Your in-game name:Vito
Your SteamID:
Your steam community link:?
Date of ban:today wich is 7/22/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): it says severe toxcity bassicly the smarty pants admin banned me for thinking that i said the n word wich i never say i littraly have black relevants and i was talking when he was going down the elevator so the elevator gone down and my voice cut out at making me sound like i am saying the n word and idk how tf is he banning me for somthing he isnt even sure off he littraly heard somthing that sounds like the n word but the elevator made my voice cut out and he didint even hear me finish my centence and i dont watn to get banned becase an admin is doing somthing he is not sure off i am littraly are supposed to get promoted tommorow THIS IS OBSERD HOW ARE YOU JUDGING THAT I SAID THE N WORD WHILE YOU ARE LITTRALY DIDINT HEAR MY WHOLE TALK YOU JUST HEARD A PIECE OF MY TALK THAT SOUNDED LIKE THE N WORD AND BANNED ME FOR SEVERE TOXICITY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU????!!! THE WORD I SAID WAS LITTRALY I AM GOING TO BREAK YOUR KNEECAPS NOT NIGGAS WICH THAT YOU HEARD BECASE YOUR INTERNET IS SHITTY AND BANNING PEPOLE WHEN THEIR VOICES CUT OUT
Who banned you: i did not see his name in game
Ban length?:3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):scp rp
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: well its not my fault but if i did i mistake i would try to avoid doing it again
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? i was warned but never banned or kicked
Why should you be unbanned:i dont want to be banned for somthing i did not do+ they hung up on me on discord trying to explain and just banned me
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: becase this is littraly my first ban and its not even right like i did not say what they are assuming the evidince isnt even valid since my voice cut out you cant just hear a cut off sentence and judge it bruh
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: i want to countine my rp as mtf nu7 and do preformence becase as i said i am soon getting promoted
Your SteamID:
Your steam community link:?
Date of ban:today wich is 7/22/2022
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): it says severe toxcity bassicly the smarty pants admin banned me for thinking that i said the n word wich i never say i littraly have black relevants and i was talking when he was going down the elevator so the elevator gone down and my voice cut out at making me sound like i am saying the n word and idk how tf is he banning me for somthing he isnt even sure off he littraly heard somthing that sounds like the n word but the elevator made my voice cut out and he didint even hear me finish my centence and i dont watn to get banned becase an admin is doing somthing he is not sure off i am littraly are supposed to get promoted tommorow THIS IS OBSERD HOW ARE YOU JUDGING THAT I SAID THE N WORD WHILE YOU ARE LITTRALY DIDINT HEAR MY WHOLE TALK YOU JUST HEARD A PIECE OF MY TALK THAT SOUNDED LIKE THE N WORD AND BANNED ME FOR SEVERE TOXICITY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU????!!! THE WORD I SAID WAS LITTRALY I AM GOING TO BREAK YOUR KNEECAPS NOT NIGGAS WICH THAT YOU HEARD BECASE YOUR INTERNET IS SHITTY AND BANNING PEPOLE WHEN THEIR VOICES CUT OUT
Who banned you: i did not see his name in game
Ban length?:3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):scp rp
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
SCP-RP Rules
Civil Networks SCP RP Rules Discord Link: Teamspeak Address: All decisions made in game by staff are to be respected. If you feel that your punishment was unjust then speak to an Admin+ in game or make a forum complaint or a ban appeal. Arguing...

What will you do to stop this from happening again: well its not my fault but if i did i mistake i would try to avoid doing it again
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? i was warned but never banned or kicked
Why should you be unbanned:i dont want to be banned for somthing i did not do+ they hung up on me on discord trying to explain and just banned me
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: becase this is littraly my first ban and its not even right like i did not say what they are assuming the evidince isnt even valid since my voice cut out you cant just hear a cut off sentence and judge it bruh
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: i want to countine my rp as mtf nu7 and do preformence becase as i said i am soon getting promoted