Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:122288190
Discord name: megamind_69420
For how long have you played on CN MRP: since February 2021
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: scotland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): NATO, tony big man, USSR, tony bigger man
Civilian name: tony
Do you have a mic?:
- yes
List all NATO or USSR Roles/ranks that you have held:
- JAF/UAN MAJ, KGB RSM, AG, SWO, ATR CPL ( probs many others i just dont remember)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you interested in joining CSB?:
- im interested to join CSB because i think ill be able to help with the RP aspect of the faction and be active on CSB when need to be, I'm also interested as it brings more RP for me to experience as the faction is very RP based.
Why are you the best candidate for CSB?:
- I think imp the best candidate as I will bring a lot more RP towards the faction and I'm also a long time player of the server so i am very experienced with the servers RP and hopefully because i am a long time player CSB higher ups will be able to trust me rather then a new player who wants to join.
Please create some lore for your CSB character
- during the collapse of the UAN and the reformation of NATO, UAN MAJ tony was left behind during the evacuation of highlands and so then Tony was left in highlands to survive becoming a rouge agent, as he still believed UAN was still a thing he stay stationed at Outpost waiting for UAN to get back to him.
there was a NATO rescue crew waiting for tony but he did not realise NATO came back and shot all NATO soldiers trying to rescue him as he thought it was militia trying to kidnap him. around the start of the crimson blade, they gave a radio transmission for whoever is strong enough to join their ranks, tony who has now gave up trying to find UAN has recieved their transmission and wished to be apart of this new faction during the WAR and he believe the UAN has abandoned him and left him for dead.
Do you understand that CSB is a RP faction and caught not doing so will end up in you being removed?
- yes
Discord name: megamind_69420
For how long have you played on CN MRP: since February 2021
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: scotland
Time zone: GMT
Character name(s): NATO, tony big man, USSR, tony bigger man
Civilian name: tony
Do you have a mic?:
- yes
List all NATO or USSR Roles/ranks that you have held:
- JAF/UAN MAJ, KGB RSM, AG, SWO, ATR CPL ( probs many others i just dont remember)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

Why are you interested in joining CSB?:
- im interested to join CSB because i think ill be able to help with the RP aspect of the faction and be active on CSB when need to be, I'm also interested as it brings more RP for me to experience as the faction is very RP based.
Why are you the best candidate for CSB?:
- I think imp the best candidate as I will bring a lot more RP towards the faction and I'm also a long time player of the server so i am very experienced with the servers RP and hopefully because i am a long time player CSB higher ups will be able to trust me rather then a new player who wants to join.
Please create some lore for your CSB character
- during the collapse of the UAN and the reformation of NATO, UAN MAJ tony was left behind during the evacuation of highlands and so then Tony was left in highlands to survive becoming a rouge agent, as he still believed UAN was still a thing he stay stationed at Outpost waiting for UAN to get back to him.
there was a NATO rescue crew waiting for tony but he did not realise NATO came back and shot all NATO soldiers trying to rescue him as he thought it was militia trying to kidnap him. around the start of the crimson blade, they gave a radio transmission for whoever is strong enough to join their ranks, tony who has now gave up trying to find UAN has recieved their transmission and wished to be apart of this new faction during the WAR and he believe the UAN has abandoned him and left him for dead.
Do you understand that CSB is a RP faction and caught not doing so will end up in you being removed?
- yes