[UK] 'Appo' Staff Application

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SCP-RP Staff
Jun 20, 2022
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): avaster
How many hours of playtime do you have?: 900+ Hours Playtime | 10,500+ Hours on Gmod
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: British Standard Time (BST)

Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Foundation Name: 'Appo'

Security Captain [Holding]
E-11 CSG [Holding]
O-1 PVT [Held]

Chaos name (include your rank): Chaos Name: Appo

CI DELCOM [Holding]

Civilian name: 'Apppo'
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93504192
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:
Third application. - (I was told by Cloak & Cope I am allowed to make another application early)
Application 1
Application 2
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
3 warns / no bans:
- Mixing x2 - Mentioned an admin when D-Class - An admin teleported to myself and I said 'take me to a sit'.
- Ent abuse - Spawned Death Cups (Under Fear-RP)


Do you have any previous experience as a staff member in a community?:

[-] I've been staff on many servers. Although I do wish I could name them, it is against the rules and guidelines for applications. If anyone would like the names of these servers, please feel free to Direct Message me on Discord - avaster#6667.

[1] I have owned my own servers in the past which used to be Military-RP (USA vs Russia) and City-RP (Serious Roleplay). Nearly all of the servers had 64+ concurrent players. I was the only Founder for these servers, which was a lot of hard work and took a lot of dedication to keep up with it all by myself. I managed most of the staff members until I had a Community Supervisor which helped a lot. This person would relay any important information to myself. I would also manage all Senior-Admin+, and any important complaints against SA+.

[2] I used to be a Superadmin on one of the most popular Dark-RP servers 6 years ago (2016) around which easily hit 128 players every single day. Yes, I used to be 12 when I was a superadmin. 2016 was a lot different back then, to now. The server was Semi-Serious and the reason it wasn't as well developed like most servers nowadays is due to 2016 having underdeveloped addons. Everything was pretty new back in 2016. The things I have done on this is specific server from what I remember is making rosters, leading the staff team, doing all of the back work for the server and making sure that the server is ran smoothly, along with a chain of command where everything is relayed to me before the Founder.

[3] I used to be a Senior-Moderator on a current Dark-RP server which is still up today and gets 128 players. I tried to get Admin until I didn't like the ways of the server, so I had resigned on my own accord to move on to other things. I was well respected, and the reason for my resignation was because of higherup poor decision making, along with some poor management and decisions/choices. I believe I did well, and I was on my way to the Admin position until I realised I didn't like the ways of the server.

[4] I used to be a Moderator on one of the most popular SCP-RP servers 4 years ago (2018). I used to be an Area Manager alongside this role, which was very demanding, however I did still have fun and easily micromanaged both of these important roles. The things I would do as staff on this server was very similar to what would happen on CivilGamers but a lot more serious. This server was nearly as serious as servers which run Helix.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

[1] I used to be a Police Superintendant on Arma 3 Roleplay which used to be extremely serious. A lot of what I used to do as a Police Superintendant was adding new policy changes to the police force, assessing the force, changing threat and situational awareness levels depending on how bad terrorism/gangs are rapant in the city (such as high/critical). To say the least- I think Arma 3 is a lot more serious when it comes to 'serious roleplay' compared to Garry's Mod. While being a Police Superintendant, people would follow the chain of command and impose all important information to myself.

[2] I also used to be a Senior Position as a Police Officer in (can't say say server name) Arma 3 Roleplay before it was turned into FiveM (GTA-RP). This included roster work, leading entire police forces, making up new ideas, making sure the entire team has a good standing. I did most of the things as stated above such as suggest risk and situational awareness level changes, along with the chain of command which stated above.

[3] I also used to be hold a high ranking position (equivilent to COM) in the old SCP-RP server (the one mentioned above, which was one of the most popular SCP-RPs at the time) which lead a regiment/team, similar to Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11. It was called SID (SCPs Incident Division). Everything in this department was handpicked by myself, including Recruits. Alongside this MTF Command position, I used to be an Area Manager which was Serious Role (1 Single Whitelist). The Area Manager would overlook the entirety of the facility, similar to Civil Gamers. This was one of the most important roles and did not have Overseers on site, nor did it have Epsilon-11 on site (very lore based).

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

Currently I spend 16 hours active a day on the server.

I have been doing this for nearly 2-3 months.

Why do you want to become a moderator for our server?:

[1] I have a genuine interest with the server which I would like to take a step further to help the community. I enjoy playing the server and I would like to give back to the community by showing off my skills and moderating the server. I have also had a lot of staff experience, I think it is in my nature to just try it out, since I am very used to it due to all of my experience I have had with both Founding servers and also moderating servers, along with leading staff teams and leading other serious RP roles and what-not. I'd like to be given a chance to show off my skills and experience to everyone and hopefully make the server a better place.

[2] Also from my experience, I think this server handles staff matters very well, and I have had great interactions with staff members and the staff team. I would like to be more apart of the community and the staff team. Nearly all staff seem very very friendly which is hard to accomplish from my previous experience as both a Founder and Staff in multiple servers. Most of the time I find that staff could be quite unpleasent which drives away players and the playerbase could crumble because of one single staff member, however from my experience, I haven't met a single staff who has been reckless, which has provided me with an enjoyable player experience.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

[1] I used to own entire servers and lead staff teams such as all information relaying through myself by a Chain of Command, along with always keeping Roster Work up to date, threat levels, recruiting and promoting new Staff/Police Positions for people who were sit for those potisionss. I do believe I have a ton of experience I believe not a lot of people have the privilege to experience. (10 'proper' and non-'irrelevant' servers in all of my 10400+ Hours of GMod. I mentioned 4 above since I don't remember the count and the proper details as I have owned this game for an amazing amount of time).

[2] I've gave a lot of suggestions and ideas for the server. I do believe my creativity would be useful in a higher-up staff position, by making the server a better place by introducing new policies to the staff team and improvements to the staff team. I do currently have a few suggestions for the Staff team which I don't quite know if they're implemented in the policies or not. I also think my past experience could also bring new ideas and improvements to the staff team (if not already implemented into the policies of the staff team)


Final Notes (I am aware of Recruitment Rule 11)

Just wanted to say three things before I conclude my Staff Application

I have gotten permission from Cloak & Cope to post this Application early
I have removed the Steam Groups (from the first application, around 2/3 weeks ago).
I also would like to clear up any possible confusions about maturity. At the moment I currently have 3 hand-picked roles in the server. I personally don't believe I would be holding those trustworthy positions (much less three) if I were immature.

I hope these final notes are adequate enough to clear up anything you could be possibly wondering about myself. ?
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Man of Culture

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 27, 2022

Active nearly every day
Senior position
Past Experience

Stop denying this guy

Daisy Hill

Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2022
One of the most active people on the server
3 Senior Positions
Knows rules well

Deleted member 2482

+MEGA Support

Honestly I believe you one of the best if not the best option for a Moderator, you have tons of experience, you already have a managerial role you are generally a nice guy and so on, I don't see a reason why they keep rejecting you​
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Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2022

Appo would probably be one of the best staff members on the server if he got accepted. The guy's activity and dedication to the server is (literally) unparalleled so big mistake if you deny this app


Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 5, 2021
+ Very Active
+ Always Mature
+ Always Calm
+ Seems to know the rules quite well

DkTnt (Yi-Fu)

Well-known Member
Jun 7, 2022
Neutral to -Support
+ Very good Rule Knowledge
+ Super active

So far all good things, however the reason I am leaning towards -support and neutral is because the interactions I have had with you and what people have said about you, gives off a "sour" vibe. For example, it feels like work to interact with you, I mean this in the least offensive way of course, and you do have a lot of good RP, but as soon as someone breaks a rule or there is a small mistake you try and blow it up. This of course is my own opinion, and it very well could be wrong. I think there could very well be more positives than negatives, but I will keep my opinion as this for now, however I will work to interact and spectate you more this coming week to resubmit my response.


SCP-RP Staff
Jun 20, 2022
This of course is my own opinion, and it very well could be wrong. I think there could very well be more positives than negatives
Hi, thank you for the constructive response

Security Captain can be one of the most stressful jobs as we have to deal the most rowdy people, and I sadly do have to tell off D-Class/Cadets/Security if they do something small wrong, and cadets can sometimes do cadet things.

Same goes with DELCOM, as we have around a 125+ player roster, where we have to lead massive raids and make sure every individual is not messing around (just bare in mind, both of these instances are IC and don't reflect towards OOC)

If you're hinting towards about the Rodent Complaint, I did not want to push for any punishments, and I accepted his apology.

Other than that maybe you should hang around in my Teamspeak
Regards ?
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