[SCP-RP UK] Tim Drake's Ethics Committee Member Application

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Before I leave a verdict, could you answer the following:

1. What storylines have you led or been heavily involved in?
2. In your position of SA and DoIA, what roleplay have you created departmentally or site wide?

I haven't been able to find this in your application, and I would be leaving a -support without. A lot of your application speaks on essentially operating the facility controls whether its in personnel or hitting big ole' CL4 buttons. As a ECM you'd be a roleplay leader, your primary concern wouldn't be managing the site (and realistically an Ethics member should never be doing so unless there's no SA/O5 on). This is something I feel that you are lacking on, but if it was an oversight on the application I would look towards leaving a positive verdict.

You are superb in a perspective of administrative and management, but that isn't what the role is about. All CL5 slots are about the creation of roleplay and heavy interaction seeing your ideas come to light. So not a project that's handed and "oh no one interacted", a project you have assigned, you go to that department for check-ins, you give them support. That is where your management skills would come really positively into play, but in your roles you have had the perfect positions to create this roleplay and hence me checking as I am unaware of any you have done so.

An addition that would help your application is about code blacks to the eventual use of the Alpha Warhead. The process. Why we do it this way, etc.

Otherwise, something I do heavily recommend you read is: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal
This is what the S.C.P. servers EC is based on.

Good luck!
Before I leave a verdict, could you answer the following:

1. What storylines have you led or been heavily involved in?
2. In your position of SA and DoIA, what roleplay have you created departmentally or site wide?

I haven't been able to find this in your application, and I would be leaving a -support without. A lot of your application speaks on essentially operating the facility controls whether its in personnel or hitting big ole' CL4 buttons. As a ECM you'd be a roleplay leader, your primary concern wouldn't be managing the site (and realistically an Ethics member should never be doing so unless there's no SA/O5 on). This is something I feel that you are lacking on, but if it was an oversight on the application I would look towards leaving a positive verdict.

You are superb in a perspective of administrative and management, but that isn't what the role is about. All CL5 slots are about the creation of roleplay and heavy interaction seeing your ideas come to light. So not a project that's handed and "oh no one interacted", a project you have assigned, you go to that department for check-ins, you give them support. That is where your management skills would come really positively into play, but in your roles you have had the perfect positions to create this roleplay and hence me checking as I am unaware of any you have done so.

An addition that would help your application is about code blacks to the eventual use of the Alpha Warhead. The process. Why we do it this way, etc.

Otherwise, something I do heavily recommend you read is: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal
This is what the S.C.P. servers EC is based on.

Good luck!
Thanks Athena, So to answer your questions;

1: [hoping i understood this question correctly] In my time within SA, my pac outfit would always be commented on, mostly along the lines of "You look like a vampire" & "are you allergic to Garlic?". From that though not expressed in my lore at all, i had just acclimated to being known as the vampire of Site-65 to friends & a good handfull of people in both SA & in many dpts. a while ago, with the help of a GM/staff they made a skit of RP for me which was i had gotten captured & burned at a stake in the middle of lecture hall when my identity was found as. Ultimately, i had survived the incident & since then had expressed my identity to anyone who asked & even expressed it in an ethics personnel file made by ECA Fenriz as a 540 y/o vampire, working within the foundation as a Site Advisor / Site Manager with 1 assassination attempt.

2: The biggest RP i created was the one for me above, the rest of the RP i have created or been involved in are as follows (not sure if they would be considered RP, more so outside of regular duties SA/DoIA wouldn't be involved in)

- As DoIA, on a few occasions, once as an O-1 LCPL & once within SA, i would host a manhunt game (usually for IA) for the contestants. Hiders would take an authorised disguise up to my discretion & seeker wait in bunks. Hiders have 1 mins to find a disguise & blend in. The hiders would have to use their disguises & break only a minor FLC violation within plain sight without arousing suspicion & getting caught. The seekers will have 5 mins to find the hider(s) & return them to their bunks. Bonus points would be given for identifying the correct FLC violation.

- Once as a Site Manager, an Exec has given Class E to a GOC enlisted & told him to "forget what GOC are". Because of this the GOC were enraged & when their MAJ acted in aggression, was detained & brought to F3 by A-1. After being informed of this i rushed to F3 were they were still interrogating the MAJ, immediately i took control of the situation & took lead of the interrogation. after a few minutes of talking i had unrestrained the MAJ as a peaceful solution. He explained what the Exec has done & with bodycam footage recovered from the enlisted, the MAJ was free to walk out of the site unbound & with their stuff returned to him. The Exec was later detained & also brought to F3 were he was interrogated as well. The exec tried to explain it was an accident, however we werent buying it. The Exec was immediately given a list of charges & a tribunal summons scheduled in 30 mins he was forced to attend. i along with Site Advisor Jax were prosecution. Defence was the Exec & a techie as his attorney. The tribunal was already in our favour with the crucial evidence & the Exec tried to bribe the judge. in the end the Exec was i believe striked which he later resigned which is unrelated. Due to the actions of that Exec, a GOC war could of started which i had prevented being there.

- During my time as GOC, i had done some RP. one of those was when i had been a GOC Medic in foundation & had the objective of doing blood tests of any foundation personnel i saw, authoried by DoM Kayla. The goal of that was to identify which foundation personnels has O- blood & who didnt so i could make use of that for later. I did have another RP session lined up though i never got it approved & am no longer apart of GOC. It was to be a GOC enginner on foundation or CI base & do some techie RP around the site/base, maintaining & evaluating the quality & integrity of the sub-boxes. Other RP on GOC was being involved in little training sessions when cheesy gave 2 teams a tank & a heavy duty vehicle capable of firing missiles. I had also done several Sampling exercises as R&D PTOLEMY

- I had been involved in some RP a while back though i cant remember much, I had taken over CI interrogations in an attempt to uncover moles in the site. little stuff with AIU though reacher took lead of those, I had to do a hostage negotiation once as a Site Manager, Were TG had kept a D-Class hostage & wouldnt let us sample him until we had given him several furniture like a rug, TV etc basically decking out TG-A's CC.

Sorry these RP scenarios are kinda short or that im not involved that much in, i do try to do what i can & assist in RP but i also gotta balance that with SA duties every month like reviews, document work & general check up on site & dpt leaders. in terms of what you mentioned about managing the site, i had stated in the responsibilites section for authorising stuff like AA & mass term etc, i said an ECM would only do this if SA was unavailable & for the GOC section in responsibilities, this would also apply, only needing EC for ethical testing like 008, 4+ D-Class and other. Of Course i completely respect & support whichever your own verdict/opinion is as you have walked the same path from SA to EC.

I will definitely read that link you sent me i would like to learn more about ethics knowledge, lore and undertanding of the SCP foundation
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You are a very strong and experienced candidate, however as mentioned previously by Athena it is clear to me, that you are lacking a bit in overall Ethics Committee outside of the server and on the server knowledge, I would personally recommend to read some of the lore and get a better understanding of what they stand for, as they are completely different from O5 Council and Site Administration.

What really helped me to understand the ethics committee more during my time was one of my to these days favourite wiki lore piece, the ethics committee orienation transcript: https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ethics-committee-orientation

I really hope you find it as interesting as I once did when I was applying for this positions as well!
I really think you are the most suited candidate at the moment and hope that you get this role.

Good luck!
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phill-dee//Andy Patterson

Civil Gamers Expert
May 9, 2023
Northern Ireland
My good friend Tim. You guided me when i got DoIA and showed me the ropes before going to SA all that time ago, I'm happy and greatfull for the help you gave me when I was your ambassador and then as a fellow DoIA. You have done some great things as SA/SM and I'd be happy to work under you once again with you as an ECM. I really do hope you get this position as it's time you got the roles which your ready for.
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Hello Dim Trake,

During my time as ECC i watched you go from DoIA to SM, and i think it's a path of progression that's quite visible in your journey through the server.

From what I recall, you were good for dishing out orders, RP interactions and maintaining server standards, these are some of the qualities I personally looked for when picking ECMs. Though I think you reach these checkboxes, I dont think you necesserily excel in them or go above and beyond, nonetheless you reach, for me, an acceptable standard and I think that is something you can/will grow and develop as a member of SC

Good Luck,
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