Soap's False Ban Appeal

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Well-known Member
Jun 22, 2022
Your in-game name:Vito
Your SteamID:
Your steam community link:?
Date of ban:today wich is 7/22/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): it says severe toxcity bassicly the smarty pants admin banned me for thinking that i said the n word wich i never say i littraly have black relevants and i was talking when he was going down the elevator so the elevator gone down and my voice cut out at making me sound like i am saying the n word and idk how tf is he banning me for somthing he isnt even sure off he littraly heard somthing that sounds like the n word but the elevator made my voice cut out and he didint even hear me finish my centence and i dont watn to get banned becase an admin is doing somthing he is not sure off i am littraly are supposed to get promoted tommorow THIS IS OBSERD HOW ARE YOU JUDGING THAT I SAID THE N WORD WHILE YOU ARE LITTRALY DIDINT HEAR MY WHOLE TALK YOU JUST HEARD A PIECE OF MY TALK THAT SOUNDED LIKE THE N WORD AND BANNED ME FOR SEVERE TOXICITY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU????!!! THE WORD I SAID WAS LITTRALY I AM GOING TO BREAK YOUR KNEECAPS NOT NIGGAS WICH THAT YOU HEARD BECASE YOUR INTERNET IS SHITTY AND BANNING PEPOLE WHEN THEIR VOICES CUT OUT
Who banned you: i did not see his name in game
Ban length?:3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):scp rp
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again: well its not my fault but if i did i mistake i would try to avoid doing it again
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? i was warned but never banned or kicked
Why should you be unbanned:i dont want to be banned for somthing i did not do+ they hung up on me on discord trying to explain and just banned me
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: becase this is littraly my first ban and its not even right like i did not say what they are assuming the evidince isnt even valid since my voice cut out you cant just hear a cut off sentence and judge it bruh
Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
i want to countine my rp as mtf nu7 and do preformence becase as i said i am soon getting promoted


Well-known Member
Apr 18, 2022
Hello, Vito!

Thank you for your time to make this appeal. I issued a 3 day severe toxicity ban against you because after you were shut out of the elevator, you called me the n word. I asked for a second opinion from two different staff members (Travis and John Paul) who both agreed that you said the n word. I carefully reviewed my footage multiple times and came to a conclusion that you said "you are ######" after being closed out of the elevator.


Well-known Member
Jun 22, 2022
i said in game in a rp situation as a joke (i will break your kneecaps) my mic is far away from my mouth becase i am using a headphone as a mic so i am pretty sure that sounded pretty bad as we both know what it sounded like and i am telling you 100 percent i dont do that shit even check last time i was warned bruh it was like almost a month ago
Hello, Vito!

Thank you for your time to make this appeal. I issued a 3 day severe toxicity ban against you because after you were shut out of the elevator, you called me the n word. I asked for a second opinion from two different staff members (Travis and John Paul) who both agreed that you said the n word. I carefully reviewed my footage multiple times and came to a conclusion that you said "you are ######" after being closed out of the elevator.


Well-known Member
Jun 22, 2022
i do not say those phrases even as a joke, banning me for somthing i did not do becase you misheard somthing is not fair if i said the damn thing i woudlnt even do an appeal as i would be a guy who dosent stay at the server and bassicly getting himself banned, i am a high level and shit and trust me i wont risk getting banned now breaking knee caps is similar asf to the other word pls my mic is far + your elevator cut my voice , its perfect for making it sound banned


Well-known Member
Jun 22, 2022
and i bought pac for 10 pounds so i wont risk getting banned in a server i donated in bruhhhh pls if you have evidince of outside the elevator that i said the n word you have the right to perma ban me and i mean it, i did not say the n word and i am triggerd becase of it i dont do this stuff i have black relevents and you are accusing me of this seems unfair since you dont have evidince outside the elevator mate your elevator photage littraly proves nothing since you get cut off and did not hear my whole sentence and just banning me instantly and hanging up on me on discord that dosent look so professinel to me tbh


Well-known Member
Jun 22, 2022
the only reason that makes me looks like i said the n word and the staff aggreing with you, that your photage is not valid and from an unfair point if you have a photage from outside the elevator you will notice that i was littraly saying i will break your knee caps not the other thing you are wasting 3 days of my pac subscribtion of somthing i did not do really good admin you are

Tom Higgs

Active member
Feb 28, 2022
Appeal Accepted


Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I will be removing your Ban as I haven't been provided with any sufficient evidence of you being severely toxic on the server. So following this message you will be able to rejoin the server.​
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