Tadeusz Castle NHC Application

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Dec 28, 2021
Which server are you applying for? (UK/US):

Steam ID:

Discord name:

For how long have you played on MRP:
Joined on end of December 2021.


In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
GMT +2

NATO name (regiment and rank):
JAF LT Tadeusz Castle [Minge-01]

NWO name (regiment and rank):
SWB PFC Tadeusz Castle Minge-01 [TFM]

Civilian name:
[ITSGF] Vladimir Makarov

Do you have a mic?:

Is this the first application you made?
No, it's my fourth.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Yes, i have unfortunately received a massive amounts of warnings

FearRP [Dec 25 2021]
RDM [Dec 25 2021]
Toxicity [Dec 30 2021]
ROE [Jan 8 2022] Killing unarmed civ
Basecamping [Jan 10 2022]
ROE [Jan 22 2022] Killing PC before they started assaulting FOB
FailRP [Jan 25 2022] Bunnyhopping
FailRP [Feb 2 2022] Suicide to avoid arrest
Basecamping [Feb 9 2022]
NLR [Feb 10 2022] Info relaying
FearRP [Feb 12 2022]
FailRP [Feb 13 2022] Shooting arti from base
Job Abuse [Feb 14 2022] Spawning on stolen HQ
ROE [Feb 19 2022] Engaging friendly
Bringing armored vehicles into enemy territory [Mar 7 2022]
Toxicity [Mar 7 2022] Saying "Cope" in OOC
Bringing armored vehicles into enemy territory [Mar 8 2022]
Toxicity [Mar 9 2022] Saying "Cope" in OOC
Ban [Excessive warnings] [Mar 9 2022]
FailRP [Sep 8 2022]
FearRP [Sep 17 2022]
Illegal FOB placement [Sep 25 2022]
FearRP [Aug 2 2023]
RDM [Aug 12 2023]

Do you have any experience as a high rank on MilitaryRP?:
I have alot of experience from Polish MRP/WW2RP servers,
yet this is the first english server that i ever achieved a higher rank.

What makes you the best candidate for High Command?:
Im able to get on the server for atleast 4 hours daily.

My knowledge.
I have been 10thSD SLT aswell as SWB 1SGT which gives me an insight into their strategies and how their vehicles are managed.

FOB building
I will try to encourage as many ppl as possible to build up FOBs during peacetime, aswell as do trainings.

I'm really dedicated to JAF and NATO in general. I did all that i could to help fix JAF, aswell as to update the roster as much as possible.

List your in-game ranks on MRP:

- 17th CSM
- 10thSD SLT

List your strengths and weaknesses:


+ Active
+ Friendly
+ Dedication
+ Helping other regiments when i have a chance
+ Willing to learn

- Overthinking
- Could use more war leading experience
- Stubborn (When i really want something, i won't step down)

Please give some lore about your HC character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Old nickname "Taddy", current nickname "Tad", Married to: Livid Castle,
Previous ranks:
[RMP SGM], [17th CSM], [SAS SFC], [JAC 1LT], [ISAF SPC].
Current Rank:

The patient has granted permission for therapy in form of audio.
  • So, how are you feeling sir?
• I feel shit, also i can' get them out of my head... They make me do those things!
  • What things? Can you describe what they tell you to do?
• Kill people... Sometimes they take total control... I can't even remember most of my past...
  • Okay, do you lose your memory often? Or was it only one time thing.
• One time thing... All i can remember is being kidnapped by some soldiers...
  • Sir, you might have Alzheimer, aswell as be a Schizophrenic.
• What!?
  • The cause of it could be a traumatic event in your live or because of your age sir.
• My age?... I can't remember...
  • Checks his documents
    You're 67 years old sir, in a great state physically, but your mental state is decaying

    • Well then, what should i do?... OH NO! THEY ARE COMING!

  • Who is coming sir?....Hello?
    Waves hand infront of the patient
    Might be a his Schizophrenic episode, better get out of here.
    Stands up from his chair and heads towards the exit of the room, opens it with a key
    Body drops on the ground, alarms start ringing, somebody on the intercom starts yelling

    End of the audio
All he can remember is serving in NATO aswell as UAN, he was there during our greatest times, and the lowest times.
"Tad" is a danger to our people if not under watch, but can bring us great profits, that's why he was sent here, with his memory clogged back to a PVT. Train him, promote him and when hes done, you can either dispose of him, or bring him back to me. And remember, NEVER let him go to NWO base, his memory will be brought back if they get him, if that happens, he will desert us and go back to NWO. Do not question him leaving base without telling anyone as he has split personality caused by brainwashing, he goes back to his old self and remembers being part of USSR, aswell as his last operation with USSR in Romania... We lost many good people back then, but that's the past and we can't go back to it, we have to be in the present. Again, DO NOT let him into NWO base, if he gets kidnapped execute him as soon as possible. That's all for this debrief, Salute and be dismissed!

What are the responsibilities of HC in RP?:
- Leading by example
- Leading wars
- Encouraging regiments to do their jobs
What are the responsibilities of HC out of RP?:

- Taking care of regiments health
- Being mini-admins, keeping an eye out for rule breakings and keep them to the minimum.
- Getting to know your assigned regiment better


To my knowledge you are active and are one of the only CC in JAF, so important to the regiment.

However, you have stated your weaknesses as 'stubborn' and lacking war leading experience. To begin with, I do not think NHC needs another inexperienced war leader. This is nothing against you, but I think you should develop your war leading first outside of NHC to understand difficulties you may encounter and how to deal with them (I also say this as the current campaign score is 19 - 82) in order to win. Alongside this, stubbornness will not pair well as it means you may reject feedback and I don't think this will help anyone in NATO. Your punishment history also remains extensive, with 1 warning within the last month.

I suggest withdrawing the application, keeping a clean record and making positive contributions to NATO and JAF for a few weeks before applying again. If you do this, then I'd be happy to offer my support.
- Support

  • JAF is currently the regiment that needs the most support, and as pretty much one of the only active CC it is vital you stay in the regiment,
  • Not much leadership experience
Hiya Tad, I’m leaving a -support verdict today. While it isn’t that I don’t think you’re capable of being an NHC, the fact that JAF is in a terrible position right now really makes this application stand out. If JAF was to reach a better position, I’d consider leaving this a + support. Good luck on your application and have a great day!


Civil Gamers Expert
Sep 17, 2021
United Kingdom

Dear Tad, We would like to express our gratitude for your interest in the position.
We regret to inform your application is being placed on hold, we are currently concerned for the state of your regiment, and want to see how you contribute before giving a final verdict.
You will not have to reapply, and this can be opened again in Two Weeks, or at the liberty of Senior High Command
Once again, we would like to thank you for your interest in the position.​
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