Shepherd's Gamemaster Application

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MRP Patriot
Dec 25, 2020
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): TheGamingShepherd / Shepherd

For how long have you played on CG MRP: Late October 2020, LOA from Feb 2021 to Jun 1 2021, active since then.

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: United Arab Emirates

Time zone: GMT+4

NATO name (regiment and rank): PVT Deacon Smith

USSR name (regiment and rank): KGB LTCOL Shepherd Zukhov

Civilian name: Khalid Dudayev [Local Guide]

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78209975

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: None to my knowledge.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?: No I do not.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?: Yes. Aside from Immersive DarkRP (I don't know how to describe it tbh) I have played MRP, SWRP and WW2RP.

How many hours can you be on everyday?: 2 to 4 hours, variable based on the circumstances.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?: I've been playing on CG MRP since October 2020 and I've grown a great affection for the server. I've been playing in the CG community since around 2017 but I never found the time to actually take up the role on the CG team because I only came during my summer and winter break. Now that I have graduated and have a few months till I move for my further studies I determined it would be the perfect opportunity for me to take up a position. In small terms, I like playing and I'd like to take up the chance to make MRP more fun with unique events created by myself.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?: Outside-the-box plans. Distinctive scenarios. I wish to bring as much immersion (heck yeah) to this community as possible. With the opportunity I will strive to create the best concepts and plans of action that will most certainly make players look forward to events. I've got extensive creative writing knowledge, and have background in graphic design. I believe all of these together set me apart and I would be a great candidate for the position of Game Master.

Please list 5 small event ideas (which wouldn't require a map change):

> Air Raid

The Militia were tired of being idle over so many conquests that they decided to run a con of their own. After meticulous planning, the militia successfully attacked a loosely reinforced military convoy and have come in possession of various weapons way above their pay grade. The Militia were known to have stashed these munitions somewhere in the general Town area. Both factions have been notified by tip offs and are willing to do what is necessary to prevent that both the militia and their opponents do not fight wars with these weapons.

Designated members may be forced to militia job for the sake of appearance. Exotic weapons may be utilized by said members. All methods of attack are permitted. Movement of supplies will be negotiated upon future deliberation of this matter. Faction that succeeds may be given excess tactical supplies or any other reward deemed appropriate by the respective authority.

> Rough Rider

The FIA has recently started a campaign for their Rallying arm where they are collecting videos of the best drivers on the planet. The NATO and USSR army chiefs decided this was a good opportunity to showcase their respective factions' best drivers and have declared a ceasefire to facilitate a rally race. Both factions have contributed to a reward pot which will go to the first three racers across the finish line.

Open to any faction based on first-come-first-serve manner. Projected 4-8 racers, this can change after exploring the idea further. Reward will only be individual oriented (money, guns etc.) Vehicles will be determined after mass experimentation.

> The Nerve of Some People

During the usual illicit transport of goods by private military-owned cargo-planes under the pretext of halo training over Highlands, an unmarked crate was accidentally ejected. The crate contained a limited supply of experimental nerve agent that was found to have fatal effects on people, causing death quicker than most conventional tools, along with some dead PMCs who quite visibly failed to recover the crate carefully. USSR scientists have determined that handling the box must be done by a specialist. Unfortunately, the crate did fall shy of North Town.

USSR will spend 10 minutes protecting the crate till the specialist secures the crate. If the assault on USSR troops fails, they secure the nerve agent. Otherwise, NATO kidnaps the USSR specialist and is able to secure the nerve agent for their own use. Whichever ending, once the specialist secures the crate and enters either base, the situation is complete. Only infantry can be utilized, no vehicles or tactical tablet warfare. Use of Nerve Agent is limited to designated ranks and/or individuals based on the approval of respective authority due to the nature of the items and its game-changing effect. Same goes for quantity available.

> Bloody Drunkards

The opening of the bar in Highlands caused an increased demand for a unique compound produced en masse by PepsiCo. The Soviet Union and PepsiCo remained in good relations especially due to the efforts of Gorbachev in generalizing quality American products. As a result, PepsiCo was open to creating a deal with the Soviet Union. However, in a marketing attempt they have requested that they be paid in a commemorative tank "for the culture" similar to the 1989 barter agreement, which Putin had no objection to. The Highlands base has been requested to move a de-weaponized tank that has been cleaned out and get it moved to a drop off point in Swamps. NATO caught wind of this information and wishes to repossess the tank so that they can weaponize it and use it as their own till it lasts, while also dealing a blow to the Soviet and American business relations.

USSR has 5 minutes till the transport helicopter arrives, and must protect the tank at all costs. Tank will be driven by gamemaster/approved individual and cannot be used for assault. Only designated individual will be allowed in the tank. Tank may be protected by only ground vehicles and infantry. Tank cannot be destroyed, only repossessed for the duration of the event. Tank driver will follow whoever survives and provides commands. Faction that succeeds gets a restock of any one tank of their choice.

> Cost of War

A recent outbreak of an unknown illness has raged across the world creating mass panic as it is predicted to wipe out a majority of the population on Earth. A famed virologist went into hiding as governments played with her life as if were for sale. She was known to have created various antidotes and is rumored to have reinforced her son's DNA sequence to increase his survival instincts and resistance to most diseases. While she was in transit to her next lab using an unmarked vehicle, she was struck by a stray bullet and hence she perished. Her son however, survived and his DNA is believed to be the key to solving this pandemic. NATO and USSR are puppets of governments at the end of the day so what their governments demand is what needs to be done.

Both factions will first attempt to locate the asset for 5 minutes. If neither are successful, they will be pushed in the right direction. The faction to move the asset to their base is rewarded with substantial war funds (I am unsure if this is possible in-game, otherwise I will work out an alternate story line based on the possible rewards). The asset will be godded. Both factions are advised to check their crosshairs before firing but not to worry if extreme measures need to be taken. Fixed travel vehicle will be provided to give an advantage to the losing side.

Please list 2 big event ideas (which would be what we call map change events):

> Operation Breezy Summer
The Svobodny Cosmodrome, a decommissioned missile launch centre located in the Amur Oblast was found to have increased activity during a routine intelligence sweep from the skies. Upon further inspection it would seem NATO units have secured the station for their own missile research. The government has provided orders to the base commanders nearby, ie, the Highlands base, to attack this compound and clear it out of enemy presence. According to the KGB - 7th Directorate, NATO have constructed a fully functional missile within one of the two silos on site, excluding any payload. The autonomous chip located within the missile is to be extracted and relocated for analysis by USSR scientists. NATO reinforcements are all around the area hence pre-planning is strongly recommended. The USSR is willing to provide all resources required to recover that chip and destroy the missile station once and for all.

> Operation Albino Python
For this assignment, we'll be going to the city-side lads. It would seem the famed drug lord >> Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán << has broken out once again. This time he made the wise decision of skipping town into (a city in an Eastern European country) without extradition. However, he knows he is being hunted by the American and Mexican governments and hence he has sent a special request of asylum to, you guessed it, Soviet Russia. The rumors of his connections must be true because the base commander got a call from Putin himself. The USSR must travel to (city, country) and extract "El Chapo" from his current hideout. The area was evacuated by the local government but "El Chapo" isn't going down without a fight. His men are stationed all around the city waiting for the word to execute anyone attempting to breach his fortress. NATO was deployed as they were similarly close by to his location. They must face the private army of "El Chapo" and extract him to return him to Mexico where he must be jailed.

What missions would you make for each regiment in NATO (SAS, MP, 17th, JAF, ISAF) please list 1 mission per regiment:

SAS: A deal is going down between a USSR informant and an NHC. The SAS was deployed to provide cover from a distance, and ensure that both assets are recovered. USSR officials were made aware of this, ironically by a NATO informant. They have enlisted the aid of private contractors to prevent the informant from divulging the base secrets. SAS must protect both the asset and the NHC, both valuable to the USSR.

MP: MP COL Rice Cooker seems to have an aversion towards goats due to a violent incident as a child. The MP were given instructions to make rounds in Town but there seems to be an outbreak of mutated goats. These goats have extremely sharp tongues and are relatively agile. There must be some sort of biological connection because these goats want only Rice Cooker. It is the objective of the MP to prevent the goats from killing MP COL Rice Cooker.

17thAR: The 17thAR were on a routine patrol when their prized tank broke down. It is upto the 17thAR to determine how to return the tank back to base without repairing it outside, as the nature of the tank's mechanics means it cannot be left vulnerable in the open. Militia and/or USSR will be attempting to repossess the tank and if they succeed then the 17thAR will be to blame for any casualties by the friendly tank on NATO forces.

JAF: JAF must survey a civilian training exercise from the skies. There is radio chatter of a militia offensive that may result in the civilians being caught in the crossfire. JAF must perform precision strikes on the enemies while ensuring they do not harm any civilians. Once the enemies are neutralized JAF may scout ahead the path of the the civilians to a safehouse.

ISAF: ISAF is responsible for escorting an affluent personality from the NATO base to Outpost and back. Considering the fact they eat the cost of NATO munitions for breakfast, they are quite an important asset. If this asset were to be, say, kidnapped and ransomed off, NATO will have your heads on a plate, ready for a court martial. Good luck.

What missions would you make for each regiment in USSR (AG, KGB, 10th, ABT, SHA) please list 1 mission per regiment:

AG: A disgruntled civilian has decided to attempt suicide by standing on top of Outpost. This civilian was classified as a highly important asset to the USSR's High Command. Rumor is, someone's lover. AG must move in covertly and attempt to recover the target without any casuality. Use any means necessary to recover the target.

KGB: Chef Zukhov's radio was stolen and quite tragically, the recipe for "Cake with NUTrients™" was stashed inside the radio. The volume was set extremely low, and according to gate reports, nobody left the base. KGB must sweep the entire base till they find the audio and recover the recipe.

10thSD: Ahead of an escort mission, it was found that angry militia members were found to have laced many of the paths with bombs. It is upto the 10th to clear the path ahead of the escort mission and neutralize all explosive ordinance that could jeopardize the mission and quite possibly the asset's life. Use any means necessary to locate and destroy the bombs, avoid unnecessary carnage as there could be an unintended consequence of the same.

ABT: During an air patrol, the ABT were dispatched to Train Bridge to airlift a special package for the new Bar. However, it would seem new SAM sites/anti-air launchers have turned up along the path back to the base. The ABT must avoid being downed at all costs to prevent the regiment from attending a funeral and physical training as a punishment.

SHA: SHA has been tasked with asset recovery, a minor addition with a major impact to the functioning of the 10thSD's tanks. The item was stashed somewhere inside Bunker, and the SHA must locate and recover the asset. One of the members will be unable to protect themselves when moving this asset hence it is upto the SHA to determine how to move it, as they cannot carry it in any vehicles.
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Reactions: Zeus


Blacklisted Player
Apr 3, 2021
+your ideas are really good, and I would love to see these in the game
+Active in TS3 and in games/forums
+mature and approachable

Best of luck!
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Reactions: Shepherd


MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020

I fully believe you would be a highly intelligent and not a retarded GM. you also have a great ability to put a lot of detail in your ideas.
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Reactions: Shepherd

Josh Joshson

MRP War Veteran
Apr 7, 2021
Active IG/TS3
- Amazing and creative event ideas which have a lot of potential.

-I haven’t really had many interactions with you in game so I’m not sure what you’re like as a person.

I will be going with a +support because I really like all of these event ideas and the fact that you put so much effort in as well is good.
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Reactions: Shepherd
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