[UK] Aces Security Chief Application

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Ace 63

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Nov 21, 2023
From: Ace Linguini “Spades”
To: Site Management
Subject: Chief of Security Job Role
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:616457412

Discord name: ace_063

For how long have you played on SCPRP:
844 Hours/9.5 Months

Age: 16

In what country are you located?:

Time zone: BST/GMT

Character name(s):
Ace Linguini “Spades”

Civilian name:
Ace La Spades

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?: No
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF-Nu-7 PVT Held
MTF E-11 PVT Held
CI-Gamma Holding
GENSEC Sergeant Holding
GENSEC Captain Holding
SCP 096 Holding
Internal Affairs Agent Holding
External Affairs Agent Holding
SCP 22415 Holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Ban Was Appealed by Server Leadership.

Why are you applying for the Chief of Security?:
GENSEC is not in a good way currently and needs leadership. Leadership I trust myself to apply with professionalism.
9 And a Half months ago I joined this server off a whim because I had recently discovered Garry's Mod in my Library. Now I’ve gotten to know the community and be a part of it over my time here. I knew how good GENSEC could be months ago.
Recently, it’s not secret that GENSEC has severely degraded its reputation and its effectiveness. Whether it be to poor management, lack of interest or something else. I’ve seen this old friend slowly die on its death bed for many months of my 15th of this life because this is at its core a fun game. I’m applying because I want to bring my old friend of GSD brought back to greatness. I’m not looking for chief I’m looking for a better GENSEC so no matters who accepted if they fix GENSEC then they’ve done their job.​

What makes you suitable for Chief of Security?:​
I have nearly 700 hours in General Security, working, learning, understanding, making friends, leading, and so much more. I have more experience than everyone right now as I am the oldest captain and the only senior captain. Logically this would be a promotion. But also I understand more than other applicants the true issues in GENSEC and their solutions; For example:
Problem: Responsibility
Solution: Strike system allowing SGT+ to issue strikes to GENSEC for not doing duties/not being outside of d block. If 3 strikes are issued they are arrested for negligence. Every strike should be issued with due reason.
Problem: No incentive after combat 25~
Solution: a merit system where people who go out of their way to go above and beyond get 1-2 merits, at the end of the day they may redeem these merits for money/chemicals.
For a while Ive dreamed of writing this application some day and I am able to now. I have more passion than any other applicant and I can say that confidently. If GENSEC isn’t revitalised with whoever becomes the new chief whether it be me or someone else GENSEC will inevitably die and neither me or you want that for GSD. The challenges GSD is facing are big, and it will take someone with both experience and a lot of hard work to turn things around. I’m ready to bring that perspective and energy to the role. It’s crucial for the future of GENSEC that someone with passion leads GENSEC to the finish line.

What are the responsibilities of the Chief of Security in RP?:​

Responsibilities of Chief include:
Passing new rules/protocols; Handling D Block; Handling Documentation; Handling Captains; Accepting or Denying Captain Applications; Hosting Trainings; Creating Weekly Meetings.​

Please give some lore about your Chief of Security character and what storylines they would be involved in:
SCPiNET Connection Establishing
Connection Established
>Search “Spades”
63 Results Found
Compiling into file:
Ace Linguini Personnel File

PS: Id like to end off my application with what I said on my SGT Tryout as I think it speaks well:
My motivation is to train lower ranks of GSD to understand their role and train them to perhaps join an MTF or even apply for Captain! I mainly work on GSD because I want to see other people flourish just as I did several months ago. That's what it means to be leadership in GENSEC: to give others the time that others gave you when you were lower down!​


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Feb 22, 2024
while i do think the app can be formatted a bit differently (personal prefference lol), the contents are lovely, and aside from that, ace has been a good friend ever since i became a captain, and is a great person in my opinion.
he is deserving of this position in my opinion

Edit: could we please get your Vtime?

Ace 63

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Nov 21, 2023
while i do think the app can be formatted a bit differently (personal prefference lol), the contents are lovely, and aside from that, ace has been a good friend ever since i became a captain, and is a great person in my opinion.
he is deserving of this position in my opinion

Edit: could we please get your Vtime?
I was on LOA for the majority of this month so ive not been the most active.
I’ve seen this old friend slowly die on its death bed for many months
Did you take action against this degration as a Captain, and if so which? You do not need to be a department leader in order to persue change inside of said department, if the only people changing and caring for a department were to be the chiefs, we shouldn't need Captains.

But also I understand more than other applicants the true issues in GENSEC and their solutions.
Without examples this is quite an empty claim, anybody can say they know the solutions. (Aka: please provide examples).

Overall I find your application to be a lot of talk, without much actual content to go with it.

Thus I will be giving -support and awaiting your response to potentially change this.

Ace 63

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Nov 21, 2023
Did you take action against this degration as a Captain, and if so which? You do not need to be a department leader in order to persue change inside of said department, if the only people changing and caring for a department were to be the chiefs, we shouldn't need Captains.

Without examples this is quite an empty claim, anybody can say they know the solutions. (Aka: please provide examples).

Overall I find your application to be a lot of talk, without much actual content to go with it.

Thus I will be giving -support and awaiting your response to potentially change this.
Application updated, I have tried quite a few times to put forward the same ideas with really no changes.

Brayan "Jim" Murry

Well-known Member
Nov 13, 2023
I have seen Ace during my time in Civil networks and I know Ace is great at his job. I know 100% that Ace will make a great Chief of Security for the foundation.

"Wayne" Clark

Well-known Member
Jan 19, 2024
+Support Ace is absolutely great he has helped me become a better GENSEC. I believe he would make an excellent Chief of Security.


Active member
Apr 21, 2024

Very nice guy, very chill captain. Will be perfect for Chief Security habibi <3


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
While you are an active captain, as far as I can tell from what I've seen in-game and what you've put on your application, there's nothing really of note that you've done to help GSD improve as-is - Captains do have power and can get things done. There's also not too much detail here about what the problems are, how you'd address them, and what your overall plans are.
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