Spector's ban appeal

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Mar 23, 2023
Your in-game name: 'Sweet'

Your SteamID: 76561199245651628

Date of ban: Wednesday November 29th 2023

Who banned you: Mate

Ban length: 25 weeks

What server were you banned on?: Civil Networks | Military RP UK | Custom | NWO vs NATO <

Have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: I've been warned, kicked, even banned a lot of times!

How did you get banned?: I was recently warned for being in a conquest war on NWO IVG regiment, using an AT4 on a private contractor that's been apart of NATO's concerns. This also had happened again, when we were doing a sim room training, and I forgot about the AT4-ing people warn. So I made many kills by shooting my teammates in free time, with the AT4 several times. Which didn't went out that well as I've expected it to be. I was then banned by Mate for MRDM [X] for 25 weeks.

Why should you be unbanned: I've been also getting a lot of anger issues with myself. Whenever I had died to an enemy, I would've said the N word. I know it's very offensive, but my mind just couldn't hold on to chill out. So I let it all out even with the hard R sometimes. Thus I'm trying to pass these anger issues to just breathe in and breathe out. But I don't think it works for me much. I swear I won't MRDM anymore. I will try to be polite as possible.

How can you tell that you won't break any other rule?: Since I've learned my lesson by being demoted to TRN from IVG. I got a little too sad about it, since my whole career has been ruined to ruins. This made me understood my reason of warn, and my states. I am sure about it that I won't break any other rule, I don't want this to repeat again.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I am pretty much banned on most likely, every single one of my most favorite Gmod servers for racism, and many more. So I have literally nothing to enjoy my time with playing any other server, because they're very boring.

What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will try to forget this accident of MRDM ban. And just move on, to be polite as possible, and close my anger.
Mar 9, 2021
Morning sweet,

Unfortunately you have admitted to some quite severe offence in your appeal, we understand you may have anger problems but MRDM and shouting racial slurs at other players.

Your appeal has been denied. You may not appeal again for another 6 weeks at least.

Kind regards
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