SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - Gronda Tooligan

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New Member
Jan 24, 2025

What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)

Your in-game name: Gronda Tooligan

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:449993129

Ban Reason: ERP

Date of ban: 1/23

Who banned you: Not sure

Ban length: Week

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I was unaware what I did was wrong, and now that I am aware that it is against rules and making people uncomfortable It will never happen again.

Why should you be unbanned: The reason for my ban was because I would do dumb /me's like "/me flicks ur nuts" or "/me eats your boogers" (Most of which was around actual friends while we were just goofing off, I would do it to random people cause Ill admit it was funny and created funny roleplay scenarious sometimes). But a whole week for this is simply ridiculous. I was not previously aware that this EROTIC... I am still unsure of how flicking someone in the balls or eating boogers is even considered erotic, but I guess thats subjective, I suppose the mods may associate those things as erotic in their personal life and that is none of my business. But, I was not aware of this, I received NO prior warnings and most random people I did it too either laughed and usually some actual roleplay scenario came out of it. It is honestly ridiculous that telling someone to K1LL THEMSELVES warrants a 3 day ban but flicking someones nuts in a video games is a WEEK. There is no way you could ever tell me that makes any sense. I understand what I did made some people uncomfortable. I tried to convince the mod the best I could that I would cease my behavior, but she said it was "too late" even though it was the first I had heard about it being a problem. Even disregarding the reasoning, what is the purpose of banning me for a week if I would have just stopped anyway? Banning me doesnt suddenly fix any problems, what does solve the problem is warning me to stop, so I can continue to roleplay and contribute positive moments to the server. I apologize if some of this appeal came off as strongly worded but this has me kind of dumbstruck. How does saying a slur or telling someone to kys warrant a shorter ban sometimes then literally talking about boogers and flicking people?


SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Oct 20, 2023
Hi @Tooligan ,

I was the staff member that banned you.

I explained in the sit several times that these things though may not be seen as inappropriate to yourself are inappropriate to others, espcially when parts of the body are involved. Whether you do this only around friends or around others that you don't know, it's not something that should be happening on the server, especially to the extent you were spamming them for 2 days.

1 week is the standard guideline for an ERP ban, which seems appropriate for the way you were walking around for 2 days spamming those /mes.

I can provide screenshots of them all to the SL member that handles this appeal

- Kayla


New Member
Jan 24, 2025
While I agree that the actions could be interpreted as "inappropriate" I cannot bring myself to really see how they were inappropriate in an erotic or sexual sense. As for spamming, I would not say I "spammed" those. It was more I just binded the messages to keys and would just click them for fun if I was passing by someone or talking to someone. I think a week for what I did is insanely harsh. And I still have trouble seeing how what I did was Erotic Roleplay.


Staff of the Year
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SCP-RP Staff
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Group Moderator
Aug 29, 2022
Your moms bed
Appeal Denied

Hi @Tooligan ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

After looking at your /mes. Most of them are just gross and made me gag a little reading them. Its not so erp but inappropriate and gross. I don't know why you doing these like slurps out boogers out of nose. those are just weird things to say.

You may re-appeal in 2 weeks​
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