Tyler - Moderator Application

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Well-known Member
Apr 29, 2021
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): thesoccergamer (I think its that I'm not 100% sure)

For how long have you played on CG MRP: 2-3 weeks

Age: 17

In what country are you located?: United States

Time zone: Central Daylight Time

NATO name (regiment and rank): ISAF SGT Tyler

USSR name (regiment and rank): USSR PVT Bad Tyler

Civilian name: TTyler

Steam ID:

Do you have a mic?: Yes

Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications: This is my first application.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Not that I am aware of.

Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:
I have a lot of experience with staffing on Gmod. I have been a staff member on many Darkrp servers. The most notable server would probably be the one that I was Community Manager on for about 9 months sadly that server has since been deleted. I was also an Elite Admin on another big Military RP server. I have over 6000+ hours on Gmod so you could say that I know a lot about this game.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:
Yes I do, this would include some of the Darkrp servers that I staffed on. You could say that the Military RP server I staffed on was serious roleplay but you could also say it wasn't. Overall, I would say I have a good amount of experience with serious roleplay even though I haven't staffed in many serious roleplay servers, I have played many of them.

How many hours can you be on everyday?:
I am usually on all the time besides Tuesday and Thursday from 3-9p because I have work.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:
Reason 1:
Throughout the 2-3 weeks that I have been playing this server I have absolutely fallen in love with it and I just want to help make the server the best it can be.

Reason 2:
I have noticed that there are not that many US players that play the game and at night it is usually dead and prime time for gamers is at night. So my goal is to become staff and rank higher up in Nato/USSR so that I can bring more of a US player base to the server. I want the server to have a high player base 24/7 instead of just during UK time.

Reason 3:
I just want to be able to help this server as much as I can whether that be training new recruits, playing in wars, leading wars, or enforcing the rules. As long as it is making the server better I want to be a part of it.

Reason 4:
I just love helping people.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

The one thing that would set me apart from all the other applicants would be Reason 2 for the question above. Another reason I would be a good choice for staff is because of my experience playing Gmod and staffing Gmod. Overall, I believe I would be able to help this server gain more of a US player base so that it can be active 24/7 rather than just being active on UK time.
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Active member
Jan 15, 2021
Salford, Manchester
-/+ Neutral

+Seen in-game.
+Seen in TS.
+Past staffing experience.

-/+ Unsure of maturity, as only really interacted in a staff sit.
-/+Unsure of your rule knowledge.

Hello there, Tyler, I have given you a neutral for those reasons stated. I think you should play a bit longer and interact with as many people as possible, so people can get to know you and you can get a good feel of the server. Additionally, if you do get accepted to the team, I believe you will be at an advantage due to your past staffing experience.



Active member
Apr 27, 2021
-/+ Neutral
+ Active IG
+ Solid application

- No interaction
- Unsure about rule knowledge


Well-known Member
Apr 29, 2021
-/+ Neutral

+Seen in-game.
+Seen in TS.
+Past staffing experience.

-/+ Unsure of maturity, as only really interacted in a staff sit.
-/+Unsure of your rule knowledge.

Hello there, Tyler, I have given you a neutral for those reasons stated. I think you should play a bit longer and interact with as many people as possible, so people can get to know you and you can get a good feel of the server. Additionally, if you do get accepted to the team, I believe you will be at an advantage due to your past staffing experience.

-/+ Neutral
+ Active IG
+ Solid application

- No interaction
- Unsure about rule knowledge
+/- Neutral

+/- Haven't had any Interactions with you

Good Luck!
-No interactions with you
-I personally think that with you being from USA is a good thing as we would have 24/7 staff that way
Good luck with your app!

Thank you for all of the feedback. So far I noticed that most of the negative comments is the lack of interactions with me. I have been interacting with as many people as possible, I am meeting new people everyday on the server. I have noticed that I need to play more USSR because I have mainly been playing NATO. All though I cant wait to meet all of you guys and get to know you better and hopefully you get to know me better too. Overall, Thank you for the feedback I love it and I will definitely be taking every bit of it into consideration.
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Active member
Mar 1, 2021
+/- Neutral

-Active, seen in-game
-You're pretty new to the server
-Unsure on ruleknowledge
-not interacted with you

Good luck!


Big Barry

CG Super VIP
Jan 1, 2021
Hiya lad, my verdict for now will have to be a Neutral.

This is solely on the fact I have had very little interaction with you, therefore preventing me from making an accurate verdict.

I would highly recommend increasing your activity and presence within the server and I'm sure myself and the rest of the staff team will notice.

Good luck.


MRP War Veteran
Mar 30, 2021
Hiya man, I am going to give you a neutral on the basis I haven't really interacted with you in-game.

The application is very well made but I would recommend you reapply in a few more weeks once you have gotten to know more people. As you said in one of your replies, playing as two separate characters, one for NATO and one for USSR is highly recommended otherwise you have already excluded half of the possible verdicts for your application on the basis that they've never had a chance to interact with you in-game.

Anyways, good luck :)
Jan 2, 2021

- Not seen IG
- Not seen on TS

I don't think that we have had the pleasure of interacting with one another. Poke me when you next come on TS so we can have a chat. It may be that because you are in America I don't see you because of the time zone difference what times are you usually on the server so I can keep an eye out for you? Hopefully I can change this to a +Support so try to get in contact with me. Best of luck.
You may re-apply in two weeks.
You must have played on the server for at least 2 weeks before creating your application, according to our ingame playtime tracking (/vtime) you first started playing on Monday the 10th, 5 days before you made your application. I suspect your application being all neutrals should also be solved by then, as you will have interacted with more people in the community and more people will have an opinion on you as a person.
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