Season 2 Weapon Skin Competition

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We are pleased to announce the Season 2 Weapon Skin Competition! The Weapon Skin Competition is your chance to submit your own skin to be accepted & used in-game. Each season, we select 10 skins and add them to a new crate which will be available in-game on both SCP-RP and MRP.

For the Season 2 Weapon Crate, we will pick:
2x Classified Skins
3x Covert Skins
5x Valued Skins

We will pick the rarity of a skin based on its quality: therefore a better skin will have a higher chance of being deemed to be Classified.
If your skin is selected, you will receive the
following prizes:

Classified Skin - 2,000 VPoints
Covert Skin - 1,000 VPoints
Valued Skin - 500 VPoints

You will also receive a limited edition 0.001 wear value copy of your skin, which will be untradeable. The 0.001 wear value means you'll have a perfect copy of your skin, without having to try to unbox it for yourself!

Competition Rules

1. Follow all of the rules in the Weapon Skins Rules thread.
2. All skins created must be appropriate and contain no NSFW content.
3. To submit a skin for a competition, you must own the copyright to all materials and images used in your weapon skin. Submitting skins you do not own the copyright to is a bannable offence if done purposefully.
4. By submitting a skin for the competition, you agree to provide Civil Networks Limited with an irrevocable license to use your skin for any commercial or non-commercial purpose.
5. Uploading bad, lazy or spammy skins will result in you being blacklisted from creating content.
6. You must submit your skin on either one of SCP-RP or MRP before filling out the submission format.
7. If your skin is accepted, we will ask you to submit it to both SCP-RP and MRP, but you do not have to do this until we ask you to.


It's important to note that skins should look like something you would want to buy yourself. Our Season 1 skins, which were commissioned and produced by our own artist Foodeater, provide a good example of the quality that we expect.

Generally, copy pasting an image on top of a weapon material will mean that your skin will not be accepted. Your skin should respect the design of the gun, showing details of the gun where possible (i.e. 'merge' your texture into the existing gun texture). If you simply copy paste an image you will likely remove a lot of the interesting details of the gun, and this won't look very good.

You may submit as many designs as you want, but please do not make multiple posts in a row. This means that if someone has not yet posted a skin design after you posted yours, and you wish to submit a new design, you should edit your existing post to add the new design.

Please do not post on this thread unless you are making a submission! If you want to +support or -support a design, you should use the reaction buttons to do so.

Submission Format

In-game name:
Discord ID:
Steam ID:
What is the name of your skin:
What server have you submitted your skin on:
What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
Do you agree to all competition rules:
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:
Aug 10, 2022
In-game name:

Discord ID:

Steam ID:

What is the name of your skin:
Tiles / Ocean Blue Tiles

What server have you submitted your skin on:

What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
"Tiles Pattern" - P90.
I've attempted to make a design which incorporates gray-black coloured tiles for aesthetics. I've lined up each major part of the gun to make it look nicer. E.g. Stock being darker.

Do you agree to all competition rules:

Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:
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Deleted member 3870

In-game name: 'Alias'
Discord ID: yers#6204
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:580018974
What is the name of your skin: Dragon
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP[UK]
What design have you attempted to create with this skin:

The main design of the weapon is the dragon which takes up the main empty space of the P90.
Why i chose the p90. The p90 has a large empty space on it with no detail on it. And the main bottom part of the weapon is just plain so i covered it in magma to add a cool style too it. The magma makes the weapon really stand out + looks like a black ops 2 skin.

Do you agree to all competition rules: yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin: 1677362791781.png
In-game name: Jason Taylor
Discord ID: Cirenmatt#3886
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31891427
What is the name of your skin: Chiyo
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-UK
What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
The design is just a pink P-90 with some art I designed cause I wanted to try something bright and colourful, can be adjusted if requested, if you can recognize the art of the character, I congratulate you.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:a66a120c684b77a370bf0a348f30d8bb.png


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 31, 2020
In-game name: Gaz Stone
Discord ID: Galaxy#4933
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:148182021
What is the name of your skin: Fearless
What server have you submitted your skin on: MRP-UK

What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
A design that shode have a feeling of being Fearless with both Sceary Mask and person and some whone who dont know the felling of fear.

Do you agree to all competition rules: Ya
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin: Garry's Mod 2023-02-25 23_22_21.pngGarry's Mod 2023-02-25 23_22_28.png
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Reactions: Medan
In-game name: Trek
Discord ID: VE#6858
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42308288
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes

What is the name of your skin: Prototype
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: Prototype version of the FHR-40. Used during the development of the weapon.
What server have you submitted your skin on: MRP (Can't upload on SCP)
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin:
Crimson Hate
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: Inspired for the new Crimson Blade faction.
What server have you submitted your skin on: MRP
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin: Experimental Prototype
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: Experimental version of the ARX-160. Sporting upgraded hardware.
What server have you submitted your skin on: MRP (Can't upload on SCP)
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin: Peacemaker
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: Inspired for the very ethical, and civil, gamers ha ha
What server have you submitted your skin on: MRP (Can't upload on SCP)
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:
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In-game name: Johnson J. Marauder
Discord ID: yeahitsme#0685
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:437158084
What is the name of your skin: Chrome Tourmaline
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-UK
What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
I tried to make the actual trigger black also with the trigger but I just wanted a cool snake design on the mag and the nice green texture on the rest of the gun I also thought it'd be nice to have a skin on a gun that CI have.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:
In-game name: IVG SPC Shepherd Rodriguez
Discord ID: Shepherd#0296
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78209975
What is the name of your skin: AS Val | Vostoks Heirloom
What server have you submitted your skin on: MRP | USA
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A generous user commissioned me to make a marketable skin to his liking a long time ago, and this is the product. I spent an extensive amount of time ensuring no spillover and precision cuts of every part of the weapon. Custom gold foil design with some topographic patterns, this was easily the hardest but most rewarding work I've done due to the amount of detail required. The man didn't even want to put the skin up on the market himself, he just said he wanted a cool looking skin available to everyone. As a result, I gave it the name "Vostok's Heirloom", named after the user who commissioned me this skin.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes.
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:
SP 1.pngSP 2.pngSP 3.png
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Reactions: Sevoio and Requis
In-game name: Bill Nye "The Guy"
Discord ID: CBTConnoisseur#4594
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:241773418
What is the name of your skin: Winter Camo ACR
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP UK
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A digital winter camouflage design on the ACR, something simple yet still looking pretty nice- Decided to go with it because it felt grounded in reality (and i didn't see any epic ACR skins for my guys who main it)
Was also a fun foray into weapon texture editing (which i've never done prior to this), maybe i'll try make a few more.
(The camo patterns used in this skin were self-made from scratch and not taken off the web)
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:
If there are any issues with the skin please DM me and i'll try get it sorted ASAP

What is the name of your skin:
Multi Terrain Pattern AUG
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP UK
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: Recreating the Multi-Terrain Pattern camo on an AUG- Looking at countries that use the AUG I sampled colours from Turkey's OKK camouflage and applied it onto it.
Decided to do an AUG this time because I used to main it as Gensec or D-class escapee, always worked wonders.
(The camo patterns used in this skin were self-made from scratch and not taken off the web)
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:
If there are any issues with the skin please DM me and i'll try get it sorted ASAP
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What design have you attempted to create with this skin: In an era of fast fashion and the increasing thirst for luxury brands like Supreme, LV among others, I accepted a challenge to make a collaborative designer skin. I took reasonable measures to ensure specific details, such as the "Drip too hard, don't stand too close" on the tip of the barrel, detailing the trademarks of the Louis Vuitton and Supreme brands and custom text on one side of the gun in the form of an Off White product. I used a Paisley pattern on the receiver mount so that it wouldn't be all black.
"3. To submit a skin for a competition, you must own the copyright to all materials and images used in your weapon skin. Submitting skins you do not own the copyright to is a bannable offence if done purposefully."
  • Cool
Reactions: Kugen


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 21, 2022
In-game name: Osprey / Pierre

Discord ID: 639496583351894037

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:236812152

What is the name of your skin: Malware 1471

What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP US

What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
I'm an avid fan of the SCP-Idea as a whole, and as well, SCP 1471 tends to be one of my more favorite anomalous creatures in this universe. After extensively reviewing the rights, and seeing that I was 100% allowed to adapt this ACR skin off of SCP-1471, I commissioned a professional artist to draw and place custom artwork of SCP-1471 on the rifle. However, I myself paid for the work and as well the artist is aware of all the rules, and is okay with me submitting it to this competition, even if we both agreed that I then owned the textures. (Until, I submit the skin of course.)

Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes!

Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

"3. To submit a skin for a competition, you must own the copyright to all materials and images used in your weapon skin. Submitting skins you do not own the copyright to is a bannable offence if done purposefully."
Thanks for the heads up Cloak, I definitely missed that specific rule. Since the server is registered as an LLC and makes business from the sale of cash in-game, I can't claim fair use like I theoretically could before. I've taken that skin and the related details down.

I am however entirely certain I used CC licensed images / self-made for my latter skin, so I'm keeping that up. Again, I appreciate you highlighting rule 3.


Active member
Mar 3, 2023
In-game name: Lexi Stellons

Discord ID: WaifuNat#1538

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:76105623

All skins were designed using Canva and the assets that Canva offers as part of their subscription which permits me full use in business or otherwise.

What is the name of your skin: Heated Damascus
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A twist on the classic of a damascus knife/metal with having it appear heat stressed. My first step into customizing guns.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin: Biohazard Purple
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A twisted infected look going across the M249 Para, with a change of camo to the ammo bag with biohazard symbology with small decals.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin: SCP-914 Special
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A Deagle when placed into 914 will give you a PKM which I got quite a few times escaping as D-Class, this offers a geared altered look with a Deagle grip caps on either side of the wood.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin: Murderer Delight
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A bloody gun covered in various splatters and bloody handprints with bloody writing on it, simple but effective.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin: Karma Katt (Or just Katt)
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A pink painted and Cat decaled focus around pink/white that accent the black but faintly pinkened mettalic look. Bit of a play on words with custom tag.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:


What is the name of your skin: Pinkcharged Tech v2
What server have you submitted your skin on: MRP (Can't upload on SCP-RP)
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A cool grey metallic simple pink circuit type lines to give it a slight technological feel as they snake across the body of the gun, with a strange symbol on the clip that appears to shimmer.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin: D-Boi Special
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A rusted waterlogged Uzi from a shower drain with some roughly painted wording 'D-Boiz' in D-Class orange with a D-Class logo, whether it was confiscated or traded for scrap it is certainly something.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:
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In-game name: Kevin Ki
Discord ID: AnonRifle#3365
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:631971872
What is the name of your skin: Captured
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCPRP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A realistic captured weapon design, it's a GENSEC based Glock that D-Class have captured and used against the foundation. I didn't want to put too much on it to keep it realistic to GENSEC having it as a standard weapon. I made two of this skin one with wear and tear one without. The wear I made some rust on it to show that the D-Class haven't or don't have the means to maintain the weapon properly. On the grip there's a little bit of red on it showing that it has had blood stain on it, probably being used as a bludgeon of sorts.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes.
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin: Sorry for poor quality.maaAeIA.jpgOHB7UeX.jpg20230303171117_1.jpg20230303171048_1.jpg
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In-game name: Kevin Ki
Discord ID: AnonRifle#3365
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:631971872
What is the name of your skin: Captured
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCPRP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: A realistic captured weapon design, it's a GENSEC based Glock that D-Class have captured and used against the foundation. I didn't want to put too much on it to keep it realistic to GENSEC having it as a standard weapon. I made two of this skin one with wear and tear one without. The wear I made some rust on it to show that the D-Class haven't or don't have the means to maintain the weapon properly. On the grip there's a little bit of red on it showing that it has had blood stain on it, probably being used as a bludgeon of sorts.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes.
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin: I don't know how to get these in 3D.View attachment 5424View attachment 5423
You should be able to take a screenshot of your submission in-game, there is a 3d viewer on there that you can crop.
Sep 6, 2022
In-game name: Jason Taylor
Discord ID: Cirenmatt#3886
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31891427
What is the name of your skin: Chiyo
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-UK
What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
The design is just a pink P-90 with some art I designed cause I wanted to try something bright and colourful, can be adjusted if requested, if you can recognize the art of the character, I congratulate you.
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:View attachment 5279
Is that what i think it is? SAO GGO?
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Reactions: Shepherd


Aug 20, 2022
In-game name: Medan
Discord ID: Medan#6397
Steam ID: 76561198997483473
What is the name of your skin: Bloodrite v2
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: Red themed karma skin with some detals
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin: Screenshot (358).pngScreenshot (359).pngScreenshot (360).png


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Well-known Member
Dec 20, 2022
In-game name: Ayden Mills
Discord ID: Solarfrogs#2741
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:175396757
What is the name of your skin: Security Special
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: I made it a GenSec themed with the Security logo on the left side and some text on the side for some slight comedy
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

Nova-gensec Barrel.pngNova-gensec overview.pngNova-gensec rearview.png
In-game name: Ayden Mills
Discord ID: Solarfrogs#2741
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:175396757
What is the name of your skin: Oath Breaker
What server have you submitted your skin on: SCP-RP
What design have you attempted to create with this skin: I made it medical themed using the Combat Medic sidearm, the m9 (was going to use g36c but couldnt)
Name is Oath Breaker as a pun to breaking the Hippocratic Oath
Do you agree to all competition rules: Yes
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:



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May 12, 2022
In-game name:
Houston Benton
Discord ID:
Houston Benton#8644
Steam ID:
What is the name of your skin:
The Engraver
What server have you submitted your skin on:
What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
The M9 Pistol is a timeless classic, known for its reliable performance, and is a favorite among firearms enthusiasts. This particular M9 Pistol has been customized with beautiful engravings that elevate its aesthetic appeal to a whole new level. The intricate patterns etched into the metal frame and slide are a testament to the skill of the craftsman who brought this piece to life.

The wood handle adds a touch of elegance to the weapon, with its rich, deep brown color and smooth, polished surface. The natural grain of the wood creates a unique pattern that is both beautiful and functional, providing a comfortable and secure grip for the user.

The silver barrel is a striking contrast to the dark wood and intricate engravings, catching the light and shimmering in the sun. The smooth, polished surface of the silver adds to the gun's sleek, sophisticated appearance, and is sure to turn heads wherever it is seen.

Overall, this M9 Pistol is a work of art, blending form and function seamlessly. Its custom engravings, wood handle, and silver barrel make it a standout piece that is sure to be admired by gun enthusiasts and collectors alike.

Inspired plenty by resident evil weapon skins and the alike.
Do you agree to all competition rules:
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

What is the name of your skin:
Blackout Symphony
What server have you submitted your skin on:
What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
The custom Spas-12 Shotgun described is a true work of art, with a wooden handle that features impressive engravings and a deep-black color that emphasizes its sleek and sophisticated appearance. The alto clef symbol on the wooden section of the shotgun adds a touch of musicality and creativity to the weapon.

However, its history is now one of abandonment, as it was said to have been discarded by a former operative of the United Nations known as "Agent Ukulele". The exact reasons for the weapon's abandonment are unknown, but it is clear that it was once a prized possession of a skilled and experienced operative.

Despite its discarded state, the custom Spas-12 Shotgun retains its beauty and elegance, with the intricate engravings on the handle and the faintly tempered-steel barrel serving as a testament to its quality and craftsmanship. It is a reminder that even the most powerful and valuable objects can be left behind, and that their past and history can be lost with time.

Do you agree to all competition rules:
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin:

Hi everyone, the Season 2 Weapon Skin competition has now finished. 7 skins from the community were chosen, and 3 were commissioned from our artist Foodeater. The following players have received rewards:

ACR | Malware 1471 - 2000 VPoints to STEAM_0:1:236812152
ARX-160 | Experimental Prototype - 1000 VPoints to STEAM_0:1:42308288
ARX-160 | Pinkcharged Tech - 500 VPoints to STEAM_0:0:76105623
M9 Beretta | The Engraver - 500 VPoints to STEAM_0:0:45939042
FHR-40 | Prototype - 500 VPoints to STEAM_0:1:42308288
Spas-12 | Blackout Symphony - 500 VPoints to STEAM_0:0:45939042
AEK-971 | Crimson Hate - 500 VPoints to STEAM_0:1:42308288

Thanks for your submissions, everyone! Locking this thread now.
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