Slipperman can't keep up. See ya!

Hey everybody, I don't know if anyone remembers me still.. I've been playing here for almost a year already and I'm just tired.. I have a lot of new responsibilities in real life now and I just can't keep up with responsibilities in the video game. I may return later if I'll gain the interest again or will have free time. I didn't become a known person in the comunity, but I met alot of good people.. And like everybody does I'm going to ping them here, if I didn't mention you, blame my memory ;-;

@Critical - You were my first director, I remember when we first met we built a cool looking stage.. hope we will work together again some day..

@Charles "Ze" Whittme - I knew you since we worked together as ambassadors.. It was very fun working with you.. I am happy for what you have achieved for such a short time on the server! GL on becoming the next chairman...

@MiQ I didn't forget you :)

@Jimbo Stark was an awesome ambassador too.. sad that he's gone now.

@Biscuits We've had alot of interactions.. All of them were fun. This friendly rivalry we've had was awesome, hope you will become the GEN of GOC :D

@chad4j You remind me of one person I know in real life.. You were always harsh on me, I some times felt like you disliked me very much.. but I always try to see good in people, I think you were that harsh to just make me work better and it kinda worked.. in the medical atleast, also I will find a good hair model one day... honestly..

@ThatOneSaltyGerman You are one of the most awesome people on the server.. I really enjoyed staying up late talking with you about nearly anything.. Hope if one day I'll be in Germany we can get a coffee and talk like we did :)

@ERaven Was fun working with you as ECA :D

@Nate Mercer / 'Tactician' You were the best damn CI commander...

@Elijah "xenon" Kams I can't find your tag here, but it was fun talking to you! Please don't class F me again it was scary... XDD

@Bill Nye The Guy You were my mentor and always will be, I'll never forget our first event together! Also, your plane is awesome!

@Broda Kagen When somebody says a Site Director, you are the first person who come to my mind..

@Vxnt I'm proud for you not being Philip anymore and just being yourself! Was very fun working with you in ECA, hope we will meet again if I'll return here Lily. :DD

@Jason Taylor (Cirenmatt) You are a good leader.. but in my opinion you should be a little more decisive and confident!

@Prophet You were THE BEST DoM.. your RP is high standart, and charachter lore is massive.. server lost alot when you left. Also I still wait for that D&D party :))))

@Daniel Hammer You are bald. Also was fun RP'ing with you, hope you will get back to SA it really suits you!

@Otters We've had quite alot of interactions and all of them were pleasant! Also came up with the most fun O5 lore...

@Nukegoboom The 'Nihilist'.. O5-1 really suits you.. You are a good GM and an awesome O5.. also it was fun killing you as a type Blue OUO

@Jason M. You are like the Tactitian of CI.. you were the best GEN and will always be. Also, Polska Gurom

@doped Good luck on your consultant job! We got the consultant almost at the same time and I believe you can do better, also if you don't mind bring IA psych evals to the SC for me okay? :D They are in the right upper corner of the 2nd cabinet, we have to deliver them today...

There is alot of people that I probably should have mentioned.. but my memory isn't as good as it used to be.. I'm gonna go, was fun RPing with Y'all..
