Sins's Staff App

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Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name):​


For how long have you played on CG MRP:​

Joined on 14-2-2021, So that will be 4 months



In what country are you located?:​


Time zone:​


NATO name (regiment and rank):​

MP PVT Erik Ka

USSR name (regiment and rank):​

ABT SLT Sir Sins

Civilian name:​

La SirSins

Steam ID:​


Do you have a mic?:​


Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:​

This is my first one.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:​

I have 2 warnings, One for failrp, issued on 1 may 2021. The other warning is for character abuse, issued on 12 may 2021. I have also recieved a 3 day ban for glitch abuse (shooting people under the map), issued on 1 March 2021. And also some AFK kicks.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:​

I have been a senior mod on other MRP servers, But that was a long time ago. I was also staff in other SeriousRP games.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:​

Yes, I've played a lot of SeriousRP servers, Like other MRP, SantosRP (when it was active), And some other SeriousRP games.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:​

From Monday-Friday: 3-5 Hours.
Saturday and Sunday: 4-6 Hours.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:​

I want to become staff, Because the day I joined the server, I already liked it. I liked how the server war system worked, Also the community is amazing. I would love to help the community/server with moderating. I wouldn't complain if I have to go AOD during 2 wars in a row. I also like helping other people out. I can also be active when I don't have school. (I have exams at the moment so thats why im not that active)

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:​

I can be very active when I don't have school or something else to do. I like helping others out. I always try to do my best to help other people. I treat everyone equally, whether its a person I hate or like. My goal will also be to always stay professional and helpfull to everyone. Like I said, I don't mind going AOD 2 wars straight. I just want to help the server by moderating and helping others out.

NOTE: If you want to test my rule knowledge, feel free to poke/drag me. Thankyou for reading my application!

EDIT: Changed NATO name (Joined a regiment)
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Jan 8, 2021
+ Active ingame/ts3
-/+ Mature?
+ Good Rule Knowledge
+ Approachable

Hey Sins, so this verdict was hard for me, and I really want you to prove me correct. The reason I put "Mature?" is because you used to be a big minge and have a questionable toxic past. Nonetheless, you've very much improved and I don't see you being toxic anymore and you've definitely proved to be mature now. I know you want what's best for the server so I hope you do become staff!

Best of luck! ? ?
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Active member
Jan 15, 2021
Salford, Manchester
-/+ Neutral

+Active in-game.
+Active in TS.

-/+Unsure of your rule knowledge.
-/+Unsure of your maturity.
+Had past staffing experiences.

Hello there, Sins, I have given you a neutral support for those reasons stated. I just don't know whether you have a 100% understanding of the rules, which is obviously a requirement when being a staff member on the server. However, your past staffing experiences may give you an advantage if you do get accepted.

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Active member
Mar 1, 2021

-Active In-Game
-Active TS3
-Past staffing experience

For the reasons stated above I wil be going for a +support. Best of luck.

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Active member
Apr 27, 2021
+ Support
+ Very active
+ Been on the server for quite a long time
+ Friendly

- Unsure about rule knowledge
Hey Sins! I am giving you +support for the reasons stated above.
Good Luck!
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Jack Harvey

MRP War Criminal
Feb 20, 2021
+Active IG & TS
+Past Staffing experience

-/+Unsure about rule knowledge
-/+Unsure about maturity
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+ Active IG + TS
+ Time on the server
+ Experience

- Unsure of rule knowledge
- Unsure of maturity

From my experience with you Sins, I can say that a couple of months ago you were very mingy and immature. I have seen a slight change however I don't think it's completely there yet. I haven't a lot of experience with the new Sins, since I main NATO, therefore I'm partially going off the close past.

Very best of luck!
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I have noticed you are frequently active in-game and on TeamSpeak. I have had a few interactions with you from time to time and you seem respectable and approachable. Your past experience as staff should definitely put you ahead in your application and your application seems sincere.

Although I hope you are now brushed up on your rule knowledge and evidently you seem to have improved your image around others. Hence you have my +Support.

Good luck!
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MRP War Veteran
Mar 2, 2021
- Support
-/+ Active in game + TS(I believe you are on ROA will change if this wrong)
-poor rule knowledge
-Maturity is questionable

Johnny ive given you a - Support mainly down to my experience I've found you immature and argumentative when you was in JAF.
Since you join ABT ive not spoken to you on a day-to-day basis but I believe this has improved however you have been very toxic in OOC.
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Apr 7, 2021
-Friendly and approachable
-Experience as staff

-Unsure of rule knowledge (poke me on ts3 so I can test you).

Hey Johnny, I will be going with a +Support due to the reasons above. Poke me on TS3 when you’re next on for a chat so I can test you on your rule knowledge,

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Captain Rex

Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 20, 2021
-Not very mature

My reason for the -support is because you are quite toxic in OOC and if you are a Staff member being toxic it wont look good on the server. but good luck!
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Jan 20, 2021
+Active IG/TS
+Good rule knowledge
+Experience as staff
+Good application

Since I don't get to talk to you everyday anymore, I won't know as clearly how much you've improved, but over the few interactions I've had with you recently I can tell you have improved very well, this is a great factor that I find very helpful for such role.

Good luck as always
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CG Super VIP
Dec 25, 2020
Extremely active ingame and on Teamspeak
+ Mature
+ Has showcased good rule knowledge
+ I've had nothing but positive interactions with you
Good luck!
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Reactions: Sins
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