Tom Gamemaster application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Theconstepatedkid

For how long have you played on CG MRP: Joined early into highlands 2020 and stopped playing after a few months. joined back about two months ago.

Age: 15

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: BST/GMT

NATO name (regiment and rank): PVT Tom

USSR name (regiment and rank): ABT JLT Tom

Civilian name: big man tom

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460012294

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Yes this is the first

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
One warning for toxicity because i told JAF to "Stop bombing base you dimwits" or something along the lines of that. they were base bombing a lot in the event and we tried to get them warned but it wasnt working so i asked nicely.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:
No ive never been a gamemaster but i have been staff on multiple servers

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Been on this server for along time. Was also very active on an old server we shall not name but it was one of the most popular servers in gmod

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I have no life so quite a few

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:
Was recently on SCP RP and they did a very awesome event that gave me tonnes of inspiration and i want to do fun stuff because there arent enough events on the server in my opinion. Also the events tend to be very similar. I think i can change this with other different events with detailed lore and other things.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server?
Why are you special over the other applicants?: I have inspiration and ideas and am passionate about making the community enjoy their time on the server. I want to be able to host fun and different events that everyone enjoys.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

Operation Locust
A recent transmission from an unknown force was intercepted by our head of cryptography and they have plans to take over Factory Beta. They are currently holding it and have it heavily defended with private army all over it. We are tasked with taking back factory beta and eliminating this unknown threat along with finding out why they are attempting to take over FB. One side will go in and attempt to clear out the private army. First thing, ABT/JAF with bomb beta to remove any potential threats out in the open followed by 10th/17th rolling in. SHA/ISAF would follow behind then with AG/SAS and FSB/RMP. SHA/ISAF Have to secure the outside of beta while AG/SAS clear out the building in the middle. FSB/RMP have to guard bridge and gamma entraces to FB to prevent any NATO from interfering. In the event, AG/SAS, whilst roomclearing would find a large bomb inside factory beta. From that, the entire force would have to careful detonate the bomb in a controlled location (under bridge) without it being blown up or damaged.

Operation Firefly
Recently, we have gathered intel on a new bio weapon being made in LABS. We are to siege labs and prevent this bio weapon from being releases. USSR or NATO Have to go to labs and kill all the private army and find the scientist and the bio bomb. They have 10 minutes before the bomb detonates and releases a toxic gas that kills anyone near labs. If successful, the weapon is defused and the scientist is interrogated. If unsuccessful, well then the bio weapon is released any anyone near labs or on labs dies a long, painful death.

Operation Bluebottle
Recently, a cargo plane was shot down by USSR/NATO Forces and crash landed near SSW. The plane was holding valuable information and important equipment that needs to be retrieved and destroyed immediately. The plane has already been taken over by an unknown army who are attempting to use the information and equipment to destroy the current USSR/NATO. It is of upmost importance that we retrieve the intel and equipment and kill the unknown force. 10th/17th Roll in with tanks as shields followed by AG/SAS, SHA/ISAF and FSB/RMP. JAF/ABT will be in the sky dealing with any enemy helicopters and tanks.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)
Operation SubZero (rp_siberia_v1)
An unknown radio transmission was translated by the Head of Cryptography, Harry. He found that a new organisation with unknown intentions have recently invaded Siberia. NATO and USSR are to fly over to Siberia and prevent the organisation from invading Siberia any more. A large scale war will take place with infinite restocks and max 3 helis on each side. It will be similar to operation Bloodlust and will end in a massive countdown for 2 minutes. Everyone has to get underground and into the maps bunker before the nuke blows up. Anyone on the surface will die immediately but the people in the bunker will survive. Helicopters will come in to pick up the survivors and take them back to the normal map.

List an example mission for each pair of regiments:


Operation Firewatch
Recently, a massive cocaine lot has been found in Alpha and needs to be destroyed. RMP/FSB are to head to Alpha and kill the people there. and then blaze the factory to destroy the cocaine.

Operation Loco

Labs has been sieged by private army and is being used to make a gas that makes people crazy or 'loco'. SAS/AG Has to room clear the entire of labs and kill the private army and find the researcher. He is to be interrogated after the event.

Operation Seed
Church has been sieged by a religious cult called Edens Gate with a Megalomaniac leader called Joseph Seed. He is to be found and terminated. In the event, a drug called bliss will be found and it has to be destroyed. You may recognize this as the plot of Farcry 5 because that's where i got the inspiration for it.

Operation Highlands
A checkpoint was recently set up by the private army to halt USSR and NATO Supply vehicles. JAF/ABT has to bomb the checkpoint so that 3 supply vehicles can make it to their destination. These supply vehicles are neccesary because they are holding supplies needed for the next war. If the supplies dont make it, the oposing team with be able to capture the location much easier. This involved helis which is rare for JAF/ABT events.

10th & 17th:
Operation Unchained

A brand new tank has been spotted in Beta being made. 10th/17th has to find the tank and destroy it before it lets loose. The tank would get loose and would be essentially a super tank. It would take about 3 tanks to kill it and they would have to use teamwork to take it down.
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+Friendly and approachable

Event ideas:
Your first small event idea seems a bit basic, although I get what you want to do, there is always the risk that someone random answers the phone and does not care about the bomb.
The second small event doesn't really seem like an event in my eyes, its more like free mass rdm as a juggernaut while the others keep constantly dying while trying to kill it.
Your third small event idea would be actually cool, if it was on SCP. The idea is good, but it just doesnt really fit on MRP.
Your 2 first small event ideas are really sick, but unfortunately my opinion stands for the third one.
The map change event idea seems like it's just a follow up to the current lore, I recommend having an idea for an event not related to the current lore.
The map change is still a bit of a follow up to the current lore but now it seems more developed and well written in terms of lore and planning.
RMP/FSB event got me quite confused.
SAS/AG seems like a good event, a few lines of lore and you got a good event.
The other 3 regimental event ideas you gave were essentially the same. Big fob, kill defenders, take over fob. Only difference is that some have sam defences and some have kwk's.
Your regimental ideas are A LOT better now and they all teem like quite fun, but the JAF/ABT event might need just a bit more developing.

Your event ideas is what's making me lean into a -support, give your app some more thought into it and I might change my verdict.
(I don't usually leave verdicts like these on apps but its 5am and I have nothing else to do, sorry tom xd. Also no colours bc im on phone)

Verdict changed to +support after edit, application is WAY better now :D
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+Active IG/TS

+Well Described Events

Hello Tom,

I do wish to see you advance as a Game Master, however, this can only come with your application overhaul with more thought in it, such as detail in the events and how it would work in the MRP event programmes. This verdict is subject to change overtime so please do not feel disheartened about it

Following up on my current verdict, I am happy to now offer you my support. Best of luck!


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Neutral (willing to give him an chance)
+Seems like an nice guy
+Good app

Small events

1st small event: Good lore and good detail

2nd Small event: Fun idea but you put an other bomb defuse event

Third small event: This sounds like it only would work for scp rp not for MRP cause like if it was like for example an plane crash tbf that would be way better for an idea for this.

For small event I give you an Neutral leaning +sup

Lore: The lore is better but still sounds a little like an follow up
Detail: Good detail
Map: Good map

For map change I give you an Neutral

Regimental missions

RMP/FSB: This idea can be fun but this event lacks a bit of lore

SAS/AG: Decent idea


JAF/ABT: The idea is better but still is like bomb this place

17th/10th: Overall an good idea

For regimental missions I give you an Neutral

Hey Tom Your app is way better now. Iam changing my verdict to an neutral cause i still find that some ideas are decent but nothing extra ordinary.

Good luck
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Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021

+Active IG/TS

-Application formatting and detail is poor
-Ideas are not well explained, too brief.

Hello Tom,

I do wish to see you advance as a Game Master, however, this can only come with your application overhaul with more thought in it, such as detail in the events and how it would work in the MRP event programmes. This verdict is subject to change overtime so please do not feel disheartened about it.


Ive just recently completely redone the events. You may want to take another look and see what you think with the new ones.
Neutral (willing to give him an chance)
+Seems like an nice guy
+Good app

Small events

1st small event: Good lore and good detail

2nd Small event: Fun idea but you put an other bomb defuse event

Third small event: This sounds like it only would work for scp rp not for MRP cause like if it was like for example an plane crash tbf that would be way better for an idea for this.

For small event I give you an Neutral leaning +sup

Lore: The lore is better but still sounds a little like an follow up
Detail: Good detail
Map: Good map

For map change I give you an Neutral

Regimental missions

RMP/FSB: This idea can be fun but this event lacks a bit of lore

SAS/AG: Decent idea


JAF/ABT: The idea is better but still is like bomb this place

17th/10th: Overall an good idea

For regimental missions I give you an Neutral

Hey Tom Your app is way better now. Iam changing my verdict to an neutral cause i still find that some ideas are decent but nothing extra ordinary.

Good luck


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021

+Friendly and approachable

Event ideas:
Your first small event idea seems a bit basic, although I get what you want to do, there is always the risk that someone random answers the phone and does not care about the bomb.
The second small event doesn't really seem like an event in my eyes, its more like free mass rdm as a juggernaut while the others keep constantly dying while trying to kill it.
Your third small event idea would be actually cool, if it was on SCP. The idea is good, but it just doesnt really fit on MRP.
Your 2 first small event ideas are really sick, but unfortunately my opinion stands for the third one.
The map change event idea seems like it's just a follow up to the current lore, I recommend having an idea for an event not related to the current lore.
The map change is still a bit of a follow up to the current lore but now it seems more developed and well written in terms of lore and planning.
RMP/FSB event got me quite confused.
SAS/AG seems like a good event, a few lines of lore and you got a good event.
The other 3 regimental event ideas you gave were essentially the same. Big fob, kill defenders, take over fob. Only difference is that some have sam defences and some have kwk's.
Your regimental ideas are A LOT better now and they all teem like quite fun, but the JAF/ABT event might need just a bit more developing.

Your event ideas is what's making me lean into a -support, give your app some more thought into it and I might change my verdict.
(I don't usually leave verdicts like these on apps but its 5am and I have nothing else to do, sorry tom xd. Also no colours bc im on phone)

Verdict changed to +support after edit, application is WAY better now :D
Updated the third small event idea following your advice and developed the JAF/ABT event more.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021
Neutral (willing to give him an chance)
+Seems like an nice guy
+Good app

Small events

1st small event: Good lore and good detail

2nd Small event: Fun idea but you put an other bomb defuse event

Third small event: This sounds like it only would work for scp rp not for MRP cause like if it was like for example an plane crash tbf that would be way better for an idea for this.

For small event I give you an Neutral leaning +sup

Lore: The lore is better but still sounds a little like an follow up
Detail: Good detail
Map: Good map

For map change I give you an Neutral

Regimental missions

RMP/FSB: This idea can be fun but this event lacks a bit of lore

SAS/AG: Decent idea


JAF/ABT: The idea is better but still is like bomb this place

17th/10th: Overall an good idea

For regimental missions I give you an Neutral

Hey Tom Your app is way better now. Iam changing my verdict to an neutral cause i still find that some ideas are decent but nothing extra ordinary.

Good luck
Took your idea of a plane crash to update the third small event. Also made the map change slightly less lore based. JAF/ABT event was updated and im an ABT JLT so i used what i would like to see as inspiration.


Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 10, 2021

+Interesting event ideas

-Questionable maturity
-Recent warning indicates poor rule knowledge

Hi there Tom, due to the reasons above I will be giving you a neutral on this application. Best of luck!
Thanks for the luck id like to add that while i agree my maturity isnt always the best and since your JAF and im ABT we have have considerably more interactions (mostly negative on both parts ill admit) The recent warning was due to consisent and constant base bombing by JAF in the event whilst i was playing as PLA. I understand i shouldnt have done that but it was very frustrating for all of us since we were getting bombed before we could even get our helicopters spun up. I did mean the insult in a joking way and people dont like that but it was not related to rule knowledge. since it was a warn for toxicity for telling jaf to stop bombing base


MRP War Criminal
Dec 29, 2020
Application Accepted

Contact a Senior Admin+ when you are next online to go through the next stages of joining the Game Master Team.​
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