We are pleased to announce the Season 2 Weapon Skin Competition! The Weapon Skin Competition is your chance to submit your own skin to be accepted & used in-game. Each season, we select 10 skins and add them to a new crate which will be available in-game on both SCP-RP and MRP.
For the Season 2 Weapon Crate, we will pick:
2x Classified Skins
3x Covert Skins
5x Valued Skins
We will pick the rarity of a skin based on its quality: therefore a better skin will have a higher chance of being deemed to be Classified.
If your skin is selected, you will receive the following prizes:
Classified Skin - 2,000 VPoints
Covert Skin - 1,000 VPoints
Valued Skin - 500 VPoints
You will also receive a limited edition 0.001 wear value copy of your skin, which will be untradeable. The 0.001 wear value means you'll have a perfect copy of your skin, without having to try to unbox it for yourself!
Competition Rules
1. Follow all of the rules in the Weapon Skins Rules thread.
2. All skins created must be appropriate and contain no NSFW content.
3. To submit a skin for a competition, you must own the copyright to all materials and images used in your weapon skin. Submitting skins you do not own the copyright to is a bannable offence if done purposefully.
4. By submitting a skin for the competition, you agree to provide Civil Networks Limited with an irrevocable license to use your skin for any commercial or non-commercial purpose.
5. Uploading bad, lazy or spammy skins will result in you being blacklisted from creating content.
6. You must submit your skin on either one of SCP-RP or MRP before filling out the submission format.
7. If your skin is accepted, we will ask you to submit it to both SCP-RP and MRP, but you do not have to do this until we ask you to.
2. All skins created must be appropriate and contain no NSFW content.
3. To submit a skin for a competition, you must own the copyright to all materials and images used in your weapon skin. Submitting skins you do not own the copyright to is a bannable offence if done purposefully.
4. By submitting a skin for the competition, you agree to provide Civil Networks Limited with an irrevocable license to use your skin for any commercial or non-commercial purpose.
5. Uploading bad, lazy or spammy skins will result in you being blacklisted from creating content.
6. You must submit your skin on either one of SCP-RP or MRP before filling out the submission format.
7. If your skin is accepted, we will ask you to submit it to both SCP-RP and MRP, but you do not have to do this until we ask you to.
It's important to note that skins should look like something you would want to buy yourself. Our Season 1 skins, which were commissioned and produced by our own artist Foodeater, provide a good example of the quality that we expect.
Generally, copy pasting an image on top of a weapon material will mean that your skin will not be accepted. Your skin should respect the design of the gun, showing details of the gun where possible (i.e. 'merge' your texture into the existing gun texture). If you simply copy paste an image you will likely remove a lot of the interesting details of the gun, and this won't look very good.
You may submit as many designs as you want, but please do not make multiple posts in a row. This means that if someone has not yet posted a skin design after you posted yours, and you wish to submit a new design, you should edit your existing post to add the new design.
Please do not post on this thread unless you are making a submission! If you want to +support or -support a design, you should use the reaction buttons to do so.
Submission Format
Generally, copy pasting an image on top of a weapon material will mean that your skin will not be accepted. Your skin should respect the design of the gun, showing details of the gun where possible (i.e. 'merge' your texture into the existing gun texture). If you simply copy paste an image you will likely remove a lot of the interesting details of the gun, and this won't look very good.
You may submit as many designs as you want, but please do not make multiple posts in a row. This means that if someone has not yet posted a skin design after you posted yours, and you wish to submit a new design, you should edit your existing post to add the new design.
Please do not post on this thread unless you are making a submission! If you want to +support or -support a design, you should use the reaction buttons to do so.
Submission Format
In-game name:
Discord ID:
Steam ID:
What is the name of your skin:
What server have you submitted your skin on:
What design have you attempted to create with this skin:
Do you agree to all competition rules:
Please provide one or more screenshots of your skin: