Accepted Slight Rule change/clarification on use of proxmines

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.

david blane

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Apr 3, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Makes it so nato are not allowed to place unlimited proxmines after every singe doorway inside their walls as it is the only way for sts to enter their base without an obvious paradrop.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-STS/NWO actually have a chance to do a base raid on nato that doesn't end in us waling 1 a step into their base and instantly dying due to people placing 500 proximity mines on their walls entrances and secret entrance!
-allow a fair scale on either side

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-nato wanting game to not be fair for all regiments,

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- at the moment the NWO base has multiple entrances via lifts which enter directly into the base allowing sas/nato spies to be able to enter nwo base with ease. but the nato base We have to put a grapple hook up which only sts have then we have to hack/breach a door into the walls and on top of another door to breach before even able to enter the main parts of their base, but all nato are doing is placing proximity mines after every single doorway and gate inside their walls and secret tunnel meaning that it is legitimately impossible to enter nato base without dying after a single step. But nwo have no opportunity to place proxes anywhere but the long tunnel or cc/sc, make a fair gameplay for both sas and sts.

I Counted them all just now i counted 10 prox mines 1 after every door

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david blane

Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
Apr 3, 2022
NATO base is way easier to steal war funds from and since nwo uses proxy mines in secret tunnel I dont see why NATO should be any different.
Bro ngl read suggestion fully!. secret tunel ye fine but 1 after every singel doorway in nato walls is insaley stupid, we have no way to do that so either make a new NWO base fully making it have walls u can enter!, also it is not easier at all!, ur db directly next to hc rooms, ur cc directly at the middle of base where evry1 congregates throughout peactime getting fob supplies or deploying vehicles.


Well-known Member
Nov 21, 2021
- support

NWO also places proxies in all the nooks and crannies. You just need to learn to look for them.
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Oct 8, 2021

Doesn't benefit the server as a whole, speaking as an ex STS-LTCOL there are many ways to deal with proxies.

1. Send someone non vital to the mission infront of everyone.

2. Grapple hook up the walls.

3. Paradrop.

4. Shoot the proxy mines.

5. FearRP an enemy into walking into the proxies.
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Feb 20, 2022
-Support, you can do the exact same thing to your own base, and there's so many ways to bypass them in the first place, you're a spy/sts, you can make someone go in for you to trigger it, or you can just go in through front gate (spy) or any of the wall entrances (STS), or just use your hook to get right on top of the wall.


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 4, 2021
bro aren't yall supposed to be special? you guys have shields and grapple hooks to use not to admire also try choosing different entrances.
i am not mentioning what you guys have to use but that must be a skill issue with your leader. infiltration requires plans (different every time)
or just use black hawks its faster can avoid proxy mines and sneaky (if you know how to sneak with it)


Active member
Jan 21, 2023

When you're doing an infil through either a S.T or grappling the wall, you need to consider the amount of noise you guys could make which can alert the entire base. Plus if you die on a proxy, well thats down to you. Also I remember when your entire STS stepped on 3 proxies and you just absolutely lose it in OOC.
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Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
Suggestion Accepted

Hi David,
Your suggestion has been accepted. Although we will not specifically be making rules to prevent this, we will be adding a small proximity based noise that emits from Proximity mines to allow people to work around them and be aware that there is an immanent threat. For those that are potentially hard of hearing, we will also add a small light to cater for that.

Thanks, Content Team.​