Shadow NHC Application

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MRP War Criminal
Oct 5, 2021
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:68464760
Discord name: Shadow-wrath#9845
For how long have you played on MRP: 5 week 4days
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone:GMT
NATO name (regiment and rank): RMP MAJ Shadow
USSR name (regiment and rank): SHA CPL Tanya
Civilian name: A Shadow
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is the First time i am Applying for NHC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: yes i have 1 ban which is false
Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?: No, the highest I have been is CPT on this server but on another server I was Vice Commander which is equal to LTCOL. I have the experience of a MAJ right at this moment
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
I had led 2 wars both of which MAJ defeat but this is due to the fact we didn’t have any NHC on at the time if I was NHC I would put the Advance UAV at the start of the war.

The one thing i will do 100% of the time is Lock NHC and CC doors so it can’t be hacked so easy as well as I can be on when another NHC isn’t on

I think I have a good reputation with the NATO personnel as when I'm on I see a lot coming to me for help as if an RMP member has been causing trouble and I deal with it accordingly.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
List your strengths and weakness
- Strict at the right times: by this i mean i won’t be so strict that players leave due to me arresting them at like 6am it’s early i will just give them a warning but once it starts to become close to the first war i will start to increase my strictness.
- Enthusiastic: I am willing to learn new skills and improve on some of my weaknesses and start to turn them into a Strength.
- Open-Minded: i am open to ideas and suggestions so with this i can work with the reg i am assigned to and help them to the best i can abilities

- Lack NHC experience but I am willing to learn.
- Lack Wars Lead I have only led 1 war fully and 1 so far into war that a higher up came on and they took over.
- Combat i’m not that good in combat and will normally go negative but.
- Slow Typer. I can't type fast and if I do I will make mistakes.
-Bad Grammar my grammar is terrible and this will be bad during wars as it can lead to losing points due to my spelling and the way i say thing.:


Oct 8, 2021

Hey Shadow,

I'm going with a -Support and I will do my best to explain my reasoning. First of all I have never seen you lead a war and the 2 that you have claim to have lead both yielded poor results. Secondly your activity is fairly poor and could seriously improve. The last negative point I have is that even from an outside perspective I can see that you don't do a lot within RMP and you seem to complain a lot without taking any actions. Last point is that I do like you and you're very friendly.

Please feel free to poke me or message me on discord if you believe I have got anything wrong.



MRP War Criminal
Nov 10, 2021

Hey Shadow,

I will be going with a
-ve support today and I will provide my reasons why. I have not personally seen you lead a war, this may be due to sheer chance or you have not recently led one (Feel free to ask NHC anytime if you wish to take lead). Secondly, RMP is currently depreciating, I personally feel that you will make a larger impact being in RMP than NHC for this reason. Your attitude towards dealing with things needs to be improved, you complain without making an effort to correct it. Please don't take these to heart, I am providing constructive criticism so that you can develop yourself as a person with the potential to have a positive effect on your day-to-day in MRP.

Despite this, my interactions with yourself have been good and
you are friendly.

I wish you good luck!
Feb 20, 2022

Hello lad,

I'm going to have to go with a neutral on this because while you have some problems that need solving, you still do great at what you're good at.
Major problem that has already been highlighted is that while you complain about problems within RMP, I've rarely seen you try to solve them by yourself, but in contrast, when you actually solve them by yourself you do a great job. I haven't seen you lead at all so I can't correctly gauge your ability in it. Best course of action is for you to try and solve the previously mentioned problems before attempting to get into NHC. Although I think that you would do a way better job in staying in RMP.

You are very friendly and have done a great job helping me out while I was RMP.

Cheers, Vamp.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 5, 2021
Thank you for all your feedback I see my big issue is i complain a lot and do nothing about it I will try to not complain and take action instead right away. the second thing i see is that none of the Feedback saw me lead a war the wars i lead were super early when no LTCOL + on and being that they are super early we tend to lose and the last one i did i put in the NATO CO chat on the discord say we where outnumbered 2:1 with the list of lost territories
-/+ support
I dont really know what to think about your application.

+ level headed
I have had my personal experience with you which sadly is limited to mostly trying to save 17th members from you clutches. And in these situations you have all ways been reasonable, level headed and fair in your judgement.

+the feel
I have talked allot with you these past days about the issues that you believe NATO and RMP are facing and from this I have gotten the feel from you. that you have your finger on the pulse of NATO and to me that nearly more important than leading wars.

- lack of experience.
This is not that you are not experienced in what you do. it is that you in my opinion need to think and act more with all NATO regiments in mind and get a more pure outlook on the other regiments then you have ATM.

- need a calmer mind
If you see and issue instead of yelling about it then act and change things you can within your regiment and NATO and if you can't bringe change then adapt to it and move forward. This is an issue I have both seen and heard that you have some difficulties with.

If you need any help with these issues both myself and the others has brought forward then you know that I'm am just a poke away and I'll be happy to help you through them.

See you around
Walter Piecebury


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Denied

Due to the verdicts listed above that highlight a couple of potential issues, we do not feel you are currently suited for a role in NATO High Command. You can re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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