Accepted Switch back to daytime on Highlands

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Changes from the night sky to a standard day sky, as was used previously.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Easier to see
- Better PVP and ability to spot vehicles not really much I can say here
- Highlands will look less depressing

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- People may say it's too early and we need to adjust
- Certain regiments who now get a combat advantage from wearing all black will be annoyed that they will be seen

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
It's only been a day, no offence to mappers who did put in work to make this change (to mappers: you guys did a good job on the new Crimson Blade Hideout and other changes so shout out and thanks to you for that) but I dislike it and find it difficult to deal with vehicles. I've been told to change my monitor brightness, but I cannot put it up and there are times where I straight up can't see STS on killcams because it's that dark. If people disagree fair enough, but I just wanna see opinions for/against this. Still early as it's been there less than a day but I don't see my opinion on this changing.
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Well-known Member
Aug 4, 2022
player models are not clearly distinguishable anymore from a distance and helis are invisible, just a grey spot in the sky you can barely notice if you're not searching for it


Active member
Jan 21, 2023
This night map just seems to make the fight more annoying to deal with. Please bring back daylight or add in a day and night cycle.
Fr everyone coping about it being dark is just dumb. Of course it being dark is going to be more of a challenge, why do you guys insist on it being as easy as possible to get kills? Gameplay doesn't HAVE to be run and gun 24/7 for it to be fun.

MRP has been like this since early 2021, no thought or tactics put into wartime, a night version of the map encourages you to change your play. If you're bad at it, then maybe try something other than just running headfirst into an open killzone??????
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Dec 8, 2022
..... no offence but alot will be sorted if we added NVG or NV binocaloas, so this will sort out the pvp and not beang able to see insted of getting ride of the night only like you said it has only been a day so yh give urself time to do new stargagies.
..... no offence but alot will be sorted if we added NVG or NV binocaloas, so this will sort out the pvp and not beang able to see insted of getting ride of the night only like you said it has only been a day so yh give urself time to do new stargagies.
NVGs wouldn't fix the issue, it still wouldn't be great to see with them and not a good experience if you spend all your playtime wearing NVGs. Time for strategies? There isn't strategy added by this it's just a pain to see and horrible for combat, strategise that I should spend 5 minutes everywhere I go looking in every corner for enemies then 1 appears and kills me.
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