What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA)
Your in-game name: 'South' [780-TL]
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:502411965
Ban Reason: RDM
Date of ban: 11/28/2024
Who banned you: Walter Unrich
Ban length: 6 hours (I am still trying to appeal this off my record, so dont close this saying "Your already unbanned")
What will you do to stop this from happening again: Be less trigger happy on Mayors.
Why should you be unbanned: As staff probably know, rangers and mayors have been minging a lot the past couple days and our relations with them are in a terrible state. So, when me and UN LT Squid learned that they had kidnapped a foundation member we instantly told them to release said hostage. They proceeded to ask "On whose authority" where i then replied with "UN Ambassador Jonathon Rigs". The mayor never actually replied to this so the UN and foundation raided ranger station together. During this raid, a ranger broke FearRP and was gunned down, and while the mayor was in sight i shot him too instantly killing him. Then after about 10 seconds, a ranger instantly respawned and killed me with a freedom.
During this incident, we gave the rangers and the mayor plenty of warnings to release the captured hostage, all of which they denied or turned down, instead asking for bail. Since the mayor is employed under us, and didnt release the person that we ordered them to release this would be failRP from the mayor and rangers. The mayor had plenty of chances to release said hostages and refused everyone of them.
Now i do admit i should not of shot the mayor and i was kind of trigger happy there, but as i mentioned relations with mayors have been at a all time low as recently they have been fighting us, foundation and CI a whole lot. This mayor in particular had raided foundation a couple days before, and had tried starting a war with us without us provoking him. Both of which i will try to attach to this , if i am not able to do that DM W.eston on discord