{U.S.A} Crow's Ethics Committee Chairman Application submission.

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Crow Kalashnikov

Well-known Member
Oct 2, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:104953811

Discord name: tiny0003

For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since Sometime in October of last year and for 1496 hours about.

Age: 20

In what country are you located?: U.S.A

Time zone: C.S.T

Character name(s): Crow Kalashnikov (Foundation) Gnoz Gorkin (Civilian event Character) Crow Jr. (Chaos)

Civilian name: Crow Kalashnikov

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): U.S.A

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes, I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-E-11 CPL (Former), Executive Researcher, Director of research., CI-B (Former), SCP 096. I no longer hold Combative roles as I Enjoy non-Combative roles much more than Combative ones. And now Ethics committee member for at this time 5 months 3 weeks of time with my current term.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- N/A I have none at this time.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
- I am applying for the Position of Ethics committee Chairman. I am doing this for both the reasoning listed below and Because I believe that if given the opportunity I can make a large difference in the roleplay and experience in a positive manner around the site. Enhancing both roleplay and experience around the site with all of the departments and the G.O.I's I believe that the Code of ethics has been looked at by myself and other committee members but I've purposed the most change to it as time has gone on and will continue to purpose changes.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:
- I am applying for Ethics committee chairman because I believe the Ethics Committee on the U.S needs a chairman that will take a hard handed approach in dealing with certain situations and making improvements to the Code of Ethics, The current changes that I am responsible for are 4.04 of the COE and making a Change to the Murder 1 charge as well as changing the Corruption 1 charge in the FLC. I have also helped with the professionalism of Omega one as a regiment pushing through harder changes that while unfortunately had to be made did Need to be made to the regiment with my other committee members. I would also like to thank Jambo and Karuma as well as Omega one's CO team for keeping professionalism as a priority for the regiment. I also want to thank the other committee members over the time for having good reception and considering my ideas that I've purposed through time.

I put a focus on both fun and Good roleplay for people involved with the committee and choosing to part ways with it, I believe it is incredibly important to put a Focus on both of those aspects for any roleplay situation because Having a good balance of those for any RP Situation EX: Omega-7 Event with Hotson as the leading Gamemaster for the event. Or Alpha-9 visitation Event. There are many roleplay documents I've created to give In character background to events that have occurred on the server to help build lore.

Communication: Communication Is something that has been lacking between the Site commands respectively and site administration. In order for there to be a good function within the sites administrative branch more meetings need to be normalized. Weekly meetings with all of the 3 And maybe more would do good in improving this issue. It is important to take Initiative and sometimes be the first one to set Precedent with something. Communication is something that I made very big improvements on during my time as Department Director of research and something I believe I can do even better with inside of the Chairman role serving both the foundation and the Ethics committee as their leader.

Function: The committee functions as an important part of the Foundation making both gameplay balances for parts of the game like D class and excessive usage of certain things on them like heavy weapons. I seek to improve the gameplay balance for those in different positions around the site I've talked to Medical about more R.P intensive leadership regarding documentation and teaching their doctors to do more with checkups and potentially even surgeries. I think this is something I can make even more impact in with the role of Chairman.

COOPERATION: The O5 and Ethics committee especially as of recent haven't been working in tandem. This is something I would seek to improve on vastly and create a more Coop and Lore accurate system for. With the ethics committee making a ruling and the O5's jointly coming in to hand down the verdict on certain issues. This is something that has largely been neglected over time after the Ethics committee was moved off of Floor 3. It's kind of sad honestly.

Time spent: It's a Funny thing to find that a majority of my In game playtime as a whole has been spent within the Ethics committee In retrospect looking at my E.C Application. I have been in the current ethics committee through the Cycles and change for nearly 6 months.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
- The ethics Committee, After being in it for Almost 6 months now in one term has a lot to do. They need to make changes to the Code of Ethics and ensure that these changes are followed through with Internal affairs. Internal affairs is an important part of what the Committee does as a whole with Ethics enforcement. Its important that it's tended to and everybody is talked with about the issues going on around the site. This extends not only to I.A but to everything else. Research, Gensec and Medical too. The mobile task forces are important to keep up to date with as well.

Keeping up to date with Site administration and Cooperating with them on getting things done on a timely basis is incredibly important for the Committee as the site needs to be run on an Administrative level. The Ethics Committee helps with ensuring that the administrative work is being done in the correct process and there aren't any overwhelming issues with Site administrations running of the site. There are instances where Site administration forwards the committee something as a Third party to be dealt with. It's important that these situations are dealt with accordingly.

Dealing with situations when they get out of hand. There are certain situations e.g: A code black is called and the Wave of ERT fails to do their job in containing the problem. The countermeasure for this situation does sometimes need to be used and serves a great purpose as an RP reset for foundation. Included in this is Calling K.O.S orders past the Airlock for D class personnel when things are becoming too crazy for gensecs manpower to handle it. Mass amnesticization is also something that is to be Included in this list with help from others.

Handing out orders to Omega-1 Is important and gives them something to do actively. The Laws left hand acts as the way for the Committee to enforce their orders and will around the site. If nobody in the Committee used them there would only be soft power.

Giving directives for the Assistants to follow is something critical to Their Roleplay as well and needs to be given more attention. Randal murphy implemented a system where they need to do Departmental reviews to forward to the Ethics committee. I seek to improve on this and bring attention to giving orders to them for executing tasks around site or overseeing the Ethical treatment of D class personnel onsite during something like a D block sweep.

I must also re-iterate in this how important communication is. I make it a point to go out of my way to talk to various people around the site and ask them questions regarding what they believe could be done to improve their experience within their department and then taking it into consideration before making a move to try to get it implemented if it's necessary. Working with site administration to achieve goals and working in tandem with O5 is still something that needs to be seen more in a roleplay and out of roleplay sense, Which I understand and will make a point out of Fixing.

Auditing the files of the Departments is something that I started doing when I joined the Ethics committee. I have no clue if it was something that was there before I came into the committee but I have made it a point over time to review the documentation of the departments and Sometimes even Site administration/Command Mostly Site command and Administration when there are events or things that're being discussed that raise concern to the Ethics committee as an entity.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
- Directors of Internal Affairs
- Ethics Committee assistants
- Ethics committee members. (Vote First and verdict from the chairman after heavy consideration)

Ethics Committee members also must Correspond with people commonly to resolve situations Either directly or as a Third party in the matter at hand. This can be done in game and out of game, Sometimes people will come to you with situations and try to seek your assistance in the matter. It's important to take an unbias approach to the matter and try to help the people as much as possible with their issue.

The Chairman is also expected to respond to applications regarding these positions after votes from either themselves as the Ethics committee's Executive authority or Committee vote. It can be seen in my post history that During Sergio Valdez' time as the Chairman I took on the responsibility of doing forums responses.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

A small prompt opens with a file attached to it, The file is now open for you to read after opening the attachment. ( https://docs.google.com/document/d/1knttJQtIXd0K3PGA47MaFbfdCH_F9p0Hpv5sj4nzaaE/edit?pli=1 )
The Ethics committee's Hallway is quiet after a long day of bureaucracy and reports regarding various individuals and their misdeeds within the foundation. Crow reviews them and shuffles through them in his office, With bags under his red eyes he sets the papers down to see what time it is. It's around 1 AM In Pinewood Canada on this late night. As he glances at the picture of a Dog on his desk and then back to the files on the computer he sees a File Named "How?" How was what Crow would wonder as instance of SCP-7777 Appeared within his computer in the form of a phone call logged with an Unknown number and Randal murphy. The audio from the .mp4 was highly scrambled and unintelligible. Crow had his suspicions and saw this as an opportunity for him to make a move within the committee. He looked away from the screen and moved his hand towards the drawer, He thinks to himself about his time spent in the committee and what actions he could take. with drawling his Standard issue Glock 17 Ethics from the drawer cocking it back priming it to be fired. He moves out of his chair as it swivels around once or twice. He moves out his door with haste and down the hallway as he fires several shots into his Prior chairman. The chairman lies "Dead" At the end of the hallway. A once great man fallen to his coworker? Or a beginning anew in some other way. Crow snaps a quick picture with his bodycam and prints it. Putting it inside of his desk after heading back to the room.

Everything in the Chairman's world was going on normally until it had so quickly and abruptly come to an end. while Crow sat silently in his room, his world spinning as he had just done this. The moment played silently in his mind over and over a ringing reverberating through his ears. "BOOM... BOOM... BOOM..." He thought to himself how could he play this off as some sort of accident. He then remembered something, A small but important detail in his adventures around the site. He opened his communications and laid them on the desk He takes a moment to think and takes some of the cleaning tools out from a Cabinet in the other office. He cleans the Viscera off the walls and moves to grab a bag from the 'Enhanced' Questioning area of his office. He bags up Randal and moves his bagged up corpse to the from of the ethics committee's offices. Dumping it on the ground as his brow breaks a sweat. His heart pounding as he goes back to pick up the communications device. He calls in nervously to the Omega-1 Saying "I've got another technician for cleanup." The body is retrieved and dumped. Where? Nobody knows. This is the last time that Randal Murphy was seen...



Active member
Dec 23, 2022
Detroit, Michigan

Crow is very capable, experienced, and all around great for the position of Ethics Committee Chairman. He's been there a long time, encouraged A TON of great RP. I have witnessed this myself through assisting a former exec try and break testing boundaries, and Crow put himself on the line to help him. He has helped enact new policies that actively make the site better. Crow is the perfect pick.
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Active member
Oct 26, 2022
+ Support
I understand that Crow, along with any other candidate, has his ups and downs. But I see him as a leader within the C(r)o(w)mmittee and I support him in his run at Chairman. I've known the man ever since I was an Executive Researcher, even before; and I know he is the right guy for the job.
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Blacklisted Player
Sep 4, 2022
+ Support

While working right under crow i can say he does more then any of the other ECMs that work along him. He is always onsite and open in his DMs if you need something. Crow has also been handling the hard stuff of the Mittee when it comes down to cracking into regs or relations with other GOIs.

From not only a SL point of view but also as a COM. I would say crow is more then able to carry his weight as the Chairmen and would love to serve him.


Active member
May 30, 2023

By experience, I can say that Crow is truly a pleasure to work with. Whenever he's on the server, I can tell he is truly engaging himself and others into RP and he shows it. On top of that, Crow has respect for not only those above him, but those who work under him as well. He has shown that he is grateful for our work, and he appreciates the commitment we have to our own RP. I think he would make a good fit for the next chairman, and he's truly worthy.
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