[UK] Broda's SGM Resignation Appeal

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Name: Broda
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24655601
Previous Rank: Senior Game Master
Date of resignation?: 15/08/2023
Why did you resign?:
Due to some IRL issues, which I won't disclose here (More than happy to privately with whoever deals with this), it caused me to leave half way through my notice period.
Prior to this resignation , have you ever been demoted or resigned?: No
Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?: Never
Why should you return / why can you now commit to being staff again?:
I enjoyed running the event chains I did and the quality of the events I produced within the GM team never went unnoticed. I did enjoy creating scenarios and storylines which engaged many players on every level. During my time as GM, I was very active and never unwilling to not go the extra mile with anything. This ranged from offering to do the activity check for Event Team lead, as i knew the pressure they were under and I know doing this enables a healthy team. Alongside this, I offered to do mentoring and produced a very high quality report for my mentees at the time.

I can commit time again as the issues to which I'll disclose privately, have been addressed and sorted a lot quicker than anticipated.
Feb 24, 2023

Brodas events have always been incredible, he was a phenomenal mentor within the team and I think it would be an absolute shame to not have him back on the squad.


Civil Gamers Expert
May 19, 2022
I'm going to be real here, I dont have plans for returnal for this server any time i soon, but it still houses a place in my heart, and therefore i want it to always remain in its top spot, Broda here is essential to roleplay and server health in my complete opinion, without him, the server will take a massive stab to the abdomen for its health. Let him return to his position of keeping the server at its #1 spot


Active member
Sep 20, 2022
Everything I want to say has been said.
If you deny this man i'll deck you IRL.


Well-known Member
Feb 4, 2023
+ Support

As my OG mentor for the GM team, I have to say Broda was the most helpful and kind GM I've worked with for a long time. And not only is he the creator of one of the most iconic event chains we've seen so far, but he's also had a big hand in a number of other events.

Truthfully, I doubt there is any person who could understate the effect and value he brought to the GM team, and from the goals he explained to me, I truly believe he is a driving force of RP and cooperation within the GM team.

God speed my bald friend.
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