Denied Stingers for SWB/UAF at CPL

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Jack G

Senior Administrator
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MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes stingers from being accessible at MSGT to CPL in JAF/UAF.
It is now locked behind an Anti-air job at MSGT.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
It means that when an airforce is defeated in the air, they have a chance to take down helicopters by providing more stingers to the battlefield and this, assisting even without helicopters. By making them more accessible, it means having a greater impact on the war as more people are using them.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
None at all bud!

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because for 1. I made the suggestion. And for 2. More stingers/more things to do that aren't locked behind a rank.
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Jack G

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
Content Team
Feb 19, 2021
if this only applies to UAF/SWB

if you also make 1stAL/JAC AT job to cpl so both vehicle regs have benefit from it
Why would it matter if the vehicle regs dont benefit from it. They have licenses for A-A accessible at CPL+ so can purchase a stinger whereas UAF/SWB can't?
Your A-A job also counts for AT too whereas ours is locked to stingers only
Why would it matter if the vehicle regs dont benefit from it. They have licenses for A-A accessible at CPL+ so can purchase a stinger whereas UAF/SWB can't?
Your A-A job also counts for AT too whereas ours is locked to stingers only
You bring a fair point but the reason i say its should be for both sides is cause it should be logical for both vehicle regiments to get access to at cpl stinger/AT4 cause they main focus are helis or tanks but also 1st/jac also get stinger with a AT4 so in-general my idea would not the best cause it would not benifit that i think more of it cause people would rather join the tank reg than heli reg cause tank reg gets both but I think if we lower the UAF/SWB rank to get aa I think the tank regs should also get something more special for a Cpl job imo so I will change this to a neutral
Oct 17, 2021
You bring a fair point but the reason i say its should be for both sides is cause it should be logical for both vehicle regiments to get access to at cpl stinger/AT4 cause they main focus are helis or tanks but also 1st/jac also get stinger with a AT4 so in-general my idea would not the best cause it would not benifit that i think more of it cause people would rather join the tank reg than heli reg cause tank reg gets both but I think if we lower the UAF/SWB rank to get a I think the tank regs should also get something more special for a Cpl job imo so I will change this to a neutral
It really doesn't. If a 1stAL/JAC cpl stingers a friendly heli then that's going to cause a comical amount of arguments.
Tank regiments can kwk early so they can deal with tanks and uaf should be able to AA early to deal with helis. Having both will cause inter-regimental fighting but having it for their own regiment just makes sense. This also means that there is less of a rush to promo to msgt and there are more things to counter helis

+Support please god bless
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Jack G , Your suggestion has been denied.

We have decided to deny your suggestion because corporal is too low of a rank to be using such equipment. The amount of friendly helicopters, being stingered by friendly inexperienced corporals, that don't know which helicopters are friendly and which ones are enemy would be very large, and we do not want that to happen.

We also believe that having this job locked behind master sergeant gives some exclusiveness to the rank and gives another reason for people to rank up. Having it at this rank also ensures people are not always fighting for a slot on the job, and keeps the rank which you get a stinger on par with other regiments.​
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