Accepted Separate vehicle and asset requests + making approving deploying vehicle request go to all LT+

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Feb 6, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Separates requests for vehicles and assets into two different types of request.
Vehicle requests are sent to all LT+ instead of sending it to only the highest on-duty.
Asset requests are sent to the highest online.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Prevents time being wasted when the highest online is AFK.
- Stops people having to go around in comms asking someone to F1.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Can't think of any

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Makes sense. Deployment requests could also just be limited all SC online or all MAJ+ online.
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 25, 2021
Alternative could be to have people be automatically set to offduty after a short period of inactivity (shorter than the AFK timer), so long as that didn't trigger the notification about offduty/onduty
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Neutral leaning to -support

Whilst this sounds good in principal, it would make stock/asset management an absolute nightmare. If HC were trying to conserve funds, or if a regiment was trying to conserve stocks, then it would basically be a race to deny the request before any LT+ approves it.

What I would support instead if a system where the highest ranking of a particular branch is able to approve/deny requests. So for example, the GEN/LTGEN could approve all, but if they are absent, JAF RC/General could approve aviation stocks.

This method (as well as the one above) would mean more people mindlessly approving requests with no real reason. It takes a lot of control away from those actually trying to lead. I get that trying to get stocks out when someone is AFK is annoying, but it's far better than every LT+ being able to approve everything.
Feb 6, 2022
Neutral leaning to -support

Whilst this sounds good in principal, it would make stock/asset management an absolute nightmare. If HC were trying to conserve funds, or if a regiment was trying to conserve stocks, then it would basically be a race to deny the request before any LT+ approves it.

What I would support instead if a system where the highest ranking of a particular branch is able to approve/deny requests. So for example, the GEN/LTGEN could approve all, but if they are absent, JAF RC/General could approve aviation stocks.

This method (as well as the one above) would mean more people mindlessly approving requests with no real reason. It takes a lot of control away from those actually trying to lead. I get that trying to get stocks out when someone is AFK is annoying, but it's far better than every LT+ being able to approve everything.
I didn't think about asset management, I was only thinking of vehicle/heli deployments. I think stock management is something 99% of the playerbase do really well anyway so I don't think there will be a problem.
I didn't think about asset management, I was only thinking of vehicle/heli deployments. I think stock management is something 99% of the playerbase do really well anyway so I don't think there will be a problem.
With asset/stock requests I usually go off of how trustworthy the person is, most of the time I trust anyone who can deploy so I won't question a deployment, but there is always the risk to be aware of that someone is wasting stocks/warfunds. If all LT+ can approve then it means they'll probably just hit F1 before I can question the request.

It's a niche situation but it'd happen enough to be annoying, and I also think it does take powers away from HC slightly
Feb 6, 2022
takes Power away from HC as it would mean someone could try to call in a airstrike and it would be harder for HC to save warfunds
I will make it clearer in the post that I mean vehicle requests.
I understand it "takes power away from HC" but rarely (99.9%) do you ever deny vehicle requests.
Just need people who are going AFK to do /offduty, so that those who aren't AFK aren't waiting for AFK person to auto off duty and when they back they can /onduty to get requests.
They don't. It would be nice if there was an AFK timer.
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