[UK] Alex 'Bavarian' M.'s O5-4 "The Pioneer" application

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Alex M.

Active member
Aug 4, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:505628917
Discord name: fluffwuff
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since August 2022
Age: 16
In what country are you located?: Germany
Time zone: CET/CEST
Character name(s): Alex 'Bavarian' M., Alec M.
Civilian name: Alex W.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Holding: MTF E-11 COM
Held: Overseer Assistant, A-1 LCPL, E-11 LT, CI-B, CI-A

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
MRDM 2w ban - Appealed: Ban Appeal

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

O5-4 "The Pioneer" - "a person or group that originates or helps open up a new line of thought or activity or a new method or technical development" is a possible definition for Pioneer and I would say that I as an E-11 COM can identify myself as a pioneer of E11 with creating a lot of new things such as the new squadrons, new E11 policies and leading E11 into great shape after being in a very terrible state.
I am applying for O5 as well as I want to expand my experience on CivilNetworks after playing 85% of the time E11. I am a COM for more than 2 months as well and joined E11 and almost stayed there since the start of September 2022. I joined E11 in September to reach CO and now after rejoining at the end of December I wanted to go for COM and achieved it after 3 months. Since then I enjoyed being the COM and had only the goal to make E11 great again. I think I can say and other people can agree that I achieved this with the help of my CO Team. I have set myself a new goal and this is being an O5-Council member.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

1. Leadership:

When the discussion was open about the new E11 COM, I proved myself to be able to lead E11 as a CPT to Site Administration while E11 was at its lowest point and I still continued to lead E11 as the current active commander. E11 is right now if not ever before, great/best state.
I am in charge of 60-ish people and I am capable to be responsible to be in charge of the whole foundation containing hundreds of people. As a leader, I have to hand out tasks that have to be completed for me in order to lead properly. Within E11, I established myself to be competent to split up work required for me to be successful within E11 and I would say I could do the same as O5 with giving orders/tasks to Overseer Assistants so I can successfully lead as an O5.

2. Experience/Knowledge:
With having I think more than 1000h on the server as playtime over the last months, I gathered a lot of experience about all different aspects from different views. I have a very good and deep understanding of how the MTFs and particularly E11 are working and I can use this knowledge for making the correct decisions at the correct time in situations like CI raids/SCP breaches or problems raised to me. As the E11 COM I gathered senior cl4 experience and I understand what it means to lead a regiment and can use this experience as an O5 very well. E.g. I can use the experience from leading containment of breaches to decide correctly if a Code Black is needed or not. A different example is with dealing reports raised to me and determining a good punishment or similar for the reported person. From being a CO and particular COM I know how to speak with the correct people to get smoothly to my goal without any problems or resolve conflicts fast.
During my time of being an Overseer Assistant, I showed a lot of engagement in my assigned tasks such as creating ingame documents about all SCPs and even conducting in cooperation with a different OSA the Site Administration Review for Beta-1 in January when Site Administration needed help (Review link). Keep in mind, this review has been conducted within 1-2d after being assigned to the other OSA and me. This as well back up good efficiency from myself that I can use while being an O5.
In addition, I have experienced as well how MTF A-1 is operating and can use the knowledge to order A-1 how I need it.

3. Roleplay/Documents:
As a senior CL4 holder, it is already one of my duties to create - most often small - RP scenarios for my regiment members. I try to create (passive) RP within E11 e.g. performing disciplinary equipment checkups or engaging with members of the Research Department to ensure their test can be conducted efficiently and safely. I would say I am comfortable with creating and leading RP for people to enjoy it.
While I was an Overseer Assistant and while I am the commander of E11, I am very comfortable and good with creating in-game and google-docs documents to contribute to fulfilling my assigned tasks as an Overseer Assistant and developing E11 with needed documents and/or documents for external departments/policy changes. I can use the knowledge/skill of creating and leading RP and creating relevant documents to succeed as an O5 member.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

The O5 Council has many responsibilities such as:
- Overseeing the foundation as a whole and issuing orders to Site Administration
- If needed, activate the alpha warhead and reset RP
- Issue orders to Assistants and A-1
- Ensure daily runnings of the site
- Enforcing, updating and discuss about the Foundation Legal Codex

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- Appointment of the A-1 Commander
- Accepting/Denying applications for Site Director, Overseer Assistant and DEA Director
- Editing FLC in cooperation with the Ethics Committee
- Create and Lead storylines involving all different foundation parties

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:




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top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane

A plethora of experience in a senior CL4 role always conducted to a high level with a detailed well-rounded application, not to mention previous work as an OSA working with O5. Best of luck.
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Reactions: Alex M.


Active member
Jun 15, 2023
Huge +Support
+Great Leader
+Very Mature & Professional
+Great application

Best of luck!
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