Denied Sniper Cooldown

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Jul 16, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
A cooldown on the sniper job after death

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:[/B]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
People cant be sniper mains and give a chance to let others play
During cooldown gives you a chance too play a different job

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Cooldown might commence after dying to something stupid or getting camped
a worse consequence to dying than the 100 cs cost currently in place
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
This suggestion should be accepted because how much of a OP job sniper is the ability to play it again and again and again (with enough CS) should have more risk for more rewards, it will also give a chance for someone else to play the job. It would also stop the consistency of Infantry members playing sniper and encourage playing other infantry jobs. For example if an AG/SAS was mainly a sniper for every war special forces have no one to follow in war and to take orders from, this suggestion would encourage people to fight on the front line more than sitting back and picking people off with a sniper.
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Sep 15, 2023

Even though I agree that snipers are very painful to go against they are also realistically very easy to take out. Making there be a cooldown will drag people away from sniper based combat, Does not seem necessary as of right now.

My only suggestion towards snipers would be the amount of times you can use a sniper class during war. Would be reasonable to only have 10-15 sniper life's during war per player.
Jul 16, 2023

Even though I agree that snipers are very painful to go against they are also realistically very easy to take out. Making there be a cooldown will drag people away from sniper based combat, Does not seem necessary as of right now.

My only suggestion towards snipers would be the amount of times you can use a sniper class during war. Would be reasonable to only have 10-15 sniper life's during war per player.
they should be dragged away from sniper based combat your in an Infantry reg which are frontline regiments sitting back and barely contributing.
Jul 16, 2023
But it isn't like there are 4-5 Snipers on 1 reg. It is only 1 person. It seems extremely unreasonable to do that.
2 reg's have sniper, thats 2 people, HC have a sniper job, thats 3 snipers when realistically you only need one and again you shouldnt be sitting back contributing nothing if your AG/SAS
you have ways to counter or avoid the snipers

●Flank them and kill them unexpected,
●Avoid going the same route,
●Counter snipe them (Like Jack G),
●Drone them(my favourite),
●JAF/ABT can take them out,
●Throwing a smoke to safely move to your objective or Throw it at the direction of the sniper for temp cover
●hell be like stefan and drop a B2 on them
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