Shrimp's Crypto Helper


Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
Hello, I made a crypto helper that can be used in place of getchar and cshift. Enjoy:

Functions you can use:
  • cshift(string input,number offset)
  • Just like regular cshift, first parameter is your string you want to shift, second parameter is your offset amount. Returns decoded string;
  • getchar(string input)
  • Also just like regular getchar, automatically separates the commas for you so you can directly input the whole string. Returns decoded string.
NOTE: Both functions will return "" if any inputs are NULL.

How to install/use:
  1. Copy compiled version or compile source code into an .mscx file named whatever you want for the purpose of simplicity our .mscx file is going to be called crypto.mscx.
  2. In your file that you want to use add the following code:
include "pathTo/crypto.mscx"; CryptoHelper crypto = new CryptoHelper();

  • To use a function like getchar do string newString = crypto.getchar(input);

This is my first time making something like this for other people to use so if you have any suggestions on how to improve it or any questions you can lemme know on here or dm me on discord (xtrashrimpyguy). Hope this helps!

Update 8/25/2023: Fixed an oversight on my part where it would leave out numbers, in the real cshift it just leaves the numbers as is so that's what I had it do here. Also added a VERY simple function where it just detects whether a character is a number. Added the documentation for that here if you feel the need to use it lmao.

Update 9/23/2023: Class is much faster using the Bit library and String additions. I got rid of some old functions like IsUpper and IsNumber because they're not that useful when you directly get the ASCII value and getting the ASCII value is much faster. I also added a constructor and reduced the source code to around 44 lines. Any existing programs you have using this library will still work and be faster using this new code, and as usual if you have any question feel free to DM on discord or something. Thanks!

Source Code:
using System; using Console; using String; using Array; using Util; using Bit; class CryptoHelper { constructor(){ Console.WriteLine("[CRYPTO_HELPER]: Shrimp's CryptoHelper loaded!"); } function<string> cshift(string phrase,number offset){ if(Util.IsNull(phrase) || Util.IsNull(offset)){ return ""; } number length = String.Length(phrase); number[] phraseBytes = String.Bytes(phrase,1,length); number[] offsetBytes = new number[length]; number i = 1; while(i <= length){ number byte = phraseBytes[i]; if(byte >= 65 && byte <= 90){ offsetBytes[i] = 65 + ((byte - 65 + offset) % 26); } else if(byte >= 97 && byte <= 122){ offsetBytes[i] = 97 + ((byte - 97 + offset) % 26); } else{ offsetBytes[i] = phraseBytes[i]; } i = i + 1; } return String.Chars(offsetBytes); } function<string> getchar(string input){ if(Util.IsNull(input)){return "";} string[] split_input = String.Split(input,","); number length = Array.Length(split_input); number[] bytes = new number[length]; number j = 1; while(j <= length){ bytes[j] = Util.ToNumber(split_input[j]); j = j + 1; } return String.Chars(bytes); } }

Compiled code:
24 {"compiler_version":2.0} 8m40fBteWFyZVoxT1OfGHoTRA7JBoZYHxLFKJE7eN/pWxjjMsX6dLf3HALArJmwo tOAhCd8yRqyZfxIrPtSZYdGtBxun3ss82dXjxdRhziedKKMw87NcE2FGw0IqL7P8 u0qdWF224bg+9fZLqsOrWjkkAl90Rf1R5CZDUAv7q2mzvMbgYUUtIVH7ezauz0N/ KBvw4jkOvyrDO9jYfQjEKxqMmIX9Nn1tdhqs3Jyi1UQbCAzsGc+k9uwTdnMcBb2+ 1Hwwl4n7QusA5vYywJRPnc+AMenysEbcTO7R+q13cv3NcYk5NgHkaWGuCJgvwMtF KmZXa4r0tlvCSe2nKFBuQgj2rTq040EbTa3nVIaa7l+bh1zZ+V3+NEOkgC715QVX 1STKJK0zrwBmfeqHBDrT7K9ULsKLdjcEyqvRj1uyPIgadt6AWYRTSml2Jn8axzpL /PwibkZXaM9LMbwaVmjVe2M9oYsMyji78X2kp9FsNEb05yAtQly8ouEtGUne4dQE rL8jymyYNDiVNCkAXA4EIo0Ont9IoWW9TUJQtPI79Y5EqwLJwLKlBLR4vBo+hX1O t7MbPejq5BwfWFccblufZ8FIAPS0k84tEc/0kizw8lTTqTtXeyI+BtLntD+M5X40 JxBoRpE813a31qX9sewGz+QFvCYSHiWqTv643o2+PmcHBYWNJ4mSQ/4/Om/2IArC /A7aIW+yOW5Xg63sstQUedsLSZA2RxdxnRScyHzQTN/1MVeTK1jvm7X8lwNNcpkp wJTXmzaewp7H7ortpeBSoDCg2IskLb3RAHANiLor6E9NzL7nRfVYRavwSGT145XZ Ce/PyEGtcErt93T/hkYvsGjgZ4QhPSEJt2cCwTAjc+FkBr6RcQYt3NgNMt+OmVpr h5tDb16HaXCnTqlt5X1+ooeDeOlCoT+FNY+gzw3+2Tn2Bff7/sDNMTuGjmJ+B+8Z SmWkR4Q9uieOwm9Uwy2Trm48LGupL90HXY0TXt5x/RmLCo1rOWfXd4o80g2UB3Jx cKX8v3a6xG4drmYYqj7Mj3NqUCJe5bwfMhgfEUiHALDdVrsSdYXBO6k6Ojid1lEd oPXy/yInre9E9bK+d8I27GQPQBR5azvRjx7ts7sELlUYr7sp/deHHypkzMkaHQO0 ZQ5lKz4o3fnM8Xxc9LeqxP3cEaKBlwXr99rmYtmBj3JvrT/JnwAkfKjhbRK3o7xh 3Otwiv470RnKBD62LxhSayx2iTPFj8SNSH50wkgXXf3VZpz918foMbHX5R9Aqu7E uFxfplKP8ulqwmCiFoc95y6xbfvfidNiPAOrj0DjM9F2SpBUp+WF3DcoDeb1t5Hr xLQQas+DFfyWv4Y95TF2bn9xDoCDdim64N8/ZQiNo2fWhkWwC7HkvtxAJge+X0Xv Jxyi917D2pnEKLDRqvLzXw+ArkNgA4GgXmLcNPO9TZnJWgLbiQWmqjXWtJBSYfoQ opPHyzXxZxsdXzZIzDmf17zUmSmnbtbhsF4OKPdtJhCVLgKxn1IcdFCR+eKGPI7T P0C+syrn9Zg2nYJu3RRypwuGUjOKQxFzAoQ6etWoj1zDDPUUWWNoiZ8C3TfNKq/c soezT/bNlfZcQACwGmYNCD7IsEUl3J1GeQp/UAq2s3x+LBA4SEXIULKQZAtGSGZk OodNuM6PybFoRAWAxYc5CwDoS9pPEaWztyg6qEJJNRqNgaVJutSdfjVh/2AgQStD AUSJFysLzLS6IoRwcL8sR2iRdba0CJ47Wmi0Lxcukfh4usjK8+h7hmN4RLUJrIgq l3g7KDeP65gr5Yeszl3DRXlHOdg/evDqp9SZA8omoOmGBm303U+XgK37TUo/BU0N dz37C2txIbkSCg91IiqJLtonvH/rB86nnvuh404MLE3Jl5sLtSI0R2t3UEgPXdXC egXadZnx23URgmIqJbkhJEEzI50rL5Yx3cNIeLeN1+XokbEEk/nrmFSQ5ZVamLE6 wOhFnELdDeFF9mGc059/JIW29TW6Y6/Nc1V0Lztrf+GCSOPSQcTb1izAqXHvfp4v
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