STUN/Volkov Blackwood's GM Application

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CG Platinum VIP
Jan 17, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): GSG9 STUN

For how long have you played on CG MRP: Since Day 1 in September & Beta Day but I have taken a break every now and then. I was also around in Pre-Beta

Age: 18

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: UK Time BST+0

In-game name and Previous Names: GSG9 STUN & Volkov Blackwood

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:108413119

Do you have a mic?: Indeed & you can hear my 50 calibre keyboard through it.

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
This is my first GM application but I was CG & CU senior staff at the rank of Server Admin.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
8 Warnings in total.
-3 Fail RP -Using a helicopter hell fires on ground targets in peacetime.
-1 Fear RP
-2 RDM
-1 Glitch Abuse [Ban - 5 Days] - Evidence ?
-1 Illegal FOB

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
Indeed. When I was a head admin on the DarkRP server I lead a weeks worth of events for the run up to Halloween and people seemed to enjoy them a lot. I continued to make events even at the rank of server admin & I often thought outside of the box to make a unique and fun event. A lot of my events I created and made are still used to this day and are still on the CG Trello such as Raft warts, Prison break, Bumper cars, Duck hunt, Trench wars, & Team work parkour, Pony PvP, Storage wars, Auction events, & lastly a very popular event, The Great Wall.

I was also doing events from time to time on the glorious CU server such as coming up with a story, how the event would plan out, what map to use and character usage. Doing events on CU is very similar to MRP for creating a objective and story and why people are fighting along with creating some good RP. Some of my most known events where on Nar Shadar on CU. A very gloomy & close quarter map with a lot of possibilities for different events.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Indeed. I have had experience in a range of serious servers inside and out of Gmod such as GTA RP. I have utilised a range of RP enhancing skills in events that created RP but also worked out well such as in the USSR Marshal assassination event I switched clothes with the Marshal and gave him the idea of walking out in my KGB uniform and the assassins would not expect a thing. I have also enhanced the KGB intelligence division teaching people how to find out if someone has done something using standard issue equipment that KGB would have using /me & how to get a desired outcome. I have over 1200 hours with using /me and /do combinations and how respond to a dynamic RP scenario without any scripts and making sure the person I RP with have the fair game by using /roll or /dice. I have the serious aspect to my attitude on MRP with KGB and people know that from the regiments presentation to how the regiment RP's such as reading people their rights, collecting intelligence, and enforcing serious RP around the base to make the server less mingy.

My GTA RP experience offered me range of different serious scenarios where my judgement and actions mattered. I was a Correctional Officer working in a prison dealing with hostage situations, weapons in the cell block, HVT's, Maximum security inmates & operations & Public Relations. I have also been on a few Star wars RP servers & my most fond memory was being in Death Troopers on a Imperial RP server. I was protecting fleet, carrying out assault missions, & even team killing the whole server for the purpose of RP as ordered to by Fleet. I have also dabbled in other RP areas such as paramedic RP & being a Sherriff which required good communication and detailed roleplay.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
6 ish.

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
My creative mind do not stop thinking and I enjoy making events that the players find unique and different with RP rich environments that provide the player with a dynamic gameplay experience. My events on CG for example were not repeated often & they focused on a lot of skills that players have and not just how good are they with a weapon. For example my prison break events focused on creating RP for players as well as teamwork and how can they escape prison as one or bait each other out to try and distract guards and get away. Another example would be my parkour & duck hunt events which tested the players movement abilities and timing. I want to be a game master to create some events that focus more RP and offer a range of events that require different skills other than shooting a place up.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:
I am special in a different way compared to other applicants. My experiences go above and beyond people exceptions for example I have 7100 hours on Gmod & 1472 hours on GTA RP which a lot of those hours on Gmod & GTA RP I have created dynamic RP scenarios and events that are memorable in many different ways & are unique. A lot of my work as a Server Admin did not go un-noticed as I was mainly known for my creative event ideas that still get ran by the staff team today on DarkRP as I uploaded a lot of the dupes to the Trello. When ever CG crashed I was known to do an event right away if I was available and I did one without fail or complication in a matter of moments to help gain players back to the server and have fun. I have shown leadership as a Server Admin on DarkRP & as a CU server admin developing the server from the ground up with some help as well as running events. I have had the opportunity to lead a lot more serious RP on GTA RP as I was joint head of MSO (Maximum Security Operations) & 2nd in charge of Public Relations. MSO was big one, writing HVT & MSI profiles and how to deal with the difficult inmates from transport to processing to then containment and handling. The biggest part was how to handle the person and create RP for the person and yourself. I had to think ahead, prepare & then execute my actions.

Please List 5 small event ideas(Which wouldn't require a map change):
1) HC internal hostage situation. Recently a team of construction workers have been working on the local mosque renovated the exterior of the building. Little to everyone's knowledge that the construction workers were tunnelling under mosque all the way to the USSR base to capture the Marshal. The construction workers must create some RP and set up a mini construction zone. They must also slowly no-clip under the map and talk to each other so people above them can hear them softly and be confused. This would create a sense of distress and worry. The construction workers breach into the HC building from under the ground and take the Marshal hostage in the building. The HC lets out a scream over the voice amp before cutting out and being taken hostage. The USSR do not want to go guns blazing for this as its their MAR on the line so they need to negotiate and quickly. NATO catch word of the situation from the town chatter about what has happened and they can intervene and try and help the construction workers but they cannot help via combat. They must negotiate to see if they can buy the hostage. The construction workers are neutral citizens that do not support the USSR or NATO so they will refuse to be aided via combat and munitions. They just want to get rich and make a lot of money like a lot of gullible robbers. If both sides fail to negotiate then the construction workers can make their escape and go to another part of the world and create a map change event. The USSR can take lethal action if the time is right or they may risk killing the Marshal which results in a loss.

2) VIP helicopter down. A NATO VIP politician is flying over the region but the plane's engines have a critical engine failure and they are coming down fast. The plane lands in neutral territory and an open distress signal is released. 1 of the 2 pilots is still alive and the VIP is not near the crash sight. Both teams have to rush to find the VIP from the crash site & they can interrogate and secure the pilot for clues on the VIP's location. The VIP must be hidden and the VIP will be on a timer to see if they can be found. If the VIP is not found within the timer limit then a group of insurgents can capture the VIP and its up to NATO & USSR to negotiate or fight for the VIP. Their actions again will result in the fate of the VIP. Whichever team wins over the VIP they will be rewarded with some war perks.

3) Internal Disease Breakout. A NATO regiment goes out for a peace keeping exercise in the town. They come across a sick young boy and they offer him some meds to see if they can make him better. Little to their knowledge its a new disease that has been spreading through the town and the person who treats the young boy is now patient 0 for the NATO team. The NATO regiment RTB after a "successful" peace keeping mission and they debrief in their bunks. The person who is infected will co-ordinate with the GM about how they should act and RP being sick. After DB the person who is infected should take a lie down and rest a little but show some strange actions such as yelling, schizophrenic actions, shooting a few rounds from a gun every now then and other weird behaviour. He should then seek for a few people to treat him and then those people that do treat him also become infected. The GM will co-ordinate with all the infected in TeamSpeak about their actions. with 4-5 infected the base with will be concerned about their health and behaviour. Once tensions are heightened the infected should go insane & start actively searching for blood in their own base killing their own men. The GM will make sure that they stand out as infected by colouring them green or adding a vile material to their models as well as administer some small buffs. Once the infected have been killed or contained, any medical personnel must RP treating or dispersing of the corpse/person using /roll and /me to create RP. Once the people have been treated or their corpses disposed of then the base can have a DB of what happened.

4) Ancient Relics. A old German veteran from WW2 tuned billionaire from winning the lottery and starting a business knows about a secret storage place for some of the last secret German experimental weapons and equipment that were supposed to be used in WW2 but they never had the chance to. The old billionaire would like to purchase of piece of old equipment from the team that can capture it first. The USSR & NATO must fight to gain access to the secret vault and obtain the piece of equipment and then secure it for the sale. The piece of equipment will be a modified Tiger Tank stored in a secure place on the map. The storage vault will need to be created by the GM and both teams must not destroy the tank otherwise they lose. Which ever team secures the tank will be rewarded by the old man in some shape or form.

5) The Saboteur. A team of USSR intelligence agents come to the USSR base to provide some intel to the USSR. The team tells a lie about some vehicles that need to be captured somewhere on the map and while half of the USSR forces are away the team of intelligence agents secretly are working for NATO as saboteurs and they saboteur vehicles, doors, and other equipment that they can to make a small hindrance in the USSR. The team that went out to capture the vehicles could be lead into a NATO ambush or car bombed vehicles, either one will need to let the team know that left for the vehicles that they got played by the agents. Once the intelligence agents have been compromised they can set of any traps or explosives around the base and create a sense of panic. USSR need to the capture or kill the agents before they can escape and run to NATO for their payment and defect. If they are captured then the agents can provide some intelligence to the USSR of the GM's choice. Such as NATO war plans or a small bank account of war funds that the USSR can take.

6) New Neighbours. A group of civilians are in distress. They are low on food, water and basic supplies. A team of NATO troops will deploy in their sector and help them out. The group of civilians have just moved into the town and they are already experiencing problems with their neighbouring town. While the NATO troops are conforming and helping the civilians a small girl from the other town approaches one of the NATO troops and tells them not to help the civilians as they do not belong here and are a disgusting group of people & if they continue to help the civilians there would be consequences. The NATO troops have the choice of continuing to help the civilians or leaving the sector. If they leave they will gain nothing and the civilians will be die which will give NATO a bad reputation. If they stay they will face resistance from the other town and they will have to defend against a wave of insurgents as well as keep the civilians safe. If all the civilians stay alive and the NATO force wins then the civilians can give NATO some perks of the GM's choice such as war funds, vehicles, or something else.

Please List 2 Big Event Ideas(Which would be what we call (Map Change Events):
1) Hazardous HVT. NATO has just bombed a USSR region with a lot of chemical & weapon factories. The area is toxic due to the chemicals & gases exposes in the air. A lead developer in chemical weaponry for the USSR is standard in the hazardous environment with a small team of special forces that tried to extract him but were too late. All of them of badly wounded & lost but its a race against time for the USSR or NATO to try and capture/save the chemical weapons developer and special forces team. The map chosen should be a foggy, rough & dangerous to fight in. If NATO capture the chemical developer then they win and should be given some perks such as war funds. If the USSR wins then they should be given some chemical weapons to use in the next war such as nerve gas & nitro glycine. If the chemical developer dies then both teams lose.

2) An Artificial Problem. A rich son of a billionaire in the arctic has developed a AI capable of operating facilities, networks, weapons and much more within a region. The creator was killed by his creation and the AI now runs the bunker it was created in. The AI's name is Poppy. The USSR and NATO have heard about Poppy's power and they have the choice to shut her down or capture the AI's core for themselves. Poppy is on neither side and she will resist the attack on the facility by activating traps, shutting doors, & making it harder to get to her. The GM can make multiple traps, puzzles, and a method of shutting down & capturing poppy through a series of puzzles/quests. The first team to shut down poppy or capture her will win. If Poppy if captured she will help out in the next few wars with intelligence and on man drone artillery. Poppy is to be played by the GM.

3) A Rich Cunts World. A rich Dubai oil supply by the name Zoey Blackwood runs an underground empire in the Dubai region ((Cough Cough Nar Shadar)) with the latest futuristic tech and it houses some of the largest criminal organisations that aid the USSR. Zoey Blackwood supplies the USSR with a ton of oil and she helps them out where she can using her network of criminal gangs. NATO MP have caught wind of her operations and they have managed to get one of the gang members to rat her underground empires location for a large sum of money. Zoey is aware that her location has been compromised & she has called her Husband for backup who luckily is the KGB COL Volkov Blackwood. Zoey plays a big part in intelligence and oil supply for the USSR and her operations must still continue. The USSR must defend the operations in the underground empire while NATO try to sabotage and destroy any equipment and operations they find. If the operations are defended and NATO fail to gain control over the whole sector then the USSR win. If the sector is taken by NATO then the final objective is to extract the rich oil and criminal kingpin. If the USSR manage to extract Zoey then its a stalemate & they can still gather intel and oil from her but lose the criminal lair and connection. But if NATO capture her then Volkov loses his wife and NATO gain access to the oil supply and win overall. If they win overall they can be given a park by the GM either some war funds or some extra vehicles that were powered by the extra oil gained.

What missions would you make for each regiment in NATO(SAS,MP,17th,JAF,ISAF) please list 1 mission per regiment:
SAS: SAS could be deployed on a stealth mission where they must act silently and gather as much intel as possible from the local insurgents in the town and as a optional objective they could rescue a civilian or a briefcase of stolen intel. They will receive a briefing but they can approach the mission how ever they like. As the GM I can gather a few people to act as insurgents and 1 person as a civilian if needed.

MP: Border checkpoint operations. get MP to set up a checkpoint and search the people and vehicles coming through for any illegal items or equipment. Get them to defuse a IED at the checkpoint and deal with it in a serious manner using /me RP. As the GM I can get a few people to RP a civilians and go through the checkpoint and I can place 1 or 2 IED's in vehicle as well as give some of the civilians contraband.

17th: A group of civilians are experiencing some difficulties in a rough patch of terrain and their vehicle is stuck. 17th are nearby in a heavy duty vehicle and can tow the vehicle and help the civilians. The 17th can then be ambushed by a group of insurgents and they can defend the civilians & save the day. GM would get a few people to play as civilians and a rope of some sort can be attached to the tank and car as a tow rope.

JAF: The JAF can do air traffic control a unidentified aircraft. They can get the aircraft to land and then inspect the pilot as well as the aircraft and cargo for any anomalies or contraband. JAF could receive resistance from the pilot on the ground or in the air. As the GM just simply get a civilian or a group of civilians in one aircraft and maybe give one or two of them weapons.

ISAF: Hunting mission. They have been tasked with hunting down a group of kidnappers that have kidnapped a few civilians. In the town. There job is to breach the building, take out the kidnappers, and then free the hostages as quick as possible and by surprise. As the GM just get a few people to play as the kidnappers and use a few NPC's as the hostages or players could be used as hostages.

What missions would you make for each regiment in USSR(AG,KGB,10TH,ABT,SHA) please list 1 mission per regiment:
AG: Stealth mission to infiltrate a airfield alongside a pilot from ABT and steal a experimental plane from a private company. Set up the airfield with defences and decorations along with a plane to steal. Get a group of players to act as private security and defend the plane. Once the plane is secure they can gain a cash reward from USSR HC for their efforts.

KGB: Drug den raid in the town that KGB will have to bust and seize the drugs and people inside. As the GM just make a drug den and get KGB to do some house searches as well as make sure there is a one or two people to act a drug cooks.

10th: Demining operation in the desert using armoured vehicles and a team of foot soldiers to slowly go along in a convoy and search for explosives to disarm. As the GM get HC to brief them on a patrol route and place some timed explosives on the route and get the 10th to defuse them using /me. They could also face some small terrorist resistance if a explosion goes off.

ABT: Clearing a building from the roof down. ABT have been tasked with clearing out a NATO sided insurgent force inside a fortified building. The ground floor is tightly secured so they must enter via the roof and clear it out. Once the building is clear the must survive and hold it against a few waves of enemies to win. As the GM just fortify a multi story building and get a group of players to play as insurgents and hold the building as well as do the attack.

SHA: Hitman operation. Get a team of SHA together to assassinate a wealthy metal supply that supply NATO with materials to build vehicles and weaponry. They can be stealthy or go in with full force. The place will be secure & their target will not be identified until they get close to him. As the GM just set up a secure location for the target and get a group of players to be the security and one to be the target. Once the target has been killed and identified then SHA can gather evidence of their work by RP taking a photo of their efforts and reporting back to base.
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MRP War Veteran
Dec 26, 2020

Great event Ideas
Not a retard
Active in-game and in Teamspeak
Well thought out event ideas
Previous experience in making events


Good Luck...

Ricky Hawking

MRP Supporter
Dec 26, 2020
+ Support

+ Active in-game and on ts3
+ Mature and friendly
+ Very good roleplayer
+ Good events

Good luck!


Dec 24, 2020

Haven't interacted with you, so I'm unsure of recent rule knowledge and maturity.

Good Luck!


CG Platinum VIP
Dec 20, 2020
Your application is very impressive so I think this will come as no surprise. Come find me on TeamSpeak so I can set you up with everything you need.
Locked. ?
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