[UK] Ben D Brekker Ethics Committee Member Application

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Ben D

Active member
May 11, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143058882
Discord name: Xlaio❤#9327
For how long have you played on CN SCP:
I have started playing in April 30th 2022
V_Time 2 months and 10 days

Character name(s):
Foundation Character name :
Ben D Brekker
Civilian name: Ben D [Brekker]
GOC Character name: Ahmed "Sleeper" Shawarma
What server are you applying for:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

Internal Affairs Ambassador

UNGOC LCPL : https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/uk-ben-d-brekker-goc-application.7989/
Director of intelligence : https://www.civilgamers.com/communi...ker-director-of-intelligence.7564/#post-47687
Intelligence Ambassador : https://www.civilgamers.com/communi...gence-ambassador-application.7474/#post-46853
Ethics committee Assistant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- I have received one kick for lag reduction.
What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why
All right, the reason I wanted to apply for the ethics committee member role is, I believe with my skill and expertise I could provide the required assistance to any department that needs to be assisted. To back up this statement the intelligence department was completely and utterly discouraged and not receiving the love it deserved, I took the time and effort to apply for the Ambassador role, rebuilt the entire department made a new spreadsheet and introduced new ways of training, gave ambassadors the ability to feel that they are doing a job, not just a Clearance level 4 whitelist. Lastly created 7 documents that help intelligence agents or ambassadors during their document writing or duties, a ban guideline to ensure justice when it comes to banning intelligence agents.

Not only that, but I believe I'll contribute to the Ethics Committee by coming up with fresh roleplaying concepts that will help the Ethics Committee continue to stand out to the public. Despite this, there aren't enough roleplaying scenarios, which makes the ethics committee feel less engaged and less frequently participating. Therefore, I believe the Ethics committee should be innovating its own roleplaying scenarios.
What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee
Giving my colleagues the utmost respect and taking the appropriate steps to ensure that questions regarding my integrity have been answered with honesty and with consideration.
Leadership skills
It is advantageous to be approachable and well-liked as a leader—qualities I think are hard to come by—to accept the opinions of your followers and take the necessary steps to accept or reject their requests with the utmost respect, either in denial or acceptance and to be able to punish those who betrayed others' trust and respect in order to maintain harmony and balance within the organization.
Pre-Planning, regardless of what the objective is getting from point A to point B, I tend to procrastinate every expectation of the environmental forces and to ensure certainty whenever a decision is taken. Taking the necessary time to produce a plan instead of rapid decision-making.
Taking the time to organize meetings or tribunals to ensure whoever is participating is aware of what is going on, considering every aspect of limitation before introducing the idea to the masses, and then shocking them without giving them the opportunity to contribute their efforts
Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct
My understanding of the Code of Conduct is as follows, it is a set of rules that are made to ensure that quality and professionalism between foundation personnel are met, and if these are not met then they will be held accountable for violating the Code of Conduct.

The Code of Ethics, however, is made to ensure that all acts meet humanitarian standards within the foundation’s personnel, it is above all, and it is expected for everyone and anyone (regardless of rank and position) to follow it. Any violation of The Code of Ethics is either going to result in an arrest or it is going to consequence of holding the violation under the person’s name and it will become a permanent record. They eventually will be called for a tribunal which will lead to either a demotion in place, punishment, or overall, a ban from their job.
Writing documents may be entertaining at times, especially when they give a fresh possibility for roleplaying that is practical and enjoyable to use. I have produced three documents for the ethics committee. One of the documents added a new responsibility for the Ethics Assistant, describing the need to collect data or information from site personnel at random to determine whether departments are adhering to the code of ethics. Although I do think I have some knowledge in it, and with my experience, I could offer excellent document writing talents for any circumstance that would call for them.

To whom is interested in viewing my documents. I'll provide a link to my top three documents.

Example of my work: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nZeXVxcn6yvq_u2wEETfHC32h4Zic9TTQ6xOlcPg09o/edit?usp=sharing
Automating Google sheet documents
Providing the appropriate google sheet documents, that may assist the ethics committee in regard to tracking the performance, of departments that are overseen by the Ethics committee to ensure that certain aspects that are not overseen especially during the time of Ethics committee members are not on site they could refer to the google sheet to see if individuals are participating in their duties and keeping track of whom may be eligible for promotion to a director to his contributions regarding his department instead of having the perception of time as the only aspect that may give them the eligibility of consideration of promotion.

Example of my work: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...MXLXmR4trNLzOJKnauirHkblVs/edit#gid=538538393
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP
Taking the time and effort to read and understand the objectives of the individual that is requesting the authorization, taking the time and understanding of the impact that it may cause to roleplay, and if it is out of the ordinary or may result in mass murder, anything that will contradict the code of ethics should be reconsidered or rejected, before giving authorization.

For example, Giving the authorization to raid the Chaos insurgency base / Global occult coloration and taking the time to plan with individuals before handing out authorization is necessary and should result in common ground with whom is involved to increase the chances of victory. Another example would be the 008-cross test with 049, it should meet logical standards the combat power should be available and handled by biohazard individuals, and individuals that don’t hold any biohazardous equipment shouldn’t be involved in the research instead of waiting outside the 008 chambers as a backup squad if anything goes wrong.

In summary, if authorization is granted, it should be well considered, and if anything goes wrong, the one who granted it should have given it the careful consideration that it required and will be held accountable if something goes horribly wrong.
We are supposed to be present whenever we are requested, either by deploying an Ethics assistant to comprehend the problem or, if necessary, by meeting with the person who is requiring ethics. To maintain stable connections inside the foundation and a proper connection with foundation personnel, if something goes wrong or appears out of the norm, they should be questioned on their decisions if they contradict the code of ethics and held accountable. Although the ethics committee should supply the essential knowledge to those who want it, it is to ensure that they are kept in the loop and are not discouraged or disregarded at all times and to keep the foundation functioning properly and effectively
We are expected to give the proper commanding stance over the foundation, to ensure the site is running smoothly as possible. Giving commands to personnel within the foundation the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct should be considered before any action is given to assure that the Code of Ethics and the Code of Conduct are enforced by the foundation personnel.
Giving the proper judgment to any case, before acting upon it having facts that are enforced by logic that are properly constructed to ensure certainty and discourage uncertainty being of the high standing position we are expected to be the last resort of the foundation chain of command companying the Consul. If any judgment is handed out it should be discussed with the Committee Members and if needed to be the Consul as well.
We are expected to deploy Omega-1 if needed to be, to either assist with foundation troubles or to act as private investigators for individuals that are expected to be breaking the Code of Ethics, to gather the proper evidence for a tribunal.
What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP
Together with the O5 Consul members, the Ethics Committee helps each department run smoothly and makes sure that any issues that might not seem appropriate are handled through announcements. In Addition, any decision taken will be addressed with the directors or CL4 personnel to ensure order and less confusion.

Applications that are handled by the Ethics committee
  • Ethics Committee Assistant
  • Director of Medicine
  • Ethics Committee Member (Giving Votes)
Joint Applications that are decided by both the Ethics committee and the O5 Consul
  • Director of Internal Affairs

Finally, The Ethics Committee evaluates each department's overall performance monthly and also hosts meetings with the departments to hear their grievances and keep them in consideration. The committee is responsible for announcing changes to The Code of Ethics to the entire foundation. They are required to write documents that the director of ethics demands or that is generally necessary. They oversee gathering the evidence that is presented to a tribunal by accusers, victims, or witnesses by deploying Omega-1.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in
Ben, the name I was given by my fourth stepmom at the time, four? Four families, four houses, four foster houses, four…

It stuck with me, the number 4, why? one might ask, I will take you on a journey that will show you that 4 is not just a number it’s a way of living and the reason of my existence.

Ben D was born on 19**/Feb/1st, on a stormy night his birth-mother was rushed to the hospital to deliver a very risky pregnancy. Ben D’s coming through had always included hardships even before birth, his mom died while delivering him leaving him alone no father figure, no siblings, no one to connect to, which made him a target by the government since they can test on him and train him without anyone acknowledging his disappearance.

He was in what he thought to be a foster care facility up until he reached the age of 9, he was tested on, tortured, and extensively put through hell. When the researchers found him to be of no use, they ditched him at an actual and real foster home, he couldn’t speak, write, his name at the time was Four, or to be specific Subject D-Four. He had no understanding of human connection, what love is, food is, or emotions are…

After being fostered by 3 families, it finally all aligned, the fourth family, the Brekkers adopted him, his mother Denise Brekker was a well-known scientist, his dad was a very discreet activist or known as Bill Brekker. Denise knew of Ben D’s history, how he was experimented on, she didn’t want to take advantage of that, she wanted to help him through the aftermath, since she was the main reason he was researched on in the first place, Denise was the scientist that published a research about how OCD can be used as a weapon and injected into humans. She felt guilty, and wanted to redeem herself by raising Subject D-Four, or now known as Ben D.
At the age of 25, Ben D has already graduated to follow his mother’s footsteps and become a scientist, for his thesis he had to travel to many several countries to test his theories. Ben is about to take a step that changes his life, and change his life forever, he went to Puerto Rico on an aircraft that is an object of testing, in fact every person on that aircraft, Boeing 444, was about to go through life changing events. After the plane landed, they all started experiencing telepathy, except for Ben D, who was immune, he was the main reason of that experiment after all. He dedicated his life to solve that mystery, but because he was poking a lot at it, he was picked to join the site-65, the foundation that he was speculating about, he got recruited by the intelligence department as an Intel agent for his expertise. What he didn’t expect was seeing his father Bill Brekker in a glimpse of skin shifting, he thought he was dreaming, as if his childhood is all happening again.

During Ben D Brekker as an intelligence agent, he showed great performance and devotion towards the intelligence department and was given a promotion to become an Intelligence ambassador, during his times as an intelligence ambassador he worked hard with NU-7 regiment by combining intelligence duties with NU-7 duties which helped both departments in negotiation and gathering the required intel to prevent any mishaps. Although ben d worked really hard as an Intelligence Ambassador, he had a great ambition to become a director of intelligence.

One day, the director of intelligence, died from a Chaos Insurgency raid on the foundation. Ben D was devastated by the news regarding his director passing away and was quite sad about it. Ben D had to fill a big shoe as an ambassador due to his director’s death he had to train and meet with other departments and act as a director. The O-5 Consul saw his devotion to his job and promoted him as the new director of intelligence. While Ben D Brekker was receiving his promotion he saw his father come up to him and congratulate him on his promotion and he told him “ I’m proud of you son “ – Bill brekker.
During the time of Ben D as the director of intelligence, he managed to contribute his efforts towards the chaos insurgency by gathering information that assisted the foundation and getting rid of information leaks. His brilliant planning and calibration efforts resulted in the deterioration of his mental health. Ben D experienced the worst from the Chaos insurgency and saw his agent’s heads being delivered to his office with a note that said, “You are next” Ben D wasn’t scared and kept on fighting those scumbags, he came back with victories destroying all the information that has been leaked by the during the chaos insurgency infiltrations. Ben D created multiple operations that resulted in successful contributions to the foundation’s health. But there is one operation that he didn’t log. And wasn’t successful.
**Intelligence Director’s Computer turned on

Site 65 Intelligence

** $ ~ USERNAME: FoundationUser29

** $ ~ PASSWORD: Ben1232

"Access Granted, welcome back Intelligence Director"

** C:\> CD Ben_D_Brekker

** C:\Ben_D_Brekker> TREE

** -> Family pictures / Important documents / Agents Roaster / Operations / CAT PICTURES / Evidence ***** / Chaos Investigations / Do not open

** C:\ Ben_D_Brekker> CD Do_not_open

** C:\ Ben_D_Brekker> LS

** -> SHA254 Encrypted Folder Titled “02914a557a8d299c655f3bc554520df054d1925ffe2304aabc1aa3d0fb5c6928”

** C:\ Ben_D_Brekker\Do_not_open> type “02914a557a8d299c655f3bc554520df054d1925ffe2304aabc1aa3d0fb5c6928”

** Access Denied

** C:\ Ben_D_Brekker\Do_not_open> run SHA256_Cracker

** Session ……: hashcat

** Status……: Cracked

** Hash.Name ……: Sha2-256

** Guess.Mask……. : ?1?2?2?2?2?2

** Recovered……. : 1/1 (100%) digests

** Started: Wed May 6 21:30:52 |||||

** Stopped: Wed May 6 22:30:43 |||||

** C:\ Ben_D_Brekker\Do_not_open> echo encrypted.hash

**Decrypted Folder_name “My only Mistake” Folder_Password “Ilikecats123”

** cd my_only_mistake

** Password: **********

** Access Granted, Welcome back $%*!@*#($&%^!*@

** C:\ Ben_D_Brekker\Do_not_open\My_only_Mistake> ls

** OperationEaglefang.exe

** C:\ Ben_D_Brekker\Do_not_open\My_only_Mistake> run “OperationEaglefang.exe”
Title: Operation Eagle fang.

Contents: The aim of the operation is to retrieve a classified document that has come across one of my intelligence agents, the document was out of anyone’s belief, and I wanted to see it by myself although I did believe my agent I still Amnesties him to ensure he doesn’t leak any of this. I made up a story and told the Site-director that the chaos insurgency they have acquired an 008 document that entails “How to weaponize SCP-008”, the site director sadly, believed me and therefore authorized the raid, brought everyone to the debriefing then we proceeded into raiding the CI base during the time of the briefing I told the individuals that are involved in the operation to open up the meeting room that is hidden being a clearance level 4 door, I had enough information that leads us to that area. When they opened the door and told them to stay outside and guard me while I retrieve the destroy leaked information, during that time, I went through their leaked info, and I discovered that the foundation holds a nuke in case of a code black and the message entails “For the greater good of humanity” with a detailed summary of the location of the nuke and it’s used. I took the document out of the chaos insurgency database, made my way out of their base destroyed the objective of the operation leaked information.

** End of File
Operation Eagle Fang came to be another success story for the foundation. And Ben D was accommodated for his hard efforts and rewarded by site command for his bravery. Ben D was widely known within the foundation after his successes, although some may say it was his success arc sadly it isn’t the information Ben D obtained during the operation, that made him go crazy he kept his mouth shut and didn’t tell anyone about the nuke or anything related to that matter because he was scared to put his life at risk by the higherups, one day a Civilian came inside the infiltrated the foundation because he saw his brother fall down a tube and he wanted to save him, Ben D wasn’t feel good that day but he was called by the Site-director to deal with the civilian issue and interrogate him, Ben D interrogated that civilian found out the civilian knew nothing of what is going on. One of the Internal Affairs agents was watching Ben D’s interrogating skills and he noticed that Ben D wasn’t speaking in a professional matter and kept on screaming at the poor civilian, then ben d pulled his gun out and shot the civilian dead. The Internal Affairs agent, couldn’t arrest ben d due to his high status within the foundation the internal affairs agent then said to ben d Sir, why did you do that. Ben D said, “I felt like it.”, the Internal Affairs agent then reported it to ethics for violating the code of ethics 1.09 Unethical termination of Civilians.
Date was set, tribunal against the director of intelligence Ben D Brekker, The tribunal was a difficult case for Ben D, due to the fact the evidence that was against him was, without a doubt would put him in the guilty state. Although Ben D wanted to fight the case that was built against him instead he just waited for the tribunal.

Tribunal date, CL4 personal Site Administration and Site Command observing and watching the demise of the great Ben D Brekker, While Ben D was waiting for the judge, his lawyer advised him not to speak during the trial in the hopes to minimize the punishment, Ben D then see’s his father Bill – Brekker Walk in, sitting as the judge with no bias stance against Ben D. Ben D said to himself “He looks quite disappointed of me”, The Eye witness presented his case to the judge against the defended Ben D claiming that he has broken the Code of conduct general variable abuse and code of ethics termination of civilian the judge “Father” then proceeded into saying how do you plead Ben d’s lawyer said not guilty after 1 hour of constant despite Ben D got fed up and stood up saying “I plead guilty of all charges”, although the case seemed in favor of Ben D, his honesty got to him and didn’t want to lie to his friends that he made along the way and especially his father. Then Ben D was sentenced to solitary for 30 days, and a psych evaluation during that time.

Psych evaluation, during that time Ben D was taking notes of his mistake and tried to be the best of his behavior, time passed Ben D returned to his original state healthy and ready to do his duties, when he was in solitary the ethics committee took note of his amazing progress towards bettering himself and respecting the honor of the code and his mannerism towards others. Ben D receives a call from the ethics committee as soon as he was recommitted to his position.


Unknown Caller – Hello, we apologize for interrupting you. We have observed you grow intellectually, and we were so satisfied with your progress that we have decided to make you our new future candidate for the Ethics Committee.

Hello, I'm not sure what to say other than thank you for giving me this opportunity and helping me to grow as a person.

Unknown Caller – We'll get in touch with you shortly, Seek our response.

*Call ends*
Last edited:

'Delta-7' LadBaby2006

Active member
Nov 3, 2022
Not seen you round much - as I am new - however, your application is stunning and goes over all the key points. You have shown immense dedication towards your previous roles - by the seems of it - and to this potential role you may hold. I hope you get this man, seem like the right person for this high end role.
- Johnny 'Delta-7' Livingstone
  • Love
Reactions: Ben D


Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022
+Neutral slightly leaning towards -support.
+Good Conversationalist.

-Was recently found guilty in a tribunal, where he was found killing civillians.
Hi Ben D, I have to leave this down because applying for a position that determines what is right to do, and whats not right to do after gunning a civillian down is a bad idea. I am willing to have a talk with you to perhaps change my opinion.

Ben D

Active member
May 11, 2022
+Neutral slightly leaning towards -support.
+Good Conversationalist.

-Was recently found guilty in a tribunal, where he was found killing civillians.
Hi Ben D, I have to leave this down because applying for a position that determines what is right to do, and whats not right to do after gunning a civillian down is a bad idea. I am willing to have a talk with you to perhaps change my opinion.
One month ago. not recent although I understand your concern you are just misinformed.


Well-known Member
Aug 17, 2022

Ben is one of the most active, professional and nicest person I've ever seen on G-mod servers. He deserves this role very much. Also, the lore is insanely good. He might have had a slip up a few weeks ago, but everyone deserves a second chance. :)
Mar 20, 2022
Untitled (3) (5).png

The Ethics Committee Verdict Report
REGARDING: Ben D's application for a position on The Ethics Committee.
Thank you for showing your interest as a member of the Ethics Committee, the committee is in agreeance that you are not yet suited to be on The Ethics Committee. Please contact me for feedback but one bit of public advice is to look into ECA/Site Administration before making this jump.

Signed and Approved
Broda Kagen

Director of the Ethics Committee​
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