Denied The Field Agent in the Department of External Affairs is overpowered and needs a nerf for better balance

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Dark Soldier

Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 20, 2023
United States, Texas
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

- We’re changing the Field Agent’s weapon from the DSR to the SVD to nerf the DSR, which was considered too overpowered. Additionally, we're adjusting the mechanics to lower the chance of fractures, making it less likely to break body parts compared to before

- Most of the issues stem from the GOI's actions, and this is primarily a Field Agent problem

- MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Nu-7 is a battalion strength AMTF; as a result, they consist of three companies of spec ops-equivalent infantry forces, a tank platoon, a helicopter squadron, a CBRN platoon, a combat engineer platoon, and an NWS squad, alongside support personnel. In contrast, the Global Occult Coalition (GOC) utilizes a mix of current and advanced technologies, employing these various technologies to construct and enhance their equipment

(MTF Nu-7 (NU7) and UNGOC have access to heavy weapon snipers because they are part of a regiment. However, the DEA, not being part of a regiment, does not have access to heavy weapon snipers)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?

- No, I haven't found any suggestions for the DEA Sniper

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2)
- We want to force Mission Surface
- GOC/CI Capturing SCP Surface
- GOI will continue larps
- I recommend that the DSR have a lower chance of causing fractures

Possible Negatives of the Suggestion
- Getting annoying
- A DEA Field Agent using a DSR can easily neutralize a large group of CIs on the surface
- The DSR can cause severe fractures to your body

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted?
- We ensure a fair balance is maintained in GOI battles and event-based combat

- After Beta-1 was disbanded as the original regiment, it transitioned into the Department of External Affairs. Networks Leadership then decided to adjust the battle balancing system. That's why the reason Field Agents using the DSR can easily break parts of the body, making fractures more likely. The chance of a fracture is much higher with the DSR. Personally, when I used the SVD, I found that it took about 3-4 shots for a fracture to occur, but it was still much less likely compared to the DSR. I tried to find a way to balance this
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I Don't assume you actually consulted both sides of DEA Leadership for this change which is VERY Important when it comes to changes such as this, Also..

The SVD is the Chaos Insurgency's Gun, the whole gimmick of the Chaos Insurgency is to have Eastern bloc- styled weaponry and uniforms.

The SVT-40 is also, a Soviet weapon, and it is old as FUCK, The Foundation and their infinite wisdom would NOT Employ a Weapon that is literally 84 years old, that thing would malfunction, break or straight up not work.

The MK-18 is more of a DMR That is designed for shorter ranges where the Field Agent's purpose is to be a forward Scout and specialize in long ranges

The GOL Magnum perhaps is a good choice though i dont believe it will be added due to its relatively unknown stats as it has not been used by any Department or MTF As far as i am aware on the server, as such it would require a good amount of testing before actually being employed.

The L11A3 is designed to be a High Powered Weapon, it is akin to the AWP/Accuracy International, you know, the gun from Counter Strike? as such it would BUFF Field Agents which is not what you want here clearly.


Aaron Hench

Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2024
Sounds like the main premise of this suggestion is that you got smoked by a DEA Field Agent. None of the suggestions that you provide are proper causes to be considered for nerfing something.


Well-known Member
Apr 13, 2024
-The MK18 MOD is an objectively worse gun than all of the snipers
- The SVD and DSR have the same stats
- I don't think that the SVT-40 and GOL Magnum were affected by the sniper nerf (unless all snipers in vguns share the same stats) so they are still probably 1 hit guns
- L11A3 would most likely be insanely overpowered or a clone of the MK18 MOD

Dark Soldier

Civil Gamers Expert
Nov 20, 2023
United States, Texas
-The MK18 MOD is an objectively worse gun than all of the snipers
- The SVD and DSR have the same stats
- I don't think that the SVT-40 and GOL Magnum were affected by the sniper nerf (unless all snipers in vguns share the same stats) so they are still probably 1 hit guns
- L11A3 would most likely be insanely overpowered or a clone of the MK18 MOD

I Don't assume you actually consulted both sides of DEA Leadership for this change which is VERY Important when it comes to changes such as this, Also..

The SVD is the Chaos Insurgency's Gun, the whole gimmick of the Chaos Insurgency is to have Eastern bloc- styled weaponry and uniforms.

The SVT-40 is also, a Soviet weapon, and it is old as FUCK, The Foundation and their infinite wisdom would NOT Employ a Weapon that is literally 84 years old, that thing would malfunction, break or straight up not work.

The MK-18 is more of a DMR That is designed for shorter ranges where the Field Agent's purpose is to be a forward Scout and specialize in long ranges

The GOL Magnum perhaps is a good choice though i dont believe it will be added due to its relatively unknown stats as it has not been used by any Department or MTF As far as i am aware on the server, as such it would require a good amount of testing before actually being employed.

The L11A3 is designed to be a High Powered Weapon, it is akin to the AWP/Accuracy International, you know, the gun from Counter Strike? as such it would BUFF Field Agents which is not what you want here clearly.


My apologies, but I did not look up the details of the DSR internet weapon. I'm trying to find a way to stop unfair GOI issues that could lead to body fractures.

What do you mean by Bazinga?

MTF NU7 Marksmen and GOC Marksmen have heavy weapon snipers, while CI Marksmen and DEA Field Agents use standard sniper rifles
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