Accepted Tear gas grenades

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
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adds a new throwable to RMPC (all military police corps) wich is just like a normal smoke but does do damadge over time or makes your vision blurry (same effect as beanbag shotgun but you can still shoot and walk normaly) this adds a more offensive thing for aor wich i find lacking. RMPC now has almost nothing special we can use exept for our armor plates and our shields who any other reg has on there breacher job (aor hvy shields you get from mastery 15 or being a Squad leader and deployable from being CC+) wich only helps us once while most other reg got aa or at with there respective vehiciles or snipers. i would say the tear gas grenade you get at around mastery 5 or 10 and then works like a normal thowrable thing in the mastery by each 5 or each 10 you get +1 tear gas.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
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we can use the tear gas to move big groups of people away from 1 place (in RP) like the IRL police does . it can also help aor to disrupt any loitering and it can be a fun fight in bunker if both rmp and aor throw there tear gas nades in.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
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coding will take a long time , maybe to laggy ? also people will say rmpc dont need something offencive becaus we are a rp reg.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
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i would say that i have been in aor for a long time and i see and feel that we are almost a normal inf reg during wars and that hurts us bad even if our most places is to defend we got nothing to disperse a big group. also during arrests we sometimes get serounded so tear gas will have to get them disperse from us.
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+ adds more RP
+ distinguishes rmp/aor from other regiments

- could be pretty OP during wars, pushing the enemy off points like bunker in seconds.
- not much of a reason to have it, i don't see many circumstances where rmp/aor would need to use it
- rmp/aor already has lots of equipment that other regiments don't

In my opinion, this could work if it was disallowed during war (similar to tazer, beanbag, cuffs), and if it was restricted to jobs with mastery 10/15.

+ adds more RP
+ distinguishes rmp/aor from other regiments

- could be pretty OP during wars, pushing the enemy off points like bunker in seconds.
- not much of a reason to have it, i don't see many circumstances where rmp/aor would need to use it
- rmp/aor already has lots of equipment that other regiments don't

In my opinion, this could work if it was disallowed during war (similar to tazer, beanbag, cuffs), and if it was restricted to jobs with mastery 10/15.
the whole thing is that it is more for war. unlike all the rest of equipement we get. the only things we can use in war is our shield (wich almost all reg gets ) and armor pack (wich only helps us once) also it wont be op becaus you will have only like have 1 if you are mastry 10 (depends on your peacekeeping level) or something and will have a limited time like a normal smoke. you can always stay in the teargas but your screen is just white and shaking also aor can use this when we get serrounded during arrests , to spread people out when they are loitering , clearing buildings.
i also gave a lot of explaining why i feel that we need this in the suggestion
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Well-known Member
Feb 28, 2023
Yet another "make MPC combat focused!" suggestion, not to mention that military are legit trained to WITHSTAND tear gas and fight through it, may aswell be a smoke grenade. The tear gas texture would also have to probably be different so players could tell if its a smoke or not. People would just try to use them against tanks as it would probably blind them unplanned (if tear gas was added, it should be at LEAST mastery 15+, maybe 20.)
Yet another "make MPC combat focused!" suggestion, not to mention that military are legit trained to WITHSTAND tear gas and fight through it, may aswell be a smoke grenade. The tear gas texture would also have to probably be different so players could tell if its a smoke or not. People would just try to use them against tanks as it would probably blind them unplanned (if tear gas was added, it should be at LEAST mastery 15+, maybe 20.)
So i feel like it is a thorwable wich will work in the mastry system . also there will be rules about using it against things to make it balances
and like other effects (bleeding , beanbagging) the tank drives prob wont get effect by it
Also if you where MPC you know how it feels to just be a normal INF without any thing realy combat focused
+Support: If it can only be used inside of base/interrogations

-/+ Support: if it can be used in wars/in pvp

i think it would be a cool RP tool but for war? i dont think it would be fun for any side
like i said AOR is a normal INF reg during War . i got multipel complains from other AOR agent's who say that they hate wars becaus we dont get anything special. i also dont want AT becaus that will take 1st AL and IVG there job's so tear gas . will be a more block a hallway or walk thourgh and get a blurry vision type of devise. for wars this will be just a smoke but with a side effect of a blurry vision. people also use smoke during wars .
May 14, 2022
Tear gas could be made as a new tablet support item as a blur screen due to the effect that could help with some wars when you don't have access to Gen+ stuff when none is around.

But AOR/RMP already have too much equipment, only way I see getting tear gas grenades is if you give up something in return.


Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2023
+/- support

As many said, would be a cool thing to add but could easily be seen as op during wars.


Well-known Member
Jun 5, 2022

makes me cry hurts my eyes oh are we talking about tear gas grenades i thought we were talking about women
Dec 21, 2021
Currently +/-Neutral, however, I would go for +Support if the following was met;
> Only allowed during peacetime/pre-war,
> Only does a small amount of limited damage (maybe 5 damage every 10 seconds), and
> Only limited to Mastery 15 or Mastery 20
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