Accepted Suggestions to increase PD/Criminal activity

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

PD/Criminal suggestions

1) Add unarrest batton to NPC shop and allow raiding the PD without adverting, but only when NOT raiding the vault/bringing a loot bag.

Raiding the PD to unarrest a friend or gang member is basically non-existant on this server because the entire police force will see your advert, and there is no point organizing an entire gang force and risk losing expensive weapons to break a person out which you can do with maxnet or just wait 1-2 minutes. This allows sneaking in and getting someone out instead.

2) Add armory lockers like CC 4.0 had.

This allowed you to buy armory lockpicks at NPC shop (which seem to be on CG now but are errors and has no use?) and steal random weapons from the weapon lockers. This would be another option for raiding the PD that shouldn't require adverts. I think this would be particularly interesting for newer players who want to play criminal, but can not realistically raid the vault. By giving the armory lockers themselves a cooldown timer you don't really need a bunch of staff effort either to monitor these advertless PD raids and having to check whether they have broken a cooldown.

3) Loosen up FearRP and allow running from the police until tazered.

A lot of police-criminal interaction and RP is immediately broken up and cut short because facethewallorfearrp/tazered/arrested. However, allowing people to run from police would likely require more PD jobs to be given tazers, which in turn might require the banning of combat-tazing which a lot of people find annoying. Though as it stand now, combat-tazing is the only real purpose of tazers when looking at the rules, since running is not allowed when they have a gun and tell you to face the wall, even if I understand that they reduce the amount of fearrp sits from people who don't care.

The other day me and some people (mostly hobos) protested against the PD, and once we got hit by stunsticks we started fighting them with fists, but the situation got imediately ended because someone came and told us all to face the wall or fearRP and we all got arrested. Afterwards the protesting immediately stopped because what is the point in continuing? FearRP in these situations acts somewhat like powergaming using /me commands. Had fearrp not been a thing we could have continued the RP by scattering as they try to taze/arrest us, hire hitmen/bounty hunters to go after those who started stunsticking us, try to break any of us who get arrested out or otherwise continue the protest. This is just an example of a RP situation I think was somewhat ruined by the fearrp rule.

Mind that getting tazed/arrested is NOT the problem. Interactions getting shut down in an instant with a chatbind is my problem. I would welcome feedback from those who play PD regularly and whether people running away is so annoying that they actually prefer people being forced to comply and instantly being arrested, so you can continue wandering around the map with little going on a lot of the time. Though I also very much understand that staff might not want to convolute the rules with a bunch of exceptions to otherwise basic rules, and that PD might find it annoying if people run around corners and pull out guns every encounter so that they can't get arrests. Imo people should not be able to take out a weapon until they manage to break line of sight with PD, and only if they had the gun on them before the police interaction began.

4) Add an ability/feature for PD to track the murderer whenever someone is killed.

There is a tracker skill in the misc tree which could be used to save development effort for such a feature. This could either replace one of the more boring PD skills or be tied to specific jobs like FBI and CGSF specialist. The idea is that when a player kills someone they leave a trail that can be followed by PD for a short period, which requires them to evade police during that time. PD in turn need to cooperate and follow the "investigator" with the tracker ability to try find the killer. This would however need a way to investigate the body or murder scene to start the tracking ability, as otherwise you would just see every murderer leave a trail after them, even after murdering someone in a remote/hidden area.

5) Add a car salvage NPC to industrials car scrapyard where you can sell/scrap stolen cars.

This would be an option if you are unable to ransom the car to it's owner. You would get some money + random parts/materials for scrapping a stolen car. A ~15 minute cooldown would probably be appropriate.

-Adds another simple and straightforward criminal activity for people to do. More people lockpicking cars also means police has more chances of catching criminals.

-Some might find it annoying to go to residentials to respawn their car every now and then I guess.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not really

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

These suggestions are intended to increase acitivity for PD and criminals, as well as allowing smaller criminals to sneak and break into the PD without having to invest in expensive equipment or having a large number of people, which is often required to raid the vault. I think this would be beneficial for newer players and those who are not part of large active gangs.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
N/A - This would need to be determined per suggestion. I have listed some cons and possible negatives in them.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think trying to come up with ways to increase activity and reduce boring stale periods where nothing is happening is going to be very important for the server's longevity. These are some ideas that I came up with today that might help further that effort. Though I welcome all criticism and feedback to my suggestions, or other ideas how things could be done better.
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Reactions: CamZin
1) -Support The arrest timers already laughably short at 60 secs for Unwanted people and 120 for Wanted people, and in addition with how easy it is to hack the PD via Maxnet the likelihood of you not being basically immediately unarrested anyway are slim to none in my experience. Making this suggestion a little redundant imo unless arrest timers were increased which obviously will never happen.

2) +Support PD Armoury does seem strangely underused. And it is still an error, has been for weeks now lmao. Also to make it worth raiding the PD Armoury at all it would need to have guns added to it that are actually worth stealing, which may present a balancing issue. Other than that I don't see why not.

3) -Support This has already been discussed, suggested and rejected multiple times. For however annoying it is as a rule I just don't see any variation or change of the FearRP rule ever getting past either the community or the Content team at all, though for some quite good reasons.

4) +Support Neat idea. Though it might make the whole "Tracker" skill essentially pointless in doing so. Though admittedly I am not sure how it works as I haven't unlocked it yet. This could be a cool idea.

I agree with your point about needing to reduce boring stagnant periods during sessions. Going about doing this though is a challenge. I usually combat these myself by just going and playing some other game for an hour or two then coming back since I do not base much and have no need to stay online. Which obviously is not ideal for the server.
1) -Support The arrest timers already laughably short at 60 secs for Unwanted people and 120 for Wanted people, and in addition with how easy it is to hack the PD via Maxnet the likelihood of you not being basically immediately unarrested anyway are slim to none in my experience. Making this suggestion a little redundant imo unless arrest timers were increased which obviously will never happen.

2) +Support PD Armoury does seem strangely underused. And it is still an error, has been for weeks now lmao. Also to make it worth raiding the PD Armoury at all it would need to have guns added to it that are actually worth stealing, which may present a balancing issue. Other than that I don't see why not.

3) -Support This has already been discussed, suggested and rejected multiple times. For however annoying it is as a rule I just don't see any variation or change of the FearRP rule ever getting past either the community or the Content team at all, though for some quite good reasons.

4) +Support Neat idea. Though it might make the whole "Tracker" skill essentially pointless in doing so. Though admittedly I am not sure how it works as I haven't unlocked it yet. This could be a cool idea.

I agree with your point about needing to reduce boring stagnant periods during sessions. Going about doing this though is a challenge. I usually combat these myself by just going and playing some other game for an hour or two then coming back since I do not base much and have no need to stay online. Which obviously is not ideal for the server.
1) Yeah this is a very fair point and I agree. Though personally I would be in favor of upping the arrest timer somewhat. I see increased maxnet interaction or PD raids to release people as something positive, rather than seeing jail as something so trivial that it is basically non-existant in the minds of players. I don't think 180 seconds would be bad at all, but perhaps the community disagrees. If it is deemed detrimental for new players to have a higher jail time one could give anyone with the "new player" status a jailtime reduction to make it less punishing when they are just starting out.

2) Just need to fix the addon really, as everyone I have asked said it is an error/don't even know it exists. I found the content for the armoury addon, maybe the server just doesn't have it mounted or something:

3) Yeah I get it is unlikely to change, but I still think fearrp it is in a bad state at the moment. I know PD might find people who run and/or pull out guns annoying and bad for RP (personally I don't think the current /advert face the wall & arrest routine constitutes as any significant roleplay, even if it varies a lot on the officer). Though I am not advocating for the removal of FearRP, just allowing people to run from PD until caught/tazered/cuffed. Pulling out guns when PD is aiming at you should still be fearRP, or pulling out a gun on a mugger.

4) Such a feature would not really change anything for the current misc tracker skill which is mostly useful for hitmen and bounty hunters, or cops looking for someone already wanted. That skill works by selecting a person which then leaves a long rope-like trail behind them as they move, with arrows that shows the direction.

The primary goal for the suggested feature would be for PD to have a chance to find a killer who murdered someone who is not PD (which already results in immediate wanted status and alerts PD). I only mentioned the tracker skill as it might be reused for such a feature and thus reduce the amount of development effort required. However, it would still require the development of some crime scene investigation tool or method to start the tracking and make the trail visible for that officer. Having every killer suddenly leave a trail regardless of who or where they killed someone would just be annoying and basically metagaming if cops react to it.


Well-known Member
Dec 10, 2021

IMO they should just take some notes from CC. I swear whenever it's brought up that something should be utilized from CC, you get hit with "THIS IS DARKRP NOT CITYRP OMG" which seems like a dumb reason to not improve the server... Also, CC was closer to DarkRP than CityRP so I don't see the issue. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

System CC used >>>> FearRP


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Feb 21, 2021
1 & 2) + Support
The unarrest mechanic is hardly used, and can be a fun RP addition. I personally think PD raid adverts should be removed - as police are notified when you take from the vault anyway. If we could add the armoury lockpick, plus a similar alarm system that notifies police when the armoury has been broken into, this would give countless more opportunities for people to raid. It would also give PD more reason to attempt to keep PD building staffed, which is another good RP mechanic.
+ Support
I don't think FearRP should apply to tasers. IRL, tasers are almost always used when people are running away. You get one shot before a lengthy reload, and have to be precise. There's definitely a fair chance you would be able to evade it. Allowing some form of running from PD would be a lot more fun and allow for more RP.
+ Support
I think this could be a great system, but needs fleshed out a bit more. Maybe we could incorporate some sort of DNA testing, and people that have been arrested previously would have their DNA added to a bank? It's a really good idea though as it is.


Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
1) +Support I think adding the unarrest baton to the shop is great, but one problem I see with it is that arrest times are already super low and and there's so many easy ways for someone to get out of jail very quickly already (maxnet, skills that reduce time, and black market dealer). I think if this suggestion was incorporated they should either:
  1. Increase sentence times in across the board
  2. Scale sentence times based on severity/quantity of crimes
  3. Increase the sentence time each consecutive time the player is arrested.
If they also added a few simple activities to do while in jail, i.e. the license plate press from CC or some other small activity just to make it a little less boring.

2) I think you can already raid the armory idk I don't raid the PD a lot.
+Support I support this 100% I think it's fair to say that people aren't "fearing for their lives" when a taser is pointed at them (example). Also side note to relaxing on the FearRP rules, I'd like to add to that I think there should be something included in the rules to where you at least must be in talking distance, whether that be voice or text, in order to try and use FearRP on someone else.
+Support I think this would be super cool especially for FBI as it would allow them to do more "investigations" instead of basically just playing as another cop. I'm also super in favor of it development team can just implement it using the server already has. I don't have much else to say about this other than it sounds cool!
2) is fixed and no longer applicable. Though I still think advert requirement for PD raids should be removed or at the very least only be a requirement for bank/vault raids.

I also added a 5th suggestion for a car salvage NPC where you can get some money + materials by scrapping stolen cars if you fail to ransom them to the owner or they are afk.

Mr Banks

CC Executive VIP
Dec 25, 2020
1) Add unarrest batton to NPC shop and allow raiding the PD without adverting, but only when NOT raiding the vault/bringing a loot bag.
+Postive & Negative
Yes, add unarrest battons to PD but feel this may be abused / needs more micro managing from the administrative team

2) Add armory lockers like CC 4.0 had.

3) Loosen up FearRP and allow running from the police until tazered.

4) Add an ability/feature for PD to track the murderer whenever someone is killed.
50/50, not sure. Depends what way it's done, may be to much work for the development team for something that small.

5) Add a car salvage NPC to industrials car scrapyard where you can sell/scrap stolen cars.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Feb 21, 2021
Suggestions Accepted

Hi @Umbrella

Thank you for taking the time to make these suggestions. We have accepted the suggestions listed below -

1) Unarrest batons will be added to the NPC shop - added to backlog.
2) Armoury locker has been added to PD, and is raidable - this is live.
5) Adding a scrap mechanic - added to backlog.

The suggestions that I haven't touched on need SA input - I will update this post when I have more details, but will leave the post open for further opinions.
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