The longer belated intro

Hello all CivilGamers.

I am very very late in putting this introduction (by about a year), but because I saw my fellow Owen @Yeke post an introduction, I thought "why not".

You may know me from SCP-RP UK where I am currently Nu-7 MAJ, and Head mod, I also am the designated "E-11 Bully", because I bully E-11 (alot). Some of you may also know me from MRP, where I stayed for a few months and played until I reached SHA MAJ.

Honestly, joining this server was quite a big coincidence. Originally, I was going to go back to MRP, but when I met my old SHA COL @Mural, and he said to try out this cool hip new thing called SCP RP I thought, why not? I then ended up playing for quite a while, I believe I have currently been here for about 3 months now (with a month+ of total in-game playtime, yes yes "touch grass" whatever). I also planned on joining A-1, and used Nu-7 as a stepping stone, but then fell in love with the people in there and the playstyle of it, as it greatly reminded me of SHA.

When I first started SCP-RP, I was just a poor GENSEC suffering from D-class players coming up and killing me, and the insufferable nature of how chaotic it is. This is where I met this lowly IA Agent called @Igorski who would just sit in the corner doing nothing, so often times, when GENSEC would do something stupid, I would hand them over for him to arrest. Later, Igorski got Ambassador, which is basically all thanks to me. After I joined Nu-7 we would see less of each other, but he eventually got to Site Advisor, which if you think about it, is basically because of me. After I joined Nu-7, I quickly rose to be one of the loudest and most prominent voices in the regiment, which was noticed, and I climbed the ranks pretty fast because of my leadership skills. Then me and Igorski started getting more involved, as he was In charge of watching over Nu-7 (Should mention, he became a SD at this point, which if you think about it, is basically all thanks to me). By this time, I was already a moderator, and the day I became Senior Mod, Igorski became a TMod, who I mentored. So if you really really think about it, Igorski being SD and SMod is BASICALLY all thanks to me. (yw igorski)

I would talk about other things, but this is already pretty big of an intro, but anyways, hi guys :)


Civil Gamers Expert
Jun 8, 2021
OMG who is this SHA COL Mural guy he seems p cool.

On a real tho god bless I got you into SCP and look at you now, I’m like a proud dad ?
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