What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
These models would replace, STS Jobs - Infantry, Engineer, Medic, Company Commander and Regimental Commander
I am aware that on the photo they have Russian flags, however these do not come standard on the models they can be ticked on and off via bodygroups, they do not have them on as standard.
This document below will show the models from front back and side, as well as the bodygroups needed to make these models look that way.
Of course however these can be subject to change as we are aware some of them don't look the best, in my personal opinion, Squad lead, Reg Command, Company Command and Medic are fine and look good.... However the Engineer and Infantry are meh and therefore I am willing to go back through the bodygroups again and change what's needed to be changed to make them look better, but obviously that requires feedback from the staff viewing.
I am also well aware that the playermodels are labelled Russian federation, however as I have said there is no Russian insignia, writing or logos on the uniform there are no identifiable features on the uniforms that would make you think they are Russian.
Has something similar been suggested before?:
Not that I know of.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More Model possibilities, in a sense of there are more customization choices on these models (6 different models with over 50 customization options each), including different Body Armour Options, uniforms, headwear, War belts.
+ I'm just gonna say it how it is, the STS models other then Breacher, Demo, Sniper and Special Ops are disgusting and have little to no differentiation between the models, what i'm trying to say is we all look the same. whereas other regiments have different models for different jobs
+ only 240MB for 6 models and 50 customizations.
+ the patches can be changed to STS patches, we have checked this and it can be done....
not a positive but something cool, these models actually blink as well.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Might start a chain of regiments trying to get new models
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
as I have stated above the models for STS are pretty poor and most of STS agreed with this and want the models changed to something with a bit more personality.
this and want the models changed to something with a bit more personality.
These models would replace, STS Jobs - Infantry, Engineer, Medic, Company Commander and Regimental Commander
I am aware that on the photo they have Russian flags, however these do not come standard on the models they can be ticked on and off via bodygroups, they do not have them on as standard.
This document below will show the models from front back and side, as well as the bodygroups needed to make these models look that way.
Of course however these can be subject to change as we are aware some of them don't look the best, in my personal opinion, Squad lead, Reg Command, Company Command and Medic are fine and look good.... However the Engineer and Infantry are meh and therefore I am willing to go back through the bodygroups again and change what's needed to be changed to make them look better, but obviously that requires feedback from the staff viewing.
I am also well aware that the playermodels are labelled Russian federation, however as I have said there is no Russian insignia, writing or logos on the uniform there are no identifiable features on the uniforms that would make you think they are Russian.
STS Models
STS Infantry - models/wap/russianfederation/russian_special_forces_multicam_a18_opscore.mdl STS Medic - models/wap/russianfederation/russian_special_forces_multicam_facewears_spcs.mdl STS Engineer - models/wap/russianfederation/russian_special_forces_multicam_spsc_lzsh.mdl STS Squad Lea...
Has something similar been suggested before?:
Not that I know of.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
+ More Model possibilities, in a sense of there are more customization choices on these models (6 different models with over 50 customization options each), including different Body Armour Options, uniforms, headwear, War belts.
+ I'm just gonna say it how it is, the STS models other then Breacher, Demo, Sniper and Special Ops are disgusting and have little to no differentiation between the models, what i'm trying to say is we all look the same. whereas other regiments have different models for different jobs
+ only 240MB for 6 models and 50 customizations.
+ the patches can be changed to STS patches, we have checked this and it can be done....
not a positive but something cool, these models actually blink as well.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Might start a chain of regiments trying to get new models
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
as I have stated above the models for STS are pretty poor and most of STS agreed with this and want the models changed to something with a bit more personality.
this and want the models changed to something with a bit more personality.
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