Tuga's Staff Demotion Appeal

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MilitaryRP Staff
Resources Team
Mar 19, 2023
Name: Not_tuga / [Lisbon] / 'Aspen'

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:109323295

Previous Rank (convert if required): Moderator

Who demoted you?: Drew/Beef/Steven

Date of demotion?: Jan 24th 2024

What is the case against you?: Encouraging MRDM whilst I was SC

Is this true?: Yes it is

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: No i have not.

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: I've been warned but not kicked or banned.

What is your side of the story?: Well both IVG and SWB at the time we're shooting each other for example having their own war within their bunk's building and i told them to stop multiple times and out of frustration i told them 'fine go ahead have a deathmatch, mini war' i should of said in the killhouse or i should of gotten a higher rank SC or staff to deal with them.

Why should you return / what will you change?:[/B]
In the time i was staff i really liked helping people out i would take my time out of me being in regiment and I would go AOD and sit and wait for people sits for when they would get stuck cause everyone knows that is the most annoying thing in a war. I should return because I love taking sits, its fun for me and fun to punish the wrong doing people.

I have reflected on what i did literally the day after of when it happened but i will make sure that something like that will never happen and i will make sure to keep 100% professionall within the staff team i will make sure i will help the staff team as much as i can.
Last edited:
Jan 2, 2021
+ Support
I don't believe that this case is serious for this punishment as I've seen way worse and this is a mere mistake of communication. However, I do not recall any other instances of this as bad that occurred with tuga so I truly believe that he could have another chance in my opinion. I mean overall it could be worse, I've seen way worse from other SC and get only a slap on the wrist or nothing at all.
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