Which server are you applying for? (UK/US): UK
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:182246539
Discord name: mackerel2x1
For how long have you played on MRP: I've been playing on CN MRP for nearly 3 months
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Turkiye
Time zone: GMT +3
NATO name (regiment and rank): 17thAR 1LT Sideswipe [IS] [MoH] [IG]
USSR name (regiment and rank): KGB PVT Yousef Stalin
Civilian name: Faisal ibn Abduljabbar
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- No i applied once but it got denied.
- https://civilnetworks.net/community/threads/sideswipe-nhc-application.25486/
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-3 warnings , one for basecamping two for FailRP | no kicks | no bans |

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- I am a CO on 17th for a long time (1.5 month).
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
- Well , after all i am active. I gave daily reports of Current Situation of NATO. I get up early to build fobs to prevent USSR to steal them and being ready for an any early war.

- I am actively listening people during wars and reconsidering my choices. Also i can adaptate and dont panic during wars mostly.
My war orders are dynamic. In my POV being dynamic and keeping moral high shall solve the issues in the wars because USSR
usually changes tactics (for example when they are pushing a point and deciding to push another point) and then if we react late thats an big upperhand for them.
- I gained some experience leading some wars (13).I gained territory lost territory ; got major victory , major defeat , victory , minor victory and bunch of stalemates.
I always try to learn and improve myself. I always woke up and place FOB's and deploy stocks at the morning. I think that i could make improvements of fightings and make war theories. Overall i think i improved myself.
- I always clear comms and make my team to focus only war and callouts nothing more. I proactively use the Voice Amp for callouts , New orders.
And i think i can oversee my battalion or any if i get chosen to NHC.And now i am decently experienced. And i think i did a good job in 17th. I've led 17th in wars , hosted trainings
to improve the battalion.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
- 1LT , PVT , Civilian
List your strengths and weaknesses:
+ I am an open mind guy which means im full open to criticism , advices and teachings. I keep the war orders dynamic because of it.
+ Im a chill guy. I dont get pissed off so easily. I always try to keep up my mental high in wars/peacetime for the best outcome of war orders / situation solvings.
+ And i don't give up so easily. I am not a defeatist. But that doesnt mean im conservative/studborn at leadership. I'll not push to a lost cause.
+ I dont escalate situations ill try to solve them. Because inner rivalry in NATO always benefits the enemy.
+ I always try to keep up the moral high so our men shall not be a doomer. But that doesn't mean im a pollyannaist.
+ I was a minge used to have a red card and got in trouble with rmp so much but now that Sideswipe is gone. I am changed.
+ I am active everyday. I can play on daily basis.
+ Being a radioman.
- Well my PvP skills are not good. My K/D is commonly below 1.
- I can forget stuff sometimes
- I can be tired and that effects my gameplay.
Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Hasan 'Sideswipe' Tahsin. Is a expert in MBT's and armoured blitz warfare. Has turkish origin.He left TSK(Armed Forces of Türkiye) because his country got invaded.
And during that invasion his wife and one child died from collateral damage. Then he joined NATO. He is the definition of Anti-Soviet thinkery.
And now he thinks he can challenge Stavka of the Supreme High Command as a NATO High Command member. And he is very determined about that.
What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
- Well first of all the world depends on them due to soviet invasion. They must be best of the best. Also because of that job they have to lead-organize-coordinate the Allied Forces.
If NATO falls all of us shall be doomed.
-Then its their job to make contacts with SSHC for short ceasefires,joint operations.
-They have to oversee the war from CC and give orders to Allied Army,Allied Navy and Allied Airforce.
-And obviously they have to lead wars.
- Run NCoJ to solve problems.
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
- OOC its basically oversee regiments,check if the RC or any REG personnel is corrupt or abusing power,listening about complaints from players to improve the faction.
- Then keeping systems of regiments dynamic to adapt it to current situation.
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:182246539
Discord name: mackerel2x1
For how long have you played on MRP: I've been playing on CN MRP for nearly 3 months
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Turkiye
Time zone: GMT +3
NATO name (regiment and rank): 17thAR 1LT Sideswipe [IS] [MoH] [IG]
USSR name (regiment and rank): KGB PVT Yousef Stalin
Civilian name: Faisal ibn Abduljabbar
Do you have a mic?: Yes
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
- No i applied once but it got denied.
- https://civilnetworks.net/community/threads/sideswipe-nhc-application.25486/
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-3 warnings , one for basecamping two for FailRP | no kicks | no bans |

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
- I am a CO on 17th for a long time (1.5 month).
What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
- Well , after all i am active. I gave daily reports of Current Situation of NATO. I get up early to build fobs to prevent USSR to steal them and being ready for an any early war.

- I am actively listening people during wars and reconsidering my choices. Also i can adaptate and dont panic during wars mostly.
My war orders are dynamic. In my POV being dynamic and keeping moral high shall solve the issues in the wars because USSR
usually changes tactics (for example when they are pushing a point and deciding to push another point) and then if we react late thats an big upperhand for them.
- I gained some experience leading some wars (13).I gained territory lost territory ; got major victory , major defeat , victory , minor victory and bunch of stalemates.
I always try to learn and improve myself. I always woke up and place FOB's and deploy stocks at the morning. I think that i could make improvements of fightings and make war theories. Overall i think i improved myself.
- I always clear comms and make my team to focus only war and callouts nothing more. I proactively use the Voice Amp for callouts , New orders.
And i think i can oversee my battalion or any if i get chosen to NHC.And now i am decently experienced. And i think i did a good job in 17th. I've led 17th in wars , hosted trainings
to improve the battalion.
List your in-game ranks on MRP:
- 1LT , PVT , Civilian
List your strengths and weaknesses:
+ I am an open mind guy which means im full open to criticism , advices and teachings. I keep the war orders dynamic because of it.
+ Im a chill guy. I dont get pissed off so easily. I always try to keep up my mental high in wars/peacetime for the best outcome of war orders / situation solvings.
+ And i don't give up so easily. I am not a defeatist. But that doesnt mean im conservative/studborn at leadership. I'll not push to a lost cause.
+ I dont escalate situations ill try to solve them. Because inner rivalry in NATO always benefits the enemy.
+ I always try to keep up the moral high so our men shall not be a doomer. But that doesn't mean im a pollyannaist.
+ I was a minge used to have a red card and got in trouble with rmp so much but now that Sideswipe is gone. I am changed.
+ I am active everyday. I can play on daily basis.
+ Being a radioman.
- Well my PvP skills are not good. My K/D is commonly below 1.
- I can forget stuff sometimes

- I can be tired and that effects my gameplay.
Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
- Hasan 'Sideswipe' Tahsin. Is a expert in MBT's and armoured blitz warfare. Has turkish origin.He left TSK(Armed Forces of Türkiye) because his country got invaded.
And during that invasion his wife and one child died from collateral damage. Then he joined NATO. He is the definition of Anti-Soviet thinkery.
And now he thinks he can challenge Stavka of the Supreme High Command as a NATO High Command member. And he is very determined about that.
What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
- Well first of all the world depends on them due to soviet invasion. They must be best of the best. Also because of that job they have to lead-organize-coordinate the Allied Forces.
If NATO falls all of us shall be doomed.
-Then its their job to make contacts with SSHC for short ceasefires,joint operations.
-They have to oversee the war from CC and give orders to Allied Army,Allied Navy and Allied Airforce.
-And obviously they have to lead wars.
- Run NCoJ to solve problems.
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:
- OOC its basically oversee regiments,check if the RC or any REG personnel is corrupt or abusing power,listening about complaints from players to improve the faction.
- Then keeping systems of regiments dynamic to adapt it to current situation.