What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: Gronda Tooligan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:449993129
Ban Reason: ERP
Date of ban: 1/23
Who banned you: Not sure
Ban length: Week
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I was unaware what I did was wrong, and now that I am aware that it is against rules and making people uncomfortable It will never happen again.
Why should you be unbanned: The reason for my ban was because I would do dumb /me's like "/me flicks ur nuts" or "/me eats your boogers" (Most of which was around actual friends while we were just goofing off, I would do it to random people cause Ill admit it was funny and created funny roleplay scenarious sometimes). But a whole week for this is simply ridiculous. I was not previously aware that this EROTIC... I am still unsure of how flicking someone in the balls or eating boogers is even considered erotic, but I guess thats subjective, I suppose the mods may associate those things as erotic in their personal life and that is none of my business. But, I was not aware of this, I received NO prior warnings and most random people I did it too either laughed and usually some actual roleplay scenario came out of it. It is honestly ridiculous that telling someone to K1LL THEMSELVES warrants a 3 day ban but flicking someones nuts in a video games is a WEEK. There is no way you could ever tell me that makes any sense. I understand what I did made some people uncomfortable. I tried to convince the mod the best I could that I would cease my behavior, but she said it was "too late" even though it was the first I had heard about it being a problem. Even disregarding the reasoning, what is the purpose of banning me for a week if I would have just stopped anyway? Banning me doesnt suddenly fix any problems, what does solve the problem is warning me to stop, so I can continue to roleplay and contribute positive moments to the server. I apologize if some of this appeal came off as strongly worded but this has me kind of dumbstruck. How does saying a slur or telling someone to kys warrant a shorter ban sometimes then literally talking about boogers and flicking people?