Denied The rework of hostage/negotiation system (coal mine addition)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jun 24, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
use the same npc system that IA use to jail techies that are unionizing, but instead the NPC will be for hostages that ci/foundation/GOC have captured and it will give the instigator option to send their POW either to the coal mines to mined coal for a lot of money, however overtime they will die from the poor hygiene and lack of oxygen (15-30 mins)(limit will be 10 people in each faction's coal mine to avoid capturing speed run), send them to cells which depending on the rank of the person you will get money for and they can be interrogated and see if the POW's comrades will actually try to negotiate otherwise the instigator can take them to the npc and send them to the coal mines or they can be sent to med bay's holding cell awaiting class f treatment or if they are medical can make drugs to cure annoying sickness or even sacrificing them to Satan an scp or the engineer for buffs (Why not)

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-people don't have to suffer of boredom they will have to suffer by being a slave :D
-very realistic...... for both factions especially foundation ethics are as blind as a bat
-increases RP for hostages
-I won't have to negotiate with a dea for 5 hours straight
-better then negotiations right now
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-May take a bit
-people will not be able to stall negotiation like nu7 do when they say ci to roam and they are in compound when ci is roaming
-potentially lead in more captures

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
The Negotiations system we have right now is horrible, there is rarely any rp and 90% of the time, you literally do nothing, but waiting in a holding cell until two dudes actually negotiate which takes an 1 hour to do, so instead of having someone die from boredom you can actually do stuff with them like sending them to the coal mines or threaten them to do stuff so they don't need to go to the coal mines like for example helping medic make drugs, being a test subject,
or just simply roleplay just to avoid being sent to the mines.
Another reason why this should be accept is also because this will expands other unique ways to make money instead of praying that foundation will have a competent negotiator or CI delta+ pretend to be afk or just convenient get of the job when negotiations start and if you don't want money for some weird reason you can have the option to sacrificing the POW to Satan a cool scp with satanic ritual in the room for cool buffs depending what rank they are and how many you are sacrificing (ex: a 5 alpha is equivalent to 1 BCom to this cool scp), hopefully this does get accepted as this will definitely make people properly negotiate rather then showing their bare ass and being unprofessional
Jun 24, 2022
Slaves? really dawg :skull:
forcing players to slave away at mines for 15-30 minutes is a terrible idea
being sent to the mines is not the only option they be can sent to a holding and do other things like maybe organizing medical shelf clean an area or something else until they are negotiated, the coal mine is a way to retaliate with people who have no brain cells in negotiations and not even try to negotiations
also this is scp rp if you think either of these faction are humane you are dumb its realistic for them to enslave there enemy factions
also its better then being stuck in cuffs doing absolutely nothing for 1 hour
being sent to the mines is not the only option they be can sent to a holding and do other things like maybe organizing medical shelf clean an area or something else until they are negotiated, the coal mine is a way to retaliate with people who have no brain cells in negotiations and not even try to negotiations
also this is scp rp if you think either of these faction are humane you are dumb its realistic for them to enslave there enemy factions
also its better then being stuck in cuffs doing absolutely nothing for 1 hour
I would rather afk for an hour than click on a rock for 30 minutes
Feb 22, 2024
actually kind of a W support, even though it will be unfun for the hostage, it will be mind numbing and if your a good teammate you wont want to subject them to such torture!!

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Suggestion Denied

Hi Evil,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

I specifically asked to be able to handle this denial personally as I did want to mention that there is a spark of an idea here. Giving hostages something to do while they are kidnapped is in and of itself an interesting idea. But for a myriad of other concerns such as cyanide usage, balancing of how much money or how many chems can be gained from this, where to even put the coal mines you mentioned and the implications behind adding these things, we have decided to deny the suggestion.

On top of that, sacrifices to Satan or other deities/entities are something that may already be handled in RP.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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