Spector's Ban Appeal

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Mar 23, 2023
Your in-game name: 'Sweet'
Your SteamID: 76561199245651628
Your steam community link: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199245651628/
Date of ban: Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): My exact ban reason is MRDM [X].
Who banned you: Mate (STEAM_0:1:155389031)
Ban length?: 25 Weeks (right now it's 14 weeks)
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url): https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/militaryrp-rules.10/
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will stop this from happening ever again by doing a proper roleplay, without messing around, and not k!lling people. Because USUALLY I end up committing RDM on many people, which then results in an MRDM. I will try to stay calm, and not k!ll any players or ruin a single roleplay. I always get nerve issues, which kinda results me into bullying people or making myself put into more trouble by being unproffesional in the game, and creating rule breaks that almost all of them round up to MRDM or RDM breaks. I will keep myself away from people who dislikes me or hurt my own feelings, I will try and NOT commit another rule break in the game, because that's probably gonna get me into more trouble. I promise you I will stay in RP, and into calmness.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? I have been warned/kicked/banned many times in the game, although as I've said in the previous section of the appeal questions, I had been warned/banned by committing RDM and MRDM by a very big number of moderators. I have tried to prevent myself from continuing doing even more RDM rule breaks, but I always didn't catch myself into not doing it, and so I've done it.

Why should you be unbanned: I want to be unbanned for this very important reason to me. I need access to teamspeak 3. Recently I have realized that around of yesterday, I have been banned from TS3 as well. Which kind of sucks to me, because I have also recently passed the E-11 tryout in the other civil networks server; SCP RP UK server. Which in my situation right now is kinda odd to say, but...I'm not here to get unbanned to enjoy re-playing my MRP journey into higher ranks and so on. I'm here to make a ban appeal to get unbanned from MRP, in order for me to get unbanned from TS3. If I could get 1 more chance into re-joining back to the MRP community, it would be great. All I ask is to get unbanned from MRP today, so I could get permission to re-verify into TS3. Look, I swear I won't do anything that associates with rule breaks in MRP, even though I've already said, that I want to get unbanned from MRP for TS3 permission to re-verify myself, and enjoy getting into the ranks of the other civil networks server; SCP RP UK. It's my one and only favor, that I want to ask you.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I ensure myself completely to not break a single rule in MRP again. I will ensure myself that I won't break any rule in the MRP server I can make myself sure, because at this point, I don't even want to re-join back into the game, I just want to be unbanned from the server, to solve my TS3 verification problems. That's all I ask you.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I don't, but I will probably re-join this server for later use and RP. But today, I do not want to re-join this server (today), I only want to be unbanned from MRP, to re-solve my TS3 verification system, because I really want to join E-11 in the other civil networks server; SCP RP UK.
Mar 9, 2021
Hey sweet,

After looking into your ban and your appeal. This is a MRDM [X] ban meaning you have a lot of previous offences as well,
At this time I don't find it sufficient that you be unbanned from MRP. In regards to TS I would advise making a separate appeal for TS which can be looked at individually. You can reappeal this ban in 4 weeks.

In your TS appeal please do include all the relevant information and and format needed so a community supervisor can look into this for you.

Kind regards

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