (UK) - GM Application - Deacon

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Jun 19, 2022
What server are you applying for:

Your Username:

Your SteamID:

Discord Username:


What's your current playtime:
1339 Hours

Do you have a mic:

Your characters name:
Deacon (or Moosa)
CI: Deacon.
GOC: 'Deacon'
Civ: Tyler 'Deacon' Harlow

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
I also have an accepted Content Team application and an accepted Resource Team transfer application somewhere in the staff only section from when I was HMod.
I also have a GOC app and a 096 app somewhere

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why:
-All warns:
Minor Glitching - May 11 2022
RDM x2 - May 11 2022
Pac Abuse - Jun 15 2022
RDM x2 - Dec 9 2023

How many hours can you be on everyday:
4-6 Hours

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community:
I co-owned a popular-at-the-time RP server for a while where I did multiple events over its lifespan.

Why would you like to become a Gamemaster:
I like creating new and interesting situations that others can take part in. I have several interesting simple and complex ideas that I would like to put into action and I feel that these ideas would make for a good time for everyone involved and increase interest in further events.

My favourite genre is horror, and I would love to bring out the more horror-esque qualities of the SCP universe through my roleplay events. This would be done through PACs that I’ve worked on, as well as my knowledge of the ULX commands used creatively to make new monsters for Researchers to study, MTFs to capture, and others to potentially get scared by. In a fun way!

On the flipside I also like creating silly, more light-hearted situations that people can have fun with. This could be done using props to create entirely new areas for people to explore with entire stories integrated into the created map.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants:
I have spent time as a staff member up to Head Moderator on this server before so I am fully aware of the rules as well as having worked alongside the Gamemasters/Event Team during that time. I have also done similar work on other servers running different game modes. I have personally participated in numerous events on the server so I have a general idea of how they are run in-game.

I also understand that being a Gamemaster requires being very flexible with roleplay. Creating a roleplay situation with a straight A to Z story without any other options on how to approach the situation is not very fun to play, and is bound to end in it being a bland uninteresting experience for everyone.

As someone creating an event you need to be prepared for every single possibility, as well as be prepared to adapt your event to unseen possibilities to make it as smooth and natural as possible. The role of Gamemaster requires excellent improvisation under pressure which I believe I have.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):
A R3-SE-4R-CH-3R interested in science
An anomalous robot scientist arrives at Site-65 ready to perform crazy and previously thought impossible tests around the site.

The main focus of this small event would be rapid-fire kooky tests that other players could also participate in without being overly disruptive of other legitimate tests.

This small event would consist of a robotic scientist with all sorts of miscellaneous abilities performing interesting and fun tests that otherwise wouldn’t be done, either because they weren’t possible previously, or because they are just too outlandish. This event is inspired by the stories of Dr Bright, but without the accusations. And with a robot.

Some examples of the tests that could be performed by this Robo Researcher are;
Can you ride SCP-682 like a horse (Achievable via an easy PAC)
Will SCP-079 become friends with a fellow machine (Would require a 079 willing to do full RP)
How many SCPs can a robot researcher interact with while wearing SCP-178 before being ‘shut down’

SCP-1471 - MalO has infected at Site-65
A skull headed stalker is haunting the staff of the foundation through a mysterious app downloaded onto their personnel tablet.

The main objective for this event would be to bring the creepiness factor back into SCP on the server. The stalked player would only catch glimpses of the MalO creature and would be left questioning if they truly saw anything at all.

An SCP-1471 small event would be accomplished by creating a PAC that looks like the MalO creature. The MalO creature would then connect to the headcam of a random foundation personnel to let them know via the connection notification that they are now being stalked by the creature. This would be a period of time where the creature would ‘appear’ and ‘disappear’ around the foundation personnel in a stalker manner until choosing another member. This would simply be achieved using the Noclip command and the silent Cloak command.

MTFs could potentially beam the creature and capture it during the short time it is visible if the roleplay heads that way.

SCP-662 - Mr. Deeds at your service
A bell has been rung and a butler has appeared. He offers you anything you want. Within reason, of course.

The point of this small event would be to introduce an SCP to the site that has appeared in several different SCP stories previously, and to hand out temporary (non-holsterable) weapons to make near-future combat scenarios more interesting, or temporary items that can be used to create new researcher RP during testing.

With a simple use of the model command to create the butler look, and the Giveweapon command/spawning via Q menu, SCP-662 can be brought to life. A player would approach Mr. Deeds, ask for any giveable item and Mr. Deeds would produce it for them.

Following the official SCP file, the requests would have to be reasonable and sensible otherwise they would be denied. Eg. Players can ask for something simple like a rifle, but not something like a SCP-008 vial. The item requested doesn’t necessarily need to be a weapon.

It would be up to MTF Leaders and other department leaders to ensure this is not abused In-Character.

Please List an map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server):
Return to old Site-65 - Back in time

Everyone is transported back in time to the old version of Site-65 and must discover how to get back to modern times. This would include following pre-placed clues around the site until coming to a custom build arena with a boss fight of sorts against a giant SCP (The Gate Guardian or the Scarlet King for example)

The boss fight would be a scaled up and modelled or PAC’d player with a massive amount of HP and a very powerful weapon fighting everybody else in the arena. Players who die would be teleported back to the arena so they can continue fighting until the ‘boss’ is defeated. This would be expected to be a lengthy and epic battle.

List an example mission for each of the following (O-1, A-1, Nu-7, E-11, CI, UNGOC & Foundation Staff):
A Murder on the Tenth Floor

Maintenance on the mysterious and anomalous 10th Floor has stopped due to all of the workers going missing. Play the role of detective and discover all the clues to find out what happened to them.

This event will be a true test of the mind for O-1. The Floor 10 event will include clues throughout the whole of the user-built area that make a trail to a final room with a custom SCP inside. O-1 would gain access to this area by approaching a GM placed door acting as an ‘elevator’. This ‘elevator’ would work by teleporting players to Floor 10.

The Tenth Floor would be an entirely custom build area that gives enough room for proper exploration, including several detailed rooms. The custom SCP would be a PAC creation with high HP and strong SCP abilities. O-1 would choose how to approach this SCP who is initially open to conversation. With words or with violence.

Operation: Hanging Serpent
A-1 have been sent out to infiltrate and eliminate the GOI ‘Serpent’s Hand’ safehouse in a neighbouring valley. However, when MTF A-1 arrives at the designated area, they find more than just the SH operatives the briefing told them.

This event would be very reminiscent of classic tactical op missions performed in the real world. Due to A-1 being the Black Ops of MTFs, the mission would be built preferably for stealth infiltration and elimination however it would also be suitable for a loud breach and clear type loop if the stealth route doesn't go to plan, however this would be harder due to the way the event map is built.

This would involve multiple Serpent's Hand operatives patrolling around a large compound, with an easily defendable building set in the centre that Serpent’s hand would retreat to if alerted. The objective would be to eliminate all SH members and search the house for Info-breach items. The twist would come in the form of mutated SH operatives with unique abilities, achieved by using random SCP sweps, and a creepy anomalous atmosphere.

Where the Child things are

A small group of anomalous children have escaped a testing facility and have hidden somewhere in the outskirts of Pinewood. Nu-7 have been tasked with securing the area, subduing the anomalous children peacefully and bringing them back to the facility to be tested on. Once the children are inside the facility, things suddenly start to go awry…

The Event would involve several innocent-minded, obedient children with various powers that have built a shack outside the surface wood fence. Powers include a couple of SCP sweps, invisibility, teleportation, flight etc.

Once the children are taken to a cell, the story opens up a bit, and more anomalous entities are introduced. The anomalous entity appears to hunt down the children and Nu-7 can decide to defend the children, or have the children help fight the entity using their abilities.

SCP-427 - Lovecraftian Locket

A researcher has decided to create an instance of SCP-427 to help mend his broken leg faster, but he looks at it for too long and transforms into something in-human.

The Event for SCP-427 will start with a simple crippled researcher putting a SCP-500 pill into SCP-914 on the Fine setting and picking up the result of the test (SCP-427). The researcher will go through various transformations via Pac3 with the end result being a violent blob of flesh that E-11 are tasked with stopping SCP-427-1 before it rolls the entire site.

Ill-Gotten Gains

The Chaos Insurgency have received a batch of stolen SCPs delivered to their containment cells. SCPs could include SCP-1123, SCP-066, SCP-895, SCP-055, SCP-205, and SCP-207.

This event would utilise props and basic commands to create a temporary “inanimate objects” room for CI to perform some experiments of their own. One example would be using the teleport command to teleport someone to a user-built ww2 bunker when they interact with SCP-1123, or using the invisibility command and a knife to correctly mimic SCP-205.

Dr Wondertainment’s Toy Factory

A factory owned by the anomalous toymaker Dr Wondertainment has popped up in the area. The GOC are sent to shut it down by any means necessary, and ensure nothing makes it out alive.

The GOC would be taken to a large GM built factory filled with several player controlled entities from the ‘Little Misters’ collection. [See SCP-527 document for list of Little Misters] The GOCs objective would be to find and eliminate all Little Misters and then destroy the factory by blowing up and shooting several destructive props representing the structure.

Foundation Staff:
SCP-1762 - Where the Dragons went

SCP-1762, a box with the phrase “Here were dragons” written on the side has been temporarily stored in the empty room of Inanimate Objects. The SCP, long thought to be ‘Neutralised’ suddenly starts stirring again…

The focus of this event would not be on the origami dragons or what's inside the box but instead try to play with human emotion much like the original story. The story behind this event would play out via the /write function and utilising pac3 and various props to further the story, eventually ending in a wonderful crescendo faithful to the story of SCP-1762.

As this is my personal favourite SCP story, this would be played as more serious and would focus heavily on story and writing rather than action. This would also require a serious amount of PAC work to make it the best it can be and keep it as interesting and dynamic as possible.


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-/+ Neutral

  • + Active

  • + Event ideas are nice, interesting and refreshing, albeit with a couple minor concerns I'll raise.

  • -/+ I have never seen you on the server nor have I interacted with you on or off the server in any capacity, so I can't make any judgements as to the nature of your activity on the server and how you might fit into the GM team overall.
It would be up to MTF Leaders and other department leaders to ensure this is not abused In-Character.
I personally would not trust players to not abuse this. In fact, I will personally go as far as to say this would be abused. That's my opinion based on my experience as GM so far, but I don't necessarily think it hurts the app at all. In my eyes, it's mostly just a somewhat naive judgement but I don't think it should obstruct your chances of getting the position - What you can and can't trust players with should mostly be learned the hard way (obviously aside from the extremely devastating stuff that would massively disrupt some/most/all of the server, such as the orbital strike SWEP, etc.)
(The Gate Guardian or the Scarlet King for example)
I know these were given as examples of giant SCPs, but the UK GM team generally frowns upon the intention to use or reference 001 objects in events in any capacity. That being said, players tend to get strange ideas in their heads and if this ended up playing out and you made some kind of generic giant entity that's not distinctly different enough from any 001 object, they are highly likely to interpret it as such. Again, not particularly much of a concern so long as, again, you don't intend it to specifically be any 001 object, nor do I think it hurts the app in any way, since you clearly weren't specifically going for 001. Just a very minor nitpick.

Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Nov 24, 2023
Gamemaster Application - Denied

Hello @Deacon ,

Unfortunately having discussed your application with the Event Team Supervisors, we believe you are not currently fit to be a member of the Gamemaster team.

For further information please contact an Event Team Supervisor and we wish you the best of luck for next time.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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