SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Weed

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Miammi poon

Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2024
What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK)

Your Username: Weed

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:454986

Discord Username: Weed5371

Age: 22

What's your current playtime: 3d 18h 58m 57s

Do you have a mic: yes

Your characters name: Miamma Poon

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: Yes

Have you received any kicks/warns/bans, and if so, why: No bans or warns or kicks

How many hours can you be on everyday: 6-8 hours a day

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community: N/a

Tell us about something that you're proud that you've achived in-game: I am proud to pass every tryout first try and shooting range within a good time (11.49s) as well as held MTF positions Both E-11 and NU7 also getting my licenses first try

Why would you like to become a staff member: want to be a staff member, because I have what it takes to do the job correctly. I am not the person to mess about and ruin other people’s rp but to have fun in a semi-serious way and also know when to be professional. Plus, I enjoy the server, regardless of how some players ruin it for others. Also, I have good knowledge on scp lore and have a great understanding of the ROE's as a whole. As I know that I can try to make a difference or better still, attempt to punish those who go out of their purview and break rules to ruin it for others. After all, we all want the server to be fun but also engaging. It’s not fun if people ruin the experience for others, so I would be a perfect fit for staff, again. Finally, I have the required attributes like great professionalism, great activity, being fair, and reasonable and having dedication/motivation to strive better.

If you could improve something on the staff team, what would it be and how would you do so: I suppose just more experience and having a positive attitude on everything as well as not to lose your cool and remain professional and well mannered. And not to neglect anyone and treat everyone fair and the same. I'd do so by chatting to the staff team maybe further train myself or others as well as if i do see neglect or admin abuse i'd report it to a higher up as corruption is not tolerated.
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Dec 25, 2023
+/- Neutral

Honestly, I think this app is good and shows that you do want to be staff, but just for me (which is probably my fault, for not always being in the same RP sphere as you), I also haven't had a lot of interactions with you - the few I've had have been small and just very neutral and basic (nothing bad, nothing good).

Because of that I personally cannot really push either way, however I do think the app is good.


Aug 11, 2024
+ Support
Honest and reliable person and is very active on the server from which i have seen.

Miammi poon

Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2024
- support

failraided (you should know not to failraid, read and study the rules)
Listen I made one honest mistake as a raid was on-going. I thought I could join in... My only wrong doing was not asking before joining the raid and just assumed to join the raid anyway The handbook doesn't say you cant join a raid that's on-going and you've not died . But I appreciate the response (of course you'd come to my application when I do a small fuck up past night hours... (2am BST)
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You seemed to have a level head in-game when we talked (don't know whats going on about this failraid business) but for some reason you've been seriously up in arms about this naming con situation. If you are unwilling to comprehend the issue of having the name "Poon" then I do not want you on our staff team.

Miammi poon

Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2024

You seemed to have a level head in-game when we talked (don't know whats going on about this failraid business) but for some reason you've been seriously up in arms about this naming con situation. If you are unwilling to comprehend the issue of having the name "Poon" then I do not want you on our staff team.
Because at the end of the day its my name its unethical and unneeded what you did Imagine taking such an iconic name that the person's had for a very long amount of time and still people ask "what happened to Poon" And to test this I even called a sit and said "hey do you have an issue with my name" they replied "no I don't see the issue as long as its not roman or greek" and I explained to him that one of the staff has an issue and he said ok ill just return you now then. "Poon" and "poonani" are very different in definition and you fail to see that hence why i've made a report about both you and Xavier.

Miammi poon

Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2024
It has also come apparent due to my incident yesterday (today at the early hours in the morning) i'm being witch hunted this is evident by my application passed around its nor but not a coincidence that 6 people comment when I barely even managed to get two comments within nearly a week you need to understand everyone makes mistakes most staff have more severe warns it wasn't malicious my raid I didn't even get to kill anyone or be seen it was simply a grey area for me as nowhere does it say in the ci handbook you cant join an ongoing raid (see handbook yourself and prove me wrong) that is in effect nor had I died so hence why i thought I could join the raid my only mistake i'll say this again was not asking in comms to join the raid. Which I have owned up to for my wrong doing and apologised as a result I got kicked out the ci but have been welcomed back next tryout.
Sep 13, 2022
everyone makes mistakes most staff have more severe warns
This is true, however their warns aren't active during their time as staff or applying for staff. Having an active ban or warning and applying for staff is just a disaster waiting to happen. I've seen that people think of you as a good person and you're app isn't half bad but recently people seem to be pointing out serious flaws that you can get fixed. If you do get them fixed then my opinion would change but as of right now all I can give you is a:

+/- Neutral support


Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Group Moderator
Dec 20, 2023
Listen I made one honest mistake as a raid was on-going. I thought I could join in... My only wrong doing was not asking before joining the raid and just assumed to join the raid anyway The handbook doesn't say you cant join a raid that's on-going and you've not died . But I appreciate the response (of course you'd come to my application when I do a small fuck up past night hours... (2am BST)
Its a basic requirement to pass the CI recruitment test to know that. Wasn't the only reason for the minus support but was the final reason.

Miammi poon

Well-known Member
Jul 26, 2024
Withdrawing application I see i'm very well hated in the staff community over one misunderstanding and over my name deserves all this hatred? I only broke one rule and it was a misunderstanding and a grey area for me unless you can provide other instances I broke the Roes i'm back in the ci as they have accepted my apology and they even said yeh we've had that happen before we need to update the handbook
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